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Created June 12, 2020 12:14
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Standard Chartered Bank Singapore Credit Card CSV download cleaner
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sys
# Create a Dataframe from CSV
df = pd.read_csv(sys.argv[1], thousands = ',', delimiter = ',', skiprows = 4, low_memory = False, keep_default_na = False)
# Cleaning: (1) Drop "Unposted" (2) Remove nonsense entries at the bottom (3) Remove "SG" from all Desc
df.Date = df.Date.str.strip()
df = df[~df.DESCRIPTION.str.contains("UNPOSTED")]
df['DESCRIPTION'] = df['DESCRIPTION'].str.replace('Singapore SG', '', case = False).str.strip()
df = df[:-6]
# Change CR & DR to positive or negative numbers and dtype to float
df['sign'] = np.where(df['SGD Amount'].str.contains("CR", na = False), '', '-')
df['figure'] = df['SGD Amount'].str.extract('(\d*\.\d+|\d+)')
df['num'] = (df.sign + df.figure)
# Spilt Foreign Currency Amount into different columns because I don't know how to swap values in a string
new = df["Foreign Currency Amount"].str.split(" ", n = 1, expand = True)
df["ccy"]= new[0]
df["amt"]= new[1]
# Add “@@” syntax to specify the total cost in foreign currency
df['cost_flag'] = np.where(df['amt'].isnull(), '', ' @@')
# All together now, creating tag for icsv2ledger
df["FCY"] = df["cost_flag"] + " " + df["amt"] + " " + df["ccy"]
# Write to file
df.to_csv('clean_' + sys.argv[1], index = False, float_format = '%.2f', encoding = 'utf-8')
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