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Created August 24, 2009 17:33
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// We're going to pick on Mad Service today. If you had a hand in writing this once upon a time, do not fret.
// This isn't accusation or finger-poiniting -- I see everyone's name all over this code, including my own, which
// makes it a nice target.
// This code just needs some tenderness. Let's cook it a hot bowl of soup and play some soft Jazz.
// Step zero! Does the class name make any sense?
public MadServiceImpl {
// ...
// Shishir asks: "What's a Mad?"
// Shishir could very well be the next developer to join our project (or any other project, for that matter).
// Make it easy for him... don't use abbreviations unless they're so core to the business they're used everywhere.
// ...even then, reconsider.
// In the case of Member Appreciation Discount, it's NOT core to the business so we can't abbreviate it in code.
public MemberAppreciationDiscountServiceImpl {
// ...
// That's better. Always use the domain language. IntelliJ and Eclipse type for you anyway, so what do you care?
// Step one... find that dirty method.
public boolean checkEligibility(Customer customer, GymPass familyPass) {
if (!familyPass.belongsTo(ProductGroupInternalIdentifier.familyPassProductGroups())) {
return true;
boolean validEmployeeStatus = validateEmployeeStatus(customer.primaryAffiliation());
boolean doesntHaveOverlappingPasses = validEmployeeStatus
&& transactionService.getPassOverlappingMonths(customer, familyPass.getEffectiveBeginDate(),
familyPass.getEffectiveEndDate()).size() == 0;
boolean doesntHaveMad = doesntHaveOverlappingPasses && !hasMadForPassEffectiveDates(customer, familyPass);
return doesntHaveMad && (familyPassDao.retrieveFamilyPass(customer, familyPass.getEffectiveBeginDate(),
familyPass.getEffectiveEndDate()) == null);
// Whew. A doozy.
// Shishir asks: "Is... uh, THIS... how you write all your domain rules?"
// I cough.
// There's more. That method has buddies.
private boolean validateEmployeeStatus(Affiliation affiliation) {
if (affiliation instanceof Employee) {
Employee employee = (Employee) affiliation;
return new MadEligibilityValidator(addressExclusionDao, clock).validEmployeeStatus(employee.getEmployeeStatus());
return true;
public boolean hasMadForGymPassEffectiveDates(Customer customer, GymPass pass) {
List<DateRange> dateRanges = FiscalYear.getFiscalYearsBetweenDates(pass.getEffectiveBeginDate(),
DateTime passBeginDateWithDayOfMonthAsFirstDayOfMonth = pass.getEffectiveBeginDate().withDayOfMonth(1).toDateTimeAtStartOfDay();
DateTime passEndDateWithDayOfMonthAsLastDayOfMonth = pass.getEffectiveEndDate().dayOfMonth().withMaximumValue().toDateTimeAtStartOfDay();
for (DateRange dateRange : dateRanges) {
MemberAppreciationDiscount discount = getMad(customer, dateRange);
if (discount == null)
List<LocalDate> enrolledMonths = discount.getEnrolledMonthsAsDates();
for (LocalDate enrolledLocalDate : enrolledMonths) {
Interval overlappingInterval = new Interval(passBeginDateWithDayOfMonthAsFirstDayOfMonth, passEndDateWithDayOfMonthAsLastDayOfMonth).overlap(enrolledLocalDate.toInterval());
if (overlappingInterval != null)
return true;
return false;
public MemberAppreciationDiscount getMad(Customer customer, DateRange fiscalYear) {
return madDao.retrieveByCustomerAndMadYear(customer, fiscalYear);
// That's a lot of method for one little tiny service. When I picked this to chop up I didn't think I had quite so much
// work ahead of me. Nice job, Steve. Sigh.
// Can you spot the pain points?
// How about the fact that only one of those 3 methods is private? Even a private method can be consumed here at home
// (in MadServiceImpl, that is) ...but once she's public we're in for a world of pain. Also, why the heck is our public method
// calling another public method in the same class? Can you tell me which is MORE public? (One of them has to be.) I have no idea.
// I've said this a few times now, but remember: It's not as if one public method calling another public method is WRONG... or even BAD.
// Enums aren't wrong or bad.
// Booleans aren't wrong or bad.
// Ifs aren't wrong or bad.
// Switches aren't wrong or bad.
// Statics aren't wrong or bad.
// Singletons aren't wrong or bad.
// Inheritance isn't wrong or bad.
// Those things aren't wrong. They're not bad. THEY'RE SCARY AS HELL AND SMELL LIKE A BUM. Maybe you'll want to do these things sometime,
// but remember someone else has to smell that bum once you're done with it. There are plenty of smelly things about one public
// method consuming another public method on the same class, but chances are good you just need a new kind of object.
// I'll skip a step here and tell you that's our problem in this method.
// Stop. Get a beer. Make that object.
// What else scares you about this code? You have 5 seconds to tell me! Quick!
// Quicker!!!
// Time's up! Here they are:
// 1. transactionService
// 2. familyPassDao
// 3. addressExclusionDao
// 4. clock
// 5. madDao
// 6. logger (doesn't really count, since it doesn't need to be there)
// Damn. How'd we find all those out in less than 5 seconds? Were you reading the code top-to-bottom? You're a fast reader.
// How do slow readers like me have to do it?
// ...the same way we extract one object from another (which, at the end of the day, is what we're doing here): static.
// Temporarily mark all your offending methods with static and see what blows up. Other instance methods will show up (which you
// then must also mark as static), and fields will show up (which you have to deal with differently).
// Sometimes I'm convinced the only reason they put 'static' in Java was to find bad code. It's pretty much useless for anything
// else. Is there some cool trick we can do with 'switch' that could justify its existance?
// Step two... find that filthy test.
public void testShouldCheckIfCustomerHasMadForPassEffectiveDates() {
// ...
// It appears to be testing 5 full scenarios, which would be decent coverage for a service method if it weren't so
// gargantuan. Whoever wrote this test-of-tests had a lot more energy than I do.
// Service tests are a lot of work and we're programmers... we hate work!
// POINT 17A, SUBPOINT 4: Good Programmers Are Lazy[TM]. (See:
// POINT 04R, SUBPOINT 6: Good Programmers Read ALL of All the good books are written, and it's not a secret it's
// all on c2 alrady. Plus, if there happens to be a book out there you still want to read, will
// probably reference it somewhere.
// Okay, whatever. Shut up, Steve! Get to the point! Anyway.
// Let's take a look at the test, then refactor the test before we hit the code.
public void testShouldCheckIfCustomerHasMadForPassEffectiveDates() {
Set<MonthEnum> enrolledMonths = new HashSet<MonthEnum>(Arrays.asList(MonthEnum.JAN, MonthEnum.FEB, MonthEnum.DEC));
final DateRange dateRange = new DateRange(2007, 2008);
MadYear madYear = MadYear.createForTests(enrolledMonths, dateRange);
final MemberAppreciationDiscount discount = new MemberAppreciationDiscountBuilder().madYear(madYear).toMemberAppreciationDiscount();
GymPass longTermFamilyPass = FamilyPassFixture.createLongTermFamilyPass("123");
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.JULY, 1).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.JANUARY, 1).date());
Employee employee = new Employee();
employee.setEmployeeStatus("Leave Of Absence");
Customer customer = new CustomerBuilder().affiliation(employee).toCustomer();
assertFalse(madService.checkEligibility(customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
mockery.checking(new Expectations() {
.getPassOverlappingMonths(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)));
will(returnValue(new ArrayList()));
exactly(6).of(madDaoMock).retrieveByCustomerAndMadYear(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(DateRange.class)));
one(familyPassDaoMock).retrieveFamilyPass(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)));
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.JULY, 1).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.JANUARY, 1).date());
assertFalse(madService.checkEligibility(this.customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.JULY, 1).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.NOVEMBER, 30).date());
assertTrue(madService.checkEligibility(this.customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.FEBRUARY, 28).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.AUGUST, 31).date());
assertFalse(madService.checkEligibility(this.customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.MARCH, 2).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2009, DateTimeConstants.AUGUST, 31).date());
assertFalse(madService.hasMadForPassEffectiveDates(this.customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
// Wait... did you go read yet? All of it? Really? Even the dialogues between Kent Beck, Martin Fowler and Ward Cunningham?
// (It was a live wiki, edited by the rockstars of the industry, once upon a time.)
// I don't believe you. Go back and find more to read.
// test refactoring step #1... what's wrong with the test name?
// Should Check If Customer Has Mad For Pass Effective Dates
// Could the customer read this? does it describe intent? does it tell you about the example you, as a developer, can read
// inside the test? does it tell you a success or a failure condition?
// Not so much. Let's re-word it.
public testCustomerShouldBeEligibleForMemberAppreciationDiscountIfItOverlapsWithAPassHeHolds() {
// ...
// this, of course, becomes:
// Customer should be eligible for Member Appreciation Discount if it overlaps with a pass he holds.
// Your tests are many things:
// - They are an example of how the next developer (including yourself) should consume your code.
// - They are a specification. At the end of the project (heck, at the end of each iteration) you should be comfortable sending
// a text file with a list of test names (humanized, of course) to your customer and your customer should agree with everything
// you've written.
// - They are TESTS. A test doesn't prove anything, but it does tell you that for one very particular scenario, your code probably works.
// - They are CODE. You'll write bad tests as often as you'll write bad code. Since all code is bad, you'd better make darn sure your
// tests are simple, small, and readable. Inside and out.
// - They are the only confidence you, as a developer, should have in your code. Whether it's an acceptance test script written by a QA
// (manual or automated) or the world's tiniest unit test, this is your starting point. Without tests, the only assumption you can
// reasonably make about your code is that it doesn't work. This is why you should love your QAs. QAs are developers, and they're
// doing the only job that lets you sleep at night.
// - They are a central point of conversation. When your story fails BA volleyball, you should know exactly which test you need to
// check to determine where the faulty code lies. Read the test names out to the BA! S/he should know exactly what you're talking
// about -- particularly at such a high level as a service test. Tests have nothing to do with programming. They have everything
// to do with the business, and I hear BAs are pretty good at that stuff.
// Then show the BA your code. If s/he can't read it, you've screwed up. Code is not for computers, it's for humans.
// Write every line of code with the next person in mind, not the computer.
// Think about that for a minute. You JUST played that story. If your BA, who knows the story inside and out, can't read your code,
// what makes you think the next developer (who knows nothing about the story you just played) will understand your code?
// Seriously. Have you read yet? All of it? Don't read another blog until you've read all of c2. These days, every
// developer blog you find is just some 30-year-old Ruby-writing doofus telling you what c2 and smalltalk and lisp could have
// told you 10 years ago. Go read it, dammit.
// Okay, now that we have a name for our first extracted test, let's pour the cupcake batter into the tray.
public void testCustomerShouldBeEligibleForMemberAppreciationDiscountIfItOverlapsWithAPassHeHolds() {
// delete this shiznoz:
// Set<MonthEnum> enrolledMonths = new HashSet<MonthEnum>(Arrays.asList(MonthEnum.JAN, MonthEnum.FEB, MonthEnum.DEC));
// final DateRange dateRange = new DateRange(2007, 2008);
// MadYear madYear = MadYear.createForTests(enrolledMonths, dateRange);
// final MemberAppreciationDiscount discount = new MemberAppreciationDiscountBuilder().madYear(madYear).toMemberAppreciationDiscount();
GymPass longTermFamilyPass = FamilyPassFixture.createLongTermFamilyPass("123");
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.JULY, 1).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.JANUARY, 1).date());
Employee employee = new Employee();
employee.setEmployeeStatus("Leave Of Absence");
Customer customer = new CustomerBuilder().affiliation(employee).toCustomer();
assertFalse(madService.checkEligibility(customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
// Mmm! That was easy! All we had to do was copy everything up to the first assert. And we can delete that MemberAppreciationDiscount
// object, since it's not used in this test. See? Things are getting cleaner already. Just in case you're not sure what I mean
// by "cleaner":
// POINT 32X, SUBPOINT orange: [ Deleting code == hooray! ]
// You've made a change. What's next? (That was a hint.)
// You know it. Run those tests, boss. If you're not sure whether you should run your tests... run them. If you change
// something, no matter how small, run them. Keep your grass green as much of the time as you can. The society grooming committee
// will be around any day now and you don't want to be caught with a sun-scorched lawn.
// Taking another look at this test (and the corresponding code), it looks like it should be hitting a DAO or something... I'm not sure
// how it's bailing out of the called method so early. I decided to debug it -- guess what I found?
// Well, paint me orange and call me sweet! I had no idea! The code returns false because of this code:
public boolean validEmployeeStatus(String employeeStatus) {
// ... some other crap
// more crap
// I guess this line in the test was more important than I thought: employee.setEmployeeStatus("Leave Of Absence");
// Lessons learned from this one? Don't just guess at the test. Whether you're cleaning up an older test or working with code under
// a nice clean test, make sure you understand what the test is testing. If it's not testing anything, delete it.
// Obvious examples of "not testing anything" include:
// 1) <expected> is the same object as <actual>
// 2) there are no asserts or mock expectations
// 3) there are no asserts and the developer who wrote the test didn't comment it to declare he only wanted to test a mock's expectations
// 4) the test code looks freakishly similar to the code under test
// ... I'm sure you can think of plenty others.
// Anyway. Our test is now:
public testEmployeeShouldBeIneligibleForMemberAppreciationDiscountIfHeIsOnALeaveOfAbsence()
// or An Employee should be ineligible for Member Appreciation Discount if she is on a leave of absence.
// I think our client would be pleased to know we're testing this acceptance criteria so directly. Her only complaint might be that the
// sentence isn't sexually neutral ('he or she', 's/he', or any other politically correct silliness). But I think we can live with that.
// Okay, now onto the mocks. This is where things get fun.
public void testShouldCheckIfCustomerHasMadForPassEffectiveDates() {
// ...
mockery.checking(new Expectations() {
.getPassOverlappingMonths(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)));
will(returnValue(new ArrayList()));
exactly(6).of(madDaoMock).retrieveByCustomerAndMadYear(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(DateRange.class)));
one(familyPassDaoMock).retrieveFamilyPass(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)));
// gym pass 1
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.JULY, 1).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.JANUARY, 1).date());
assertFalse(madService.checkEligibility(this.customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
// gym pass 2
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.JULY, 1).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.NOVEMBER, 30).date());
assertTrue(madService.checkEligibility(this.customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
// gym pass 3
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.FEBRUARY, 28).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.AUGUST, 31).date());
assertFalse(madService.checkEligibility(this.customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
// gym pass 4
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.MARCH, 2).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2009, DateTimeConstants.AUGUST, 31).date());
assertFalse(madService.hasMadForPassEffectiveDates(this.customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
// Whoa, whoa. "exactly(6)"? What in the name of backwards-paddling canoes...? If you're setting up mocks for multiple asserts,
// you have a pretty clear indication something is wrong with your test. It's fairly obvious, but I've marked up the offending
// asserts with '// gym pass N'. These dudes need to spend a little less time together. By the time we get around to refactoring
// MaaaaaadServiceImpl, we won't have the first clue what's going on in this test if it breaks.
// You know what to do here. Cut those 4 passes, and their respective asserts, into appropriately-sized tests:
public void testShouldCheckIfCustomerHasMadForPassEffectiveDates4() {
Set<MonthEnum> enrolledMonths = new HashSet<MonthEnum>(Arrays.asList(MonthEnum.JAN, MonthEnum.FEB, MonthEnum.DEC));
final DateRange dateRange = new DateRange(2007, 2008);
MadYear madYear = MadYear.createForTests(enrolledMonths, dateRange);
final MemberAppreciationDiscount discount = new MemberAppreciationDiscountBuilder().madYear(madYear).toMemberAppreciationDiscount();
GymPass longTermFamilyPass = FamilyPassFixture.longTermFamilyPass("123");
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.JULY, 1).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.JANUARY, 1).date());
mockery.checking(new Expectations() {
exactly(2).of(madDaoMock).retrieveByCustomerAndMadYear(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(DateRange.class)));
// gym pass 4
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.MARCH, 2).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2009, DateTimeConstants.AUGUST, 31).date());
assertFalse(madService.hasMadForPassEffectiveDates(this.customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
// I'm starting at the bottom, because it's the most interesting. This test is covering hasMadForPassEffectiveDates() while
// the others are covering checkEligibility(). Uh... yuck. The next time you see this, slap the person who wrote it. Hard.
// What if you're tempted to add an assert to a test that's already there? Slap yourself. Hard.
// What if the assert you're adding is for the same method, like the other 4 calls?
// Slap yourself. Really hard.
// You ARE allowed to have multiple asserts per test. But DO NOT call the object under test more than once. If you're adding
// more than one assert to a test, ask yourself why. Every time. Chances are there's probably a smaller, simpler test you could write.
// Alright, now on to the less interesting guys:
public void testShouldCheckIfCustomerHasMadForPassEffectiveDates1() {
Set<MonthEnum> enrolledMonths = new HashSet<MonthEnum>(Arrays.asList(MonthEnum.JAN, MonthEnum.FEB, MonthEnum.DEC));
final DateRange dateRange = new DateRange(2007, 2008);
MadYear madYear = MadYear.createForTests(enrolledMonths, dateRange);
final MemberAppreciationDiscount discount = new MemberAppreciationDiscountBuilder().madYear(madYear).toMemberAppreciationDiscount();
GymPass longTermFamilyPass = FamilyPassFixture.createLongTermFamilyPass("123");
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.JULY, 1).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.JANUARY, 1).date());
mockery.checking(new Expectations() {
.getPassOverlappingMonths(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)));
will(returnValue(new ArrayList()));
exactly(1).of(madDaoMock).retrieveByCustomerAndMadYear(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(DateRange.class)));
// gym pass 1
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.JULY, 1).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.JANUARY, 1).date());
assertFalse(madService.checkEligibility(this.customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
public void testShouldCheckIfCustomerHasMadForPassEffectiveDates2() {
Set<MonthEnum> enrolledMonths = new HashSet<MonthEnum>(Arrays.asList(MonthEnum.JAN, MonthEnum.FEB, MonthEnum.DEC));
final DateRange dateRange = new DateRange(2007, 2008);
MadYear madYear = MadYear.createForTests(enrolledMonths, dateRange);
final MemberAppreciationDiscount discount = new MemberAppreciationDiscountBuilder().madYear(madYear).toMemberAppreciationDiscount();
GymPass longTermFamilyPass = FamilyPassFixture.createFamilyPass("123");
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.JULY, 1).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.JANUARY, 1).date());
mockery.checking(new Expectations() {
.getPassOverlappingMonths(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)));
will(returnValue(new ArrayList()));
exactly(2).of(madDaoMock).retrieveByCustomerAndMadYear(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(DateRange.class)));
one(familyPassDaoMock).retrieveFamilyPass(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)));
// gym pass 2
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.JULY, 1).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.NOVEMBER, 30).date());
assertTrue(madService.checkEligibility(this.customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
public void testShouldCheckIfCustomerHasMadForPassEffectiveDates3() {
Set<MonthEnum> enrolledMonths = new HashSet<MonthEnum>(Arrays.asList(MonthEnum.JAN, MonthEnum.FEB, MonthEnum.DEC));
final DateRange dateRange = new DateRange(2007, 2008);
MadYear madYear = MadYear.createForTests(enrolledMonths, dateRange);
final MemberAppreciationDiscount discount = new MemberAppreciationDiscountBuilder().madYear(madYear).toMemberAppreciationDiscount();
GymPass longTermFamilyPass = FamilyPassFixture.createLongTermFamilyPass("123");
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2007, DateTimeConstants.JULY, 1).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.JANUARY, 1).date());
mockery.checking(new Expectations() {
.getPassOverlappingMonths(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)), with(any(LocalDate.class)));
will(returnValue(new ArrayList()));
exactly(1).of(madDaoMock).retrieveByCustomerAndMadYear(with(any(Customer.class)), with(any(DateRange.class)));
// gym pass 3
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveBeginDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.FEBRUARY, 28).date());
longTermFamilyPass.getPass().setEffectiveEndDate(new ClockForUT(2008, DateTimeConstants.AUGUST, 31).date());
assertFalse(madService.checkEligibility(this.customer, longTermFamilyPass.getPass()));
// These tests now have:
// - only one assert
// - only one setup
// - only one set of mock expectations (which makes the internals much clearer for the next person who will read the test)
// Before we go back and rename those tests, let's take a minute to think about how we're going to change the service after this.
// Why was this test written like this in the first place? (It certainly did save some space, even if it was completely incomprehensible.)
// Why? Because of the mocks. People hate mocks. I hate mocks. Stubs are better (and these mocks are halfway to a life of stubbery anyway),
// but mocks and stubs are both are lame hacks. In a perfect world, the network and the hard disk would be no slower than your processor or RAM.
// Were this the case, you might never mock anything but a disconnected 3rd party service, because... why bother? Unfortunately, the world
// isn't perfect, and hard disks are slow. If we're going to the database, we have to mock for our own sanity.
// But what else? Mocks also tell us something about our code. For one, as Ashwin mentioned in his JMock tutorial, they tell us when code is
// getting "chatty"... too many mocks mean objects are tightly coupled and talking too much. Objects are, more often than not, talking
// too much because one of them is doing too much work. In this case, it's our service. He's all over the place!
// - validating
// - looping
// - nesting loops! (good lord!)
// - constructing or consuming all sorts of crazy objects -- dates, times, lists, domain objects, gym passes, and customers -- oh my!
// - asking questions of other objects and acting on the answer, rather than being lazy doing as little as he can before passing the buck
// (Like good programmers, good objects are also lazy; lazy programmers + lazy objects is lazy object-oriented zen. Have you read c2 yet?)
// Thankfully, on the surface, he's a good guy. He plays nice in conversation:
public boolean checkEligibility(Customer customer, GymPass familyPass) {
// ...
// That's pretty solid. A straightforward question for him to answer: Is this customer eligible for MAD? Yes or no? A rename wouldn't
// hurt. Say 'canCustomerGetSomeHotMemberAppreciationDiscountAction' or perhaps the concise 'isCustomerEligibleForMemberAppreciationDiscount'.
// Neither of these tells us what the pass is for, though -- which is a shame. Maybe Java 7 will have split method invocation or named
// parameters, but don't hold your breath. In the meantime, you should either write a Javadoc for this method or explain what the parameter
// means in your tests. Given that we're talking about a public method, I'd prefer it if there were both. A Javadoc saves me a trip to the
// test when I'm consuming an object elsewhere. At a minimum, rename familyPass to something which tells you what KIND of pass it is.
// By 'kind' I don't mean 'family'. Where should this pass come from? It's a dependency. It has to have some semantic meaning, so
// call it out.
// Why don't we walk the call stack and find out what that pass is for?
public boolean checkEligibility(Customer customer, GymPass familyPass) { }
// leads to:
private boolean notEligibile(Customer customer, GymPass pass) { }
// leads to:
private CustomerPassEligibility.EligibilityType eligibilityTypeFor(Customer customer, GymPass pass) { }
// leads to:
public CustomerPassEligibility eligibilityFor(Customer customer, GymPass pass) { }
// leads to:
public GymPassService.CustomerPassEligibility passEligibilityForCustomer(Customer customer, GymPass pass) { }
// WHOoooAAAAAA. As it turns out, we're talking about GYM PASS eligibility here! Damn. I shouldn't have to walk potential call stacks to
// find that out, should I? Nope. We've got some responsibility in the wrong place and some pretty poor naming going on here, but this
// code sample is ancient and I completely trust no one on this team would rush a story like this again.
// With this knowledge, let's go back to our first test and name it appropriately:
public void testEmployeeShouldBeIneligibleForMemberAppreciationDiscountIfHeIsOnALeaveOfAbsence() { }
// becomes
public void testEmployeeShouldBeIneligibleForAFamilyGymPassIfHeIsOnALeaveOfAbsence() { }
// and the others follow like so:
public void testEmployeeShouldBeEligibleForAFamilyGymPass If It Overlaps The Beginning Of His Member Appreciation Discount Period() { }
public void testEmployeeShouldBeIneligibleForAFamilyGymPass If It Doesnt Overlap His Member Appreciation Discount Period() { }
public void testEmployeeShouldBeEligibleForAFamilyGymPass If It Is Overlapped By His Member Appreciation Discount Period() { }
public void testEmployeeShouldBeEligibleForAFamilyGymPass If It Overlaps The End Of His Member Appreciation Discount Period() { }
// Now these are nicer tests! It's easy to tell they cover boundary conditions around the issue we're concerned about. (they were there
// already, I just gave them names... so kudos to whoever thought of the test scenarios originally). Now they cover some good scenarios,
// they're easy to read, they're about as concise as service tests will get, and they're named something the client would understand.
// Cool! It would be even cooler if they were unit tests around a domain object. But that will take a little more work.
// For the time-being, let's take a break and talk about c2 again.
// I'm shocked to see that Wikipedia's page on c2 doesn't mention C2:
// A bit of history, here. C2 was the world's FIRST wiki. You'd think Wikipedia, of all websites, would pay homage to the first wiki
// ever EVER.
// The first person to edit the Wikipedia page and properly reference gets beer and cake.
// ...Learn about it here:
// go edit the Wikipedia page.
// Done?
// Good. Now get back to reading c2.
// Ha ha! Just kidding. Finish this document first, then read all of c2. And even before you get back to this document, send me a text:
// +91 99 23700661 -- tell me you've updated Wikipedia and, if you're the first, you get a SERIOUS prize. Like, a way awesome prize.
// You have no idea how crazy great it will be, but it will be DARN GREAT.
// Okay, what's next? Well, the next step would be to replace the constructors and fixtures with builders. But before you do this,
// ask yourself: What's the purpose of a builder? Why do we prefer it over direct construction or a fixture? Because Steve says
// builders are cool? Or is there something else? Surely there must be a good reason... and perhaps a good reason to treat these tests as
// "good enough" for now, until the code is fixed up. If you can't see why (and to a large extent, I *hope* you have questions
// at this point)... feel free to bring it up with me. Understand why you do the things you do. If you're doing something
// during the workday, you should have a reason you believe in. At the worst, that reason should be this:
// "The team disagreed and we had to choose one of two options for consistency."
// But you should still understand both sides of the argument and form your own opinion, even if you appreciate others'.
// Now that we can get back to the code, let's cut out some domain objects, push this interface back to GymPassService (where it
// belongs) and keep these 5 tests green the entire time. This is left as an exercise for the reader.
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