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Sidu Ponnappa kaiwren

View GitHub Profile
require 'wrest'
require 'pp'
Wrest.logger =
Wrest.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG # Set this to Logger::INFO or higher to disable request logging
# This example demonstrates the usage of GET, POST, PUT and
# DELETE over HTTPS. Its also shows how Wrest::Uris can have
# paths extended making accessing an API easy as pie.
// We're going to pick on Mad Service today. If you had a hand in writing this once upon a time, do not fret.
// This isn't accusation or finger-poiniting -- I see everyone's name all over this code, including my own, which
// makes it a nice target.
// This code just needs some tenderness. Let's cook it a hot bowl of soup and play some soft Jazz.
How the time for dreams of the future seemed to slip past unnoticed, until in reviving them a man realized, with a shock, that the privilege was no longer his to entertain, that it belonged to those younger faces he saw on all sides, laughing in the tavern and on the streets, _running wild_.
~ λ jruby -v
jruby 1.4.0dev (ruby 1.8.7p174) (2009-08-05 619cebe) (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_15) [x86_64-java]
~ λ jirb
irb(main):001:0> {}.eql?({})
=> true
irb(main):002:0> [].eql?([])
=> true
require 'rubygems'
require 'rspec'
describe 'Int with scope' do
class Ooga
def initialize
@bar = 'woot'
kaiwren / dev_camp_registration_count.rb
Created August 18, 2010 07:25
A one line registration counter for DevCamp Bangalore 2010
# > gem in wrest
# > wrest
# Type out the line below in the Wrest irb shell.
# Of course, we're assuming that you have ruby and that nobody has messed up the table on the wiki :)
kaiwren / mate_open_gem.rb
Created August 18, 2010 12:17
Open a gem in TextMate (supports opening specific versions)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU
gemname = ARGV[0]
version = ARGV[1]
exit unless gemname
possible = `gem list #{gemname} | tail`.strip
versions = possible.gsub(/.*\(/, '').gsub(/\)$/, '').split(', ')
if versions.empty?
puts "#{gemname} not found"
kaiwren / gist:562205
Created September 2, 2010 12:14 — forked from anonymous/works
class Resource
class Record
@resource = mock(Resource, :id => '1')
Resource.stub!(:find).and_return([@resource]) # works
@record = mock(Record, :id => '1', :resource_ids => [1], :current_language => 'de') # fails later with:
# undefined method `serialize' for Spec::Mocks::Mock:Class
~ λ wrest
Ruby 1.8.7, 2009-06-12, i686-darwin10.3.1
Loading Wrest 1.0.0.beta2
ruby-1.8.7-p174 > ''.to_uri.get.body
--> (GET 2164536540 2164536500)
<-- (GET 2164536540 2164536500) 200 OK (768 bytes 1.74s)
=> "define('AUTH_KEY', 'V|@ z>Iqm~ZugQ+BFG.i0L[%)u Vqi*7y!5-qOzwNkF>a$pfaXdJddR/iF8*U]0)');\ndefine('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'z[cv,EiUpJ-C;V+C{Za$WG38xOVUlG!V%4hj;h7xF![x$[1=4M5J/}@/}$NR#K]:');\ndefine('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'SO~<GlF;(-nBh^9x |s XkYmq62(Ov&u^}DjaTjP kXoN(x*8`Hyv^&28Q.%v;Aa');\ndefine('NONCE_KEY', '[`FfSInp_A:;}.9QVF-2^cPzvz}%3OP:,yBV)xy)%w+V,PgRHO|Bo6lVQmj3_Unw');\ndefine('AUTH_SALT', 'YQdi+v0:=CA r$tU`6OFnN}xXAuayt<PJ&LNLWfSp]e%>KS[*ulU4&4+/RH#*@1<');\ndefine('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', '<{/]x&TsWU~TW7Ik/MCH @b;EEL6w5Z_9Ab!kg+ZPM!UnnL=FVn>gubQDVe]bB4e');\ndefine('LOGGED_IN_SALT', '<+|K{J|S4t`-b|UY4p?0P8<&NJen^>G^kt-Ljd!A1|70N2wzR(5-5o!%!m-?0%n?');\ndefine('NONCE_SALT',
class ActiveRecord::Base
def self.ignore_fields(fields)
self.class_eval do
define_method(:ignore_fields) do