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Created June 28, 2011 09:28
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stripbot source
scalaVersion := "2.9.0-1"
libraryDependencies += "commons-codec" % "commons-codec" % "1.4"
libraryDependencies += "oauth.signpost" % "signpost-core" % ""
libraryDependencies += "org.jdom" % "jdom" % "1.1"
libraryDependencies += "rome" % "rome" % "0.9"
libraryDependencies += "jtwitter" % "jtwitter" % "1.8.3" from ""
package stripBot
import scala.actors.Actor
import scala.actors.Actor._
import{ URL, URLEncoder, MalformedURLException }
import{ FileReader, BufferedReader, FileWriter, IOException }
import java.util.Date
import com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.SyndEntry
import{ SyndFeedInput, XmlReader }
import winterwell.jtwitter.{ Twitter, OAuthSignpostClient }
object Main extends App {
val tweeter = new Tweeter("stripbot", Config.oauthKey, Config.oauthSecret)
val rssFetcher = new Fetcher(Config.sources, tweeter)
object Config {
val sources = Seq(
StripSource("Bugemos", ""),
StripSource("balónek strip", ""),
StripSource("bezejmenný hrdina", ""),
StripSource("ITBiz", ""),
StripSource("iDNES komix", ""),
StripSource("XKCD", "", "EN"),
StripSource("Questionable Content", "", "EN"),
StripSource("Johny Wander", "", "EN"),
StripSource("Wasted Talent", "", "EN"),
StripSource("chainsawsuit", "", "EN"),
StripSource("Cyanide & happyiness", "", "EN", { e => e.getTitle.matches("""\d+\.\d+.\d+""") })
val oauthKey = "---YOUR-OAUTH-KEY---"
val oauthSecret = "---YOUR-OAUTH-SECRET---"
// --- main actors
class Fetcher(sources: Seq[StripSource], tweeter: Tweeter) extends Actor {
val lastCheckFile = "lastCheck.txt"
def checkRss(source: StripSource, lastCheck: Date) =
for {
e <- Util.readRssFromUrl(source.rssUrl)
if source.filterFn(e)
if e.getPublishedDate != null && e.getPublishedDate.after(lastCheck)
} yield e
def formatMessage(source: StripSource, entry: SyndEntry) =" - "+entry.getTitle.trim+" "+Util.shortenUrl(entry.getLink)+" "+source.lang+" #stripy"
def getLastCheck: Date = {
var line = Util readLine lastCheckFile
if (line == null || line == "") new Date() else new Date(line.toLong)
def setLastCheck = Util.writeLine(lastCheckFile, "" + new Date().getTime)
def act {
loop {
var lastCheck = getLastCheck
println("Last check: " + lastCheck)
for {
source <- sources
entry <- checkRss(source, lastCheck)
} tweeter ! formatMessage(source, entry)
Thread.sleep(1000 * 60 * 60) // 1 hour
class Tweeter(username: String, oauthKey: String, oauthSecret: String) extends Actor {
val accessTokensFile = "accessTokens.txt"
def connectToTwitter = {
val tokens = Util readLine accessTokensFile
val oauthClient =
if (tokens.nonEmpty) {
val t = tokens.split(" ")
new OAuthSignpostClient(oauthKey, oauthSecret, t(0), t(1))
} else {
val oauthClient = new OAuthSignpostClient(oauthKey, oauthSecret, "oob")
val v = OAuthSignpostClient.askUser("Please enter the verification PIN from Twitter")
Util.writeLine(accessTokensFile, oauthClient.getAccessToken.mkString(" "))
new Twitter(username, oauthClient)
def act {
val twitter = connectToTwitter
loop {
react {
case m =>
println("tweeted: " + m.toString)
// ----
case class StripSource (name: String, rssUrl: String, lang: String = "CZ", filterFn: SyndEntry => Boolean = x => true)
object Util {
def readLine(f: String) = io.Source.fromFile(f)
def writeLine(f: String, data: String) = {
val fw = new FileWriter(f)
fw write data
def readRssFromUrl(url: String): List[SyndEntry] = {
try {
val i = new SyndFeedInput().build(new XmlReader(new URL(url))).getEntries
List(i.toArray(new Array[SyndEntry](0)) : _*)
} catch {
case _ => List()
def shortenUrl(url: String) = {
val line = io.Source.fromURL("" + URLEncoder.encode(url, "UTF8"))
if (line startsWith "ERROR") throw new MalformedURLException
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