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Created September 18, 2016 16:45
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case class Segment(hash: Int, str: String)
sealed trait DiffGroup
case class NewLine(str: String) extends DiffGroup
case class Diffs(diffs: Seq[Diff]) extends DiffGroup
sealed trait Diff { def pos: Int }
case class Addition(pos: Int, str: String) extends Diff
case class Deletion(pos: Int, len: Int) extends Diff
// Longest common subsequence
def lcs[T](a: Seq[T], b: Seq[T]): Seq[T] = {
val alen = a.length
val blen = b.length
val lengths: Array[Array[Int]] = Array.fill(alen+1) { new Array[Int](blen+1) }
// row 0 and column 0 are initialized to 0 already
var i = 0; while (i < alen) {
var j = 0; while (j < blen) {
if (a(i) == b(j)) {
lengths(i+1)(j+1) = lengths(i)(j) + 1
} else {
lengths(i+1)(j+1) = math.max(lengths(i+1)(j), lengths(i)(j+1))
j += 1
i += 1
// read the substring out from the matrix
var res = List[T]()
var x = alen
var y = blen
while (x != 0 && y != 0) {
if (lengths(x)(y) == lengths(x-1)(y))
x -= 1
else if (lengths(x)(y) == lengths(x)(y-1))
y -= 1
else {
assert(a(x-1) == b(y-1))
res = a(x-1) :: res
x -= 1
y -= 1
def splitWithDelimiter(str: String, delim: String): Array[String] = {
val splits = str.split(delim)
if (str.endsWith(delim)) { => s + delim)
} else { => s + delim) :+ splits.last
def makeDiff(a: Seq[Segment], b: Seq[Segment]): Seq[Diff] = {
val diffs = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuilder.ofRef[Diff]()
val cs = lcs(a, b)
var apos, bpos = 0
var astrpos = 0
for (c <- cs) {
val aDiffPos = astrpos
//val asb = new StringBuilder()
var delLen = 0
while (apos < a.length && a(apos) != c) {
astrpos += a(apos).str.length
delLen += a(apos).str.length
apos += 1
if (delLen > 0) {
diffs += Deletion(aDiffPos, delLen)
astrpos += a(apos).str.length
apos += 1
val bsb = new java.lang.StringBuilder()
while (bpos < b.length && b(bpos) != c) {
bpos += 1
if (bsb.length > 0) {
diffs += Addition(aDiffPos, bsb.toString)
bpos += 1
val aDiffPos = astrpos
var delLen = 0
while (apos < a.length) {
delLen += a(apos).str.length
apos += 1
if (delLen > 0) {
diffs += Deletion(aDiffPos, delLen)
val bsb = new StringBuilder()
while (bpos < b.length) {
bpos += 1
if (bsb.length > 0) {
diffs += Addition(aDiffPos, bsb.toString)
def renderDiff(diffs: Seq[Diff]): String =
(diffs map {
case Addition(pos, str) => s"+ $pos $str"
case Deletion(pos, len) => s"- $pos $len"
} mkString "\n") + "\n---"
def compressLines(lines: Iterator[String], delimiter: String): Iterator[String] = {
var first = true
.map(s => (s, splitWithDelimiter(s, delimiter).map(s => Segment(s.hashCode, s))))
.flatMap { case Seq((astr, aseg), (bstr, bseg)) =>
val diff = renderDiff(makeDiff(aseg, bseg))
val diffStr =
if (diff.length > bstr.length) {
"* "+bstr
} else {
if (first) {
first = false
"* "+astr,
} else {
def decompressLines(lines: Iterator[String]): Iterator[String] = {
val groups = parseLines(lines)
val first = groups.head.asInstanceOf[NewLine].str
groups.tail.iterator.scanLeft(first) { (prevLine, diffGroup) =>
diffGroup match {
case NewLine(str) => str
case Diffs(diffs) =>
var builderLen = prevLine.length
diffs foreach {
case Deletion(pos, len) => builderLen -= len
case Addition(pos, str) => builderLen += str.length
val sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder(builderLen)
var srcPos = 0
diffs.sortBy(d => (d.pos, !d.isInstanceOf[Addition])) foreach { // deletions first
case Deletion(pos, len) =>
if (srcPos < pos) {
sb.append(prevLine, srcPos, pos)
srcPos = pos + len
case Addition(pos, str) =>
if (srcPos < pos) {
sb.append(prevLine, srcPos, pos)
srcPos = pos
if (srcPos < prevLine.length) {
sb.append(prevLine, srcPos, prevLine.length)
assert(sb.length == builderLen)
def parseLines(lines: Iterator[String]): Stream[DiffGroup] = {
var stream = lines.toStream
def chompDiffGroup(): DiffGroup = {
val _ls = stream.takeWhile(l => l != "---" && !l.startsWith("* "))
val ls = stream.take(_ls.length + 1)
stream = stream.drop(_ls.length + 1)
if (ls.size == 0) {
} else if (ls.head.startsWith("* ")) {
assert(ls.size == 1)
} else {
Diffs( { l =>
l.split(" ", 3) match {
case Array("+", posStr, str) =>
val pos = posStr.toInt
Addition(pos, str)
case Array("-", posStr, lenStr) =>
val pos = posStr.toInt
val len = lenStr.toInt
Deletion(pos, len)
Stream.continually(chompDiffGroup()).takeWhile(_ != null)
args match {
case Array("compress", delimiter, in) =>
val lines = io.Source.fromFile(in).getLines
compressLines(lines, delimiter) foreach println
case Array("decompress", in) =>
val lines = io.Source.fromFile(in).getLines
decompressLines(lines) foreach println
case _ => System.err.println("""
| compress $delimiter $input
| decompress $input
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