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Created April 3, 2020 07:17
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minimal Win32 application that runs calc.exe (268 bytes)
; A simple Win32 application that runs the Windows calculator.
; This version constructs the whole EXE file "from scratch" in the
; assembler -- no linker needed.
; This is a sectionless executable with an "import by hash" loader
; in which as many stuff as possible has been collapsed (overlaid)
; into the headers. In addition, all cleanup code has been removed,
; it's assumed that kernel32.dll is the third loaded image in the
; PE loader's list, that the kernel32.dll image is actually valid,
; and that all required functions are available.
; assemble with:
; yasm -fbin -oruncalc.exe runcalc.asm
; to get a 268 byte executable (of which 48 bytes are unused)
bits 32
BASE equ 0x00400000
FILL equ 48 ; fill with NOPs to get to the minimum allowed .exe size
%define ROUND(v, a) (((v + a - 1) / a) * a)
%define RVA(obj) (obj - BASE)
org BASE
dw "MZ" ; DOS magic
dw "kj" ; filler to align the PE header
dw "PE",0 ; PE magic + 2 padding bytes
dw 0x014c ; i386 architecture
dw 0 ; no sections
N_calc: db "calc.exe",0,0,0,0 ; 12 bytes of data collapsed into the header
;dd 0 ; [UNUSED-12] timestamp
;dd 0 ; [UNUSED] symbol table pointer
;dd 0 ; [UNUSED] symbol count
dw 8 ; optional header size
dw 0x0102 ; characteristics: 32-bit, executable
dw 0x010b ; optional header magic
main_part_1: ; 12 bytes of main entry point + 2 bytes of jump
mov eax, [fs:0x30] ; get PEB pointer from TEB
mov eax, [eax+0x0C] ; get PEB_LDR_DATA pointer from PEB
mov eax, [eax+0x14] ; go to first LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY
jmp main_part_2
align 4, db 0
;db 13,37 ; [UNUSED-14] linker version
;dd RVA(the_end) ; [UNUSED] code size
;dd RVA(the_end) ; [UNUSED] size of initialized data
;dd 0 ; [UNUSED] size of uninitialized data
dd RVA(main_part_1) ; entry point address
main_part_2: ; another 6 bytes of code + 2 bytes of jump
; set up stack frame for local variables
mov eax, [eax] ; go to where ntdll.dll typically is
push 0 ; push parameter for ExitProcess (0)
push 10 ; push parameter for WinExec (nShowCmd = SW_SHOWDEFAULT)
jmp main_part_3
align 4, db 0
;dd RVA(main) ; [UNUSED-8] base of code
;dd RVA(main) ; [UNUSED] base of data
dd BASE ; image base
dd SECTALIGN ; section alignment (collapsed with the
; PE header offset in the DOS header)
dd ALIGNMENT ; file alignment
main_part_3: ; another 5 bytes of code + 2 bytes of jump
mov eax, [eax] ; go to where kernel32.dll typically is
mov ebx, [eax+0x10] ; load base address of the library
jmp main_part_4
align 4, db 0
;dw 4,0 ; [UNUSED-8] OS version
;dw 0,0 ; [UNUSED] image version
dw 4,0 ; subsystem version
dd 0 ; [UNUSED-4] Win32 version
dd RVA(the_end) ; size of image
dd RVA(opt_hdr) ; size of headers (must be small enough
; so that entry point inside header is accepted)
dd 0 ; [UNUSED-4] checksum
dw 2 ; subsystem = GUI
dw 0 ; [UNUSED-2] DLL characteristics
dd 0x00100000 ; maximum stack size
dd 0x00001000 ; initial stack size
dd 0x00100000 ; maximum heap size
dd 0x00001000 ; initial heap size
dd 0 ; [UNUSED-4] loader flags
dd 0 ; number of data directory entries (= none!)
OPT_HDR_SIZE equ $ - opt_hdr
ALL_HDR_SIZE equ $ - $$
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .text ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
push N_calc
mov esi, 0x6B7A2FDB ; hash of "WinExec"
call call_import ; call WinExec
mov esi, 0x665640AC ; hash of "ExitProcess"
; fall-through into call_import
call_import: ; FUNCTION that calls procedure [esi] in library at base [ebx]
mov edx, [ebx+0x3c] ; get PE header pointer (w/ RVA translation)
add edx, ebx
mov edx, [edx+0x78] ; get export table pointer RVA (w/ RVA translation)
add edx, ebx
push edx ; store the export table address for later
mov ecx, [edx+0x18] ; ecx = number of named functions
mov edx, [edx+0x20] ; edx = address-of-names list (w/ RVA translation)
add edx, ebx
push esi ; store the desired function name's hash (we will clobber it)
mov edi, [edx] ; load function name (w/ RVA translation)
add edi, ebx
movzx eax, byte [edi] ; load a byte of the name ...
inc edi ; ... and advance the pointer
xor esi, eax ; apply xor-and-rotate
rol esi, 7
or eax, eax ; last byte?
jnz cmp_loop ; if not, process another byte
or esi, esi ; result hash match?
jnz next_name ; if not, this is not the correct name
; if we arrive here, we have a match!
pop esi ; restore the name pointer (though we don't use it any longer)
pop edx ; restore the export table address
sub ecx, [edx+0x18] ; turn the negative counter ECX into a positive one
neg ecx
mov eax, [edx+0x24] ; get address of ordinal table (w/ RVA translation)
add eax, ebx
movzx ecx, word [eax+ecx*2] ; load ordinal from table
;sub ecx, [edx+0x10] ; subtract ordinal base
mov eax, [edx+0x1C] ; get address of function address table (w/ RVA translation)
add eax, ebx
mov eax, [eax+ecx*4] ; load function address (w/ RVA translation)
add eax, ebx
jmp eax ; jump to the target function
pop esi ; restore the name pointer
add edx, 4 ; advance to next list item
dec ecx ; decrease counter
jmp name_loop
times FILL nop
align ALIGNMENT, db 0
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