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Created May 4, 2018 07:14
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channel separation, color decorrelation, and prediction filtering as preprocessing for lossless RGB image compression
#if 0 // self-compiling code
gcc -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -g -O3 -march=native $0 -o image_predict || exit 1
exec ./image_predict $*
// Example code for pre-filtering operations that transform RGB images into
// representations that are better suited for lossless compression
// (color channel separation and decorrelation, pixel prediction).
// Takes a .ppm file as an input and generates multiple files in the form
// image_predict_<sep>_<pred>_data.pgm
// with various separator/predictor choices.
// This program does *not* perform the actual compression; this has to be
// done externally. It also does not decode the _data.pgm files, as it's a
// pure proof-of-concept implementation, not a proper codec; it verifies
// that the transformation and back-transformation is lossless though.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
typedef struct _pnm {
int width, height, ncomp;
uint8_t *data;
uint8_t rawdata[1];
} pnm_image_t;
pnm_image_t*pnm_load(const char*filename){FILE*f;pnm_image_t*i=NULL;size_t s;
char*p,t;size_t n,h[4]={0,0,0,0};if(!filename)return NULL;f=fopen(filename,"rb"
);if(!f)return NULL;fseek(f,0,SEEK_END);s=(size_t)ftell(f);if(!s||(s>99999999))
goto _;i=(pnm_image_t*)malloc(sizeof(pnm_image_t)+s-1);if(!i)goto _;fseek(f,0,
SEEK_SET);p=(char*)i->rawdata;if((fread((void*)p,1,s,f)!=s)||(*p++!='P'))goto _
;for(n=0,t=0;(n<4)&&--s;p++){if(t==2)t=(*p=='\n')?0:2;else if isdigit(*p){h[n]=
(10*h[n])+*p-'0';t=1;}else if(isspace(*p)||(*p=='#')){if(t)n++;t=(*p=='#')?2:0;
}else break;}i->width=(int)h[1];i->height=(int)h[2];i->ncomp=(h[0]==6)?3:1;i->
data=(unsigned char*)p;if((n==4)&&((h[0]==5)||(h[0]==6))&&h[1]&&(h[1]<65536)&&h
return i;}_:fclose(f);free((void*)i);return NULL;}
typedef void separate_func(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* p0, uint8_t* p1, uint8_t* p2, int npix);
typedef void interleave_func(const uint8_t* p0, const uint8_t* p1, const uint8_t* p2, uint8_t* dest, int npix);
void separate_rgb(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* r, uint8_t* g, uint8_t* b, int npix) {
while (npix--) {
*r++ = *src++;
*g++ = *src++;
*b++ = *src++;
void interleave_rgb(const uint8_t* r, const uint8_t* g, const uint8_t* b, uint8_t* dest, int npix) {
while (npix--) {
*dest++ = *r++;
*dest++ = *g++;
*dest++ = *b++;
void separate_bdgdr(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* p_b, uint8_t* p_dg, uint8_t* p_dr, int npix) {
while (npix--) {
uint8_t r = *src++;
uint8_t g = *src++;
uint8_t b = *src++;
*p_b++ = b;
*p_dg++ = g - b + 128;
*p_dr++ = r - b + 128;
void interleave_bdgdr(const uint8_t* p_b, const uint8_t* p_dg, const uint8_t* p_dr, uint8_t* dest, int npix) {
while (npix--) {
uint8_t b = *p_b++;
uint8_t dg = *p_dg++;
uint8_t dr = *p_dr++;
*dest++ = b + dr - 128;
*dest++ = b + dg - 128;
*dest++ = b;
void separate_gdrdb(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* p_g, uint8_t* p_dr, uint8_t* p_db, int npix) {
while (npix--) {
uint8_t r = *src++;
uint8_t g = *src++;
uint8_t b = *src++;
*p_g++ = g;
*p_dr++ = r - g + 128;
*p_db++ = b - g + 128;
void interleave_gdrdb(const uint8_t* p_g, const uint8_t* p_dr, const uint8_t* p_db, uint8_t* dest, int npix) {
while (npix--) {
uint8_t g = *p_g++;
uint8_t dr = *p_dr++;
uint8_t db = *p_db++;
*dest++ = g + dr - 128;
*dest++ = g;
*dest++ = g + db - 128;
void separate_gab(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* p_g, uint8_t* p_a, uint8_t* p_b, int npix) {
while (npix--) {
uint8_t r = *src++;
uint8_t g = *src++;
uint8_t b = *src++;
*p_g++ = g;
*p_a++ = r - g + 128;
*p_b++ = b - ((r + g) >> 1) + 128;
void interleave_gab(const uint8_t* p_g, const uint8_t* p_a, const uint8_t* p_b, uint8_t* dest, int npix) {
while (npix--) {
uint8_t g = *p_g++;
uint8_t a = *p_a++;
uint8_t b = *p_b++;
uint8_t r = g + a - 128;
*dest++ = r;
*dest++ = g;
*dest++ = ((r + g) >> 1) + b - 128;
static const struct separator {
const char *name;
separate_func* sep;
interleave_func* unsep;
const char* desc;
} separators[] = {
{ "rgb", separate_rgb, interleave_rgb, "RGB decomposition, no decorrelation" },
{ "bdgdr", separate_bdgdr, interleave_bdgdr, "B (G-B) (R-B) decomposition" },
{ "gdrdb", separate_gdrdb, interleave_gdrdb, "G (R-G) (B-G) decomposition" },
{ "gab", separate_gab, interleave_gab, "G (R-G) (B-avg(R,G)) decomposition" },
{ NULL, }
typedef void predict_func(uint8_t* buffer, int width, int height);
void null_predictor(uint8_t* buffer, int width, int height) {
(void)buffer, (void)width, (void)height;
void predict_left(uint8_t* p, int width, int height) {
p += width * (height - 1) + width - 1;
for (int y = height - 1; y >= 0; --y, --p) {
for (int x = width - 1; x; --x, --p) {
p[0] -= p[-1] - 128; // center: predict from left pixel
if (y) {
p[0] -= p[-width] - 128; // left edge: predict from top pixel
} // at x=0, y=0, do nothing
void recon_left(uint8_t* p, int width, int height) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
if (y) {
p[0] += p[-width] - 128; // left edge: predict from top pixel
for (int x = 1; x < width; ++x, ++p) {
p[0] += p[-1] - 128; // center: predict from left pixel
void predict_grad(uint8_t* p, int width, int height) {
p += width * (height - 1) + width - 1;
for (int y = height - 1; y; --y, --p) {
for (int x = width - 1; x; --x, --p) {
p[0] -= p[-1] + p[-width] - p[-width-1] - 128; // center: predict N + E - NE
p[0] -= p[-width] - 128; // left edge: predict from top pixel
for (int x = width - 1; x; --x, --p) {
p[0] -= p[-1] - 128; // top edge: predict from left pixel
void recon_grad(uint8_t* p, int width, int height) {
for (int x = 1; x < width; ++x, ++p) {
p[0] += p[-1] - 128; // top edge: predict from left pixel
for (int y = 1; y < height; ++y) {
if (y) {
p[0] += p[-width] - 128; // left edge: predict from top pixel
for (int x = 1; x < width; ++x, ++p) {
p[0] += p[-1] + p[-width] - p[-width-1] - 128; // center: predict N + E - NE
inline uint8_t clamp_pred(int16_t a, int16_t b, int16_t c) {
int16_t max = (a > b) ? ((a > c) ? a : c) : ((b > c) ? b : c);
int16_t min = (a < b) ? ((a < c) ? a : c) : ((b < c) ? b : c);
int16_t pred = a + b - c;
return (uint8_t)((pred < min) ? min : (pred > max) ? max : pred);
void predict_clamp(uint8_t* p, int width, int height) {
p += width * (height - 1) + width - 1;
for (int y = height - 1; y; --y, --p) {
for (int x = width - 1; x; --x, --p) {
p[0] -= clamp_pred(p[-1], p[-width], p[-width-1]) - 128; // center
p[0] -= p[-width] - 128; // left edge: predict from top pixel
for (int x = width - 1; x; --x, --p) {
p[0] -= p[-1] - 128; // top edge: predict from left pixel
void recon_clamp(uint8_t* p, int width, int height) {
for (int x = 1; x < width; ++x, ++p) {
p[0] += p[-1] - 128; // top edge: predict from left pixel
for (int y = 1; y < height; ++y) {
if (y) {
p[0] += p[-width] - 128; // left edge: predict from top pixel
for (int x = 1; x < width; ++x, ++p) {
p[0] += clamp_pred(p[-1], p[-width], p[-width-1]) - 128; // center
static const struct predictor {
const char *name;
predict_func* pred;
predict_func* unpred;
const char *desc;
} predictors[] = {
{ "raw", null_predictor, null_predictor, "no prediction" },
{ "left", predict_left, recon_left, "predict from left pixel" },
{ "grad", predict_grad, recon_grad, "predict gradient (L+T-LT)" },
{ "clamp", predict_clamp, recon_clamp, "predict gradient with clamping" },
{ NULL, }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
printf("Usage: %s <input.ppm>\n", argv[0]);
return 2;
pnm_image_t* img = pnm_load(argv[1]);
if (!img || (img->ncomp != 3)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: input must be a valid 8-bit RGB PPM file\n");
return 1;
void *outbuf = malloc(img->width * img->height * 3);
void *checkbuf = malloc(img->width * img->height * 3);
assert(outbuf != NULL);
uint8_t *planes[3];
planes[0] = (uint8_t*) outbuf;
planes[1] = planes[0] + (img->width * img->height);
planes[2] = planes[1] + (img->width * img->height);
for (const struct separator* sep = separators; sep->name; ++sep) {
printf(" - %-10s -> %s\n", sep->name, sep->desc);
printf("Prediction filters:\n");
for (const struct predictor* pred = predictors; pred->name; ++pred) {
printf(" - %-10s -> %s\n", pred->name, pred->desc);
for (const struct separator* sep = separators; sep->name; ++sep) {
for (const struct predictor* pred = predictors; pred->name; ++pred) {
char variant[32], filename[64];
sprintf(variant, "%s_%s", sep->name, pred->name);
sep->sep(img->data, planes[0], planes[1], planes[2], img->width * img->height);
pred->pred(planes[0], img->width, img->height);
pred->pred(planes[1], img->width, img->height);
pred->pred(planes[2], img->width, img->height);
sprintf(filename, "image_predict_%s_data.pgm", variant);
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (f) {
fprintf(f, "P5\n%d %d\n255\n", img->width, img->height * 3);
fwrite(outbuf, img->width * img->height * 3, 1, f);
pred->unpred(planes[0], img->width, img->height);
pred->unpred(planes[1], img->width, img->height);
pred->unpred(planes[2], img->width, img->height);
sep->unsep(planes[0], planes[1], planes[2], (uint8_t*)checkbuf, img->width * img->height);
sprintf(filename, "image_predict_%s_recon.ppm", variant);
if (!memcmp((const void*)img->data, checkbuf, img->width * img->height * 3)) {
printf("%s: OK\n", variant);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s reconstruction doesn't match original!\n", variant);
f = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (f) {
fprintf(f, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", img->width, img->height);
fwrite(checkbuf, img->width * img->height * 3, 1, f);
} // comparison
} // predictor loop
} // separator loop
return 0;
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