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Last active June 21, 2023 13:11
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Save kakajika/0bb3fd14f4afd5e5c2ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A port of Kotlin's scope functions to Swift.
protocol ScopeFunc {}
extension ScopeFunc {
@inline(__always) func apply(block: (Self) -> ()) -> Self {
return self
@inline(__always) func letIt<R>(block: (Self) -> R) -> R {
return block(self)
extension NSObject: ScopeFunc {}
let imageView = UIImageView().apply {
$0.contentMode = .ScaleAspectFit
$0.opaque = true
$0.frame = CGRectMake(...)
$0.setImageWithURL(NSURL(string: "..."))
CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "transform.rotation").apply {
$0.beginTime = CACurrentMediaTime()+delay
$0.duration = 0.2
$0.repeatCount = 10
$0.values = [ 0.005*M_PI, -0.005*M_PI, 0.005*M_PI ]
imageView.layer.addAnimation($0, forKey: "wiggle")
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// -------------------------------------------------------------------
struct Int {
      init?(_ description: String)


let optionalNumberString: String? = "5"
let optionalNumber: Int? = optionalNumberString?.let{    Int($0)     }


let optionalNumberString: String? = "5"
let optionalNumber: Int?? = optionalNumberString.let{     Int($0)     }


let optionalNumberString: String? = "5"
let optionalNumber: Int? = optionalNumberString.let{     Int($0)!    }

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@Guang1234567 the use of the Int constructor is just for the purpose of illustration, the point is that let can useful with optional chaining.

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