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Last active November 21, 2015 12:51
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Quick and dirty script to display the number of opened issues and PRs on a list of Github projects
#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib2
import json
import sys
import codecs
import base64
# Quick and dirty script to display the number of opened issues and PRs on a list of Github projects
# How to use:
# 1) create a file with one project per line
# ex:
# pypyjs/pypyjs
# danderson/pixiecore
# gogits/gogs
# digitalfondue/lavagna
# notandy/ympd
# 2) launch the following command
# cat list | python
# or just use something like:
# printf "pypyjs/pypyjs\ngogits/gogs" | python
# add your username and your password
# otherwise, you will hit api rate limit pretty fast
if username and password:
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password)).replace('\n', '')
base64string = None
def get_gh(project='', page=1):
req = urllib2.Request(url='' + project + '/issues?status=open&page=' + str(page))
if base64string:
req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
return json.loads(
total = {'issues': 0, 'pr': 0}
def get_issue_pr(project):
ret = {'issues': 0, 'pr': 0}
gh = get_gh(project)
# result is paginated (30 entries by pages)
# we get all the pages
while lenght != 0:
for i in gh:
if 'pull_request' in i:
ret['pr'] = ret['pr'] + 1
ret['issues'] = ret['issues'] + 1
page= page + 1
gh = get_gh(project, page)
return ret
if sys.version < '3':
char_stream = codecs.getreader("utf-8")(sys.stdin)
char_stream = sys.stdin
for line in char_stream:
project = line.strip('\n')
# recover issues and pull requests count
t = get_issue_pr(project)
# q&d alignment
s1=' ' * (30 - len(project))
s2=' ' * (4 - len(str(t['issues'])))
# print project info
print('Project: ' + project + s1 + '|| Issues: ' + str(t['issues']) + s2 + '|| PRs: ' + str(t['pr']))
# increment total counters
total['issues'] = total['issues'] + t['issues']
total['pr'] = total['pr'] + t['pr']
# q&d alignment
s1=' ' * (30 + 8 - len('All of them'))
s2=' ' * (4 - len(str(total['issues'])))
# print global result
print('All of them ' + s1 + '|| Issues: ' + str(total['issues']) + s2 + '|| PRs: ' + str(total['pr']))
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