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Created January 31, 2014 06:50
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\title{Timeline 2014}
\definecolor{RoyalBlue}{cmyk}{1, 0.50, 0, 0}
\definecolor{Teal}{RGB}{0 128 128}
\definecolor{arrowcolor}{RGB}{201,216,232}% color for the arrow filling
\definecolor{circlecolor}{RGB}{79,129,189}% color for the inner circles filling
\colorlet{textcolor}{white}% color for the text inside the circles
\colorlet{bordercolor}{white}% color for the outer border of circles
\newlength\taskwidth% width of the box for the task description
\newlength\taskvsep% vertical distance between the task description and arrow
on chain,
inner sep=4pt,
line width=1.5pt,
text width=1.2em,
text height=1.25ex,
text depth=0ex
on grid
\node[inner xsep=0pt] (c1) {\phantom{A}};
(c\the\numexpr\value{task}+1\relax) {#1};
at (c\the\numexpr\value{task}+1\relax) {\task{#2}};
\newcommand\drawarrow{% the arrow is placed in the background layer
% after the node for the tasks have been placed
\node[on chain] (c1) {}; % if no \Task command is used, the arrow will be drawn
\node[on chain] (f) {};
inner sep=10pt,
single arrow,
single arrow head extend=0.8cm,
fit= (c1) (f)
] (arrow) {};
\fill[white] % the decoration at the tail of the arrow
(arrow.before tail) -- (c1|-arrow.west) -- (arrow.after tail) -- cycle;
\newenvironment{timeline}[1][node distance=.65\taskwidth]
{\par\noindent\begin{tikzpicture}[start chain,#1]}
\begin{tabular}{ |>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{2.2cm}|%
\vspace{0.25cm} \includegraphics[height=1.7cm,width=0.125\textwidth]{twh}
& Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
\linebreak Kabupaten Sumbawa
\linebreak {\large \bfseries SMK Negeri 2 Sumbawa Besar}
\linebreak Jalan Lingkar Selatan KM 4 Sumbawa Besar
& \vspace{0.25cm}
\LARGE\bfseries\color{anu}{Titimangsa (\emph{Timeline}) }
\Task{Pengayaan\\ 6 -- 18 Jan 2014}
\Task{Tryout I \\ 21 -- 22 Jan 2014}
\Task{Pengayaan\\ 27 -- 30 Jan 2014 \\ 1 -- 8 Feb 2014}
\Task{Tryout II \\ 25 -- 26 Feb 2014}
\Task{Uji Kompetensi Keahlian \\ 3 -- 6 Mar 2014}
\Task{Ulangan Tengah Semester \\ 17 -- 22 Mar 2014}
\Task{Ujian Sekolah \\ 1 -- 4 Apr 2014}
\Task{Ujian Nasional \\ 14 -- 17 Apr 2014}
\Task{Ulangan Akhir Semester \\ 9 -- 14 Jun 2014}
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