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Created May 25, 2022 23:12
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public function twilio_csv_show_results()
// Exit unless the stars are aligned
if (!$_POST['csv-submit']) return 'Form was not submitted.';
if ($_POST['confirm-twilio'] !== 'confirm') return 'Confirmation box wasn\'t checked.';
if (!$_POST['body']) return 'No message to send!';
// Start tracking execution time
$start_time = microtime(true);
// Go get relevant JSON data and decode for PHP
global $wpdb;
$csv_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'twilio_csv_entries';
$results = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT contact_data FROM ' . $csv_table . ' WHERE id=' . $_POST['csv-select'] . ';');
foreach ($results as $entry) {
// Everyone on the uploaded xlsx file
$contact_array = json_decode($entry->contact_data);
if (!is_null($contact_array[0]->{'First Name'})) {
$uploaded_file_type = 'RMS';
} else if (!is_null($contact_array[0]->Name)) {
$uploaded_file_type = 'RMS2';
} else {
print 'Error';
// Go get API Keys and open a new Client
$api_details = get_option('twilio-csv');
if (is_array($api_details) and count($api_details) != 0) {
$TWILIO_SID = $api_details['api_sid'];
$TWILIO_TOKEN = $api_details['api_auth_token'];
$client = new Client($TWILIO_SID, $TWILIO_TOKEN);
$message_result_list = '<ul>';
$message_count = 0;
$contact_count = 0;
// List of programmed messages with replacement variables.
$messages = array();
$contacted_numbers = array();
$introductory_message = '';
$messages['message-1'] = 'Hey FIRSTNAME, my name is Amila with The Johnson Group. We saw your resume online. Are you still looking for a career opportunity?';
$messages['message-2'] = 'Hi FIRSTNAME, Im Amila with Globe Life - Liberty Division. We received your request for employment consideration. Are you still looking for a career?';
$opt_out_instructions = 'If you are no longer looking for a career opportunity, reply STOP to be removed from our list.';
$selected_message = $messages[$_POST['body']];
// Process list of contacts with selected message
foreach ($contact_array as $contact) {
$recipient = $contact->CellPhone ?? $contact->Telephone;
if ($uploaded_file_type == 'RMS') $first_name = $contact->{'First Name'};
else if ($uploaded_file_type == 'RMS2') $first_name = explode(' ', $contact->Name)[0];
if (!$recipient) {
$message_result_list .= '<li>Error: No Cell Phone or Telephone Number</li>';
// Query Twilio API for all messages sent to this number within the last 30 days.
// If any messages are found, skip this contact.
$message_query = $client->messages->read(
'To' => $recipient,
'dateSentAfter' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days'))
if (count($message_query) > 0) {
$message_result_list .= '<li>Error: Message already sent to ' . $recipient . ' within the last 30 days. Contact skipped.</li>';
$TWILIO_MESSAGE_BODY = str_replace('FIRSTNAME', $first_name, $selected_message);
// Add each message phone number to array of contacted numbers to prevent duplicates on same CSV file.
if (!in_array($recipient, $contacted_numbers)) {
try {
$send_message = $client->messages->create(
'from' => 'MGed693e77e70d6f52882605d37cc30d4c'
$opt_out_message = $client->messages->create(
'body' => $opt_out_instructions,
'from' => 'MGed693e77e70d6f52882605d37cc30d4c'
if ($send_message) $message_result_list .= '<li>Message sent to <a href="tel:' . $recipient . '" title="Call ' . $recipient . '">' . $recipient . '</a></li>';
$message_count++; // total messages sent
} catch (\Exception $throwable) {
write_log('Error sending message to ' . $recipient . '. Details: ' . $throwable);
array_push($contacted_numbers, $recipient);
$contact_count++; // total contacts processed
// Get total execution time in milliseconds.
$total_time = round((microtime(true) - $start_time) * 1000);
return '<div class="results">Run time: ' . $total_time . ' milliseconds. Messages processed: ' . $message_count . ' to ' . $contact_count . ' contacts. ' . 'Results below: ' . $message_result_list . '</ul></div>';
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