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Created May 2, 2023 20:03
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Rough implementation of SSR/CSR ECharts support in Svelte
<script lang="ts" context="module">
// ECharts does not export init options type, so we mirror
export type ContainerOpts =
| {
devicePixelRatio?: number;
renderer?: 'svg' | 'canvas';
useDirtyRect?: boolean;
useCoarsePointer?: boolean;
pointerSize?: number;
width?: number | string;
height?: number | string;
// we use svelte's browser module to determine ssr mode later
// ssr?: boolean
| undefined;
// Support default theme selection
export type ThemeOpts =
| 'vintage'
| 'dark'
| 'westeros'
| 'essos'
| 'wonderland'
| 'walden'
| 'chalk'
| 'infographic'
| 'macarons'
| 'roma'
| 'shine'
| 'purple-passion'
| 'halloween'
| string
| undefined;
<script lang="ts">
import { onMount, onDestroy } from 'svelte';
import { browser } from '$app/environment';
import { init } from 'echarts';
import type { ECharts, EChartsCoreOption } from 'echarts';
export let containerOpts: ContainerOpts;
export let chartOpts: EChartsCoreOption;
export let theme: ThemeOpts;
$: chartOpts &&
instance &&
// Ensure SVG is entirely rendered via SSR before returning response,
// but allow user to override this behavior
progressive: chartOpts?.progressive || 0
let container: any;
let instance: ECharts;
if (!browser) {
// Force SVG since this component doesnt implement canvas support yet
instance = init(null as any, theme, {
ssr: true,
renderer: "svg"
// We first render SSR and return a response, then ship the entire data set to the client to be hydrated for interactivity
// if using SSR with CSR in sveltekit
onMount(async () => {
instance = init(container as HTMLElement, theme, {
ssr: false
onDestroy(async () => {
<svelte:window on:resize={() => instance.resize()} />
<div bind:this={container}>
{#if !browser}
{@html instance.renderToSVGString() || ''}
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