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Created February 19, 2020 06:30
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* Author: kailash kumar
* define seating chart
import {
} from 'react-raphael';
import {
} from './utils';
// Raphael.fn.CheckBox = function (a) {
// a = void 0 == a ? {} : a;
// var b = void 0 == a.x ? 100 : a.x,
// d = void 0 == a.y ? 100 : a.y,
// c = void 0 == a.dim ? 20 : a.dim,
// f = void 0 == a.isChecked ? !1 : a.isChecked,
// e = void 0 == a.rectAttrs ? {} : a.rectAttrs;
// a = void 0 == a.pathAttrs ? {} : a.pathAttrs;
// e = this.rect(b, d, c, c).attr({
// "stroke-width": 2,
// fill: "#fff"
// }).attr(e);
// e.x = b;
// e.y = d;
// e.dim = c;
// e.isChecked = f;
// e.path = this.path([
// ["M", e.x + 0.2 * e.dim, e.y + 0.4 * e.dim],
// ["l", 0.2 * e.dim, 0.3 * e.dim],
// ["l", 0.4 * e.dim, -0.5 * e.dim]
// ]).attr({
// "stroke-width": 3
// }).attr(a);
// e.isChecked || e.path.hide();
// e.cover =
// this.rect(b, d, c, c).attr({
// fill: "#000",
// opacity: 0,
// cursor: "pointer"
// });
// e.cover.checkBox = e;
// () {
// this.checkBox.check(!this.checkBox.isChecked);
// this.checkBox.onChange()
// });
// e.onChange = function () {};
// e.check = function (a) {
// void 0 == a || a ? (, this.isChecked = !0) : (this.path.hide(), this.isChecked = !1)
// };
// e.uncheck = function () {
// this.check(!1)
// };
// return e
// };
const seatingConfig = {
radius: 12,
seatSpace: 35,
rowNo: 5,
columnNo: 5,
rowStart: genAlphabetsByNo(5, 'asc'),
tableRadius: 100,
tableSeats: 16
const TABLE_TYPE_SECTION = "table";
const SECTION_TYPE = "section";
let dragging = false;
let ox = 0;
let oy = 0;
const textStyle = {
fill: "#696969",
"font-size": "14px"
const circleStyle = {
"stroke": "#c0c0c0",
"fill": "#fff"
const rectDefaultStyle = {
"stroke-width": '0px',
fill: 'transparent'
const rectOnClickStyle = {
stroke: "#0057ff",
"stroke-width": '2px',
cursor: 'move',
"stroke-dasharray": "--",
const rectHoverStyle = {
stroke: "#0057ff",
"stroke-width": '2px',
cursor: 'move',
"stroke-dasharray": "--",
// "stroke-dasharray": "100 20 0 20"
const rectUnHoverStyle = {
stroke: "transparent",
"stroke-width": '0px'
const tableCircleStyle = {
"stroke": "#c0c0c0",
"fill": "transparent"
* create default section for initial seating chart
export const createDefaultSection = (rows, columns, config) => {
const arr = [];
let axisX = 9800;
const seatSpace = config.seatSpace || seatingConfig.seatSpace;
const radius = config.radius || seatingConfig.radius;
for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
let axisY = 9700;
axisX = axisX + seatSpace;
let seats = [];
id: i,
label: 'A',
x: axisX,
y: axisY
for (let j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
axisY = axisY + seatSpace;
is_booked: false,
hold: false,
id: j,
label: "AA",
restricated_view: false,
x: axisX,
y: axisY,
radius: radius
arr[i].seats = seats;
return arr;
* create default table
const createTableSection = (cx, cy, r, slices) => {
let fromAngle, fromCoordX, fromCoordY, toAngle;
const seats = [];
const arr = [];
id: 1,
label: 'A',
x: cx,
y: cx,
radius: r
for (var i = 0; i < slices; i++) {
fromAngle = i * 360 / slices;
toAngle = (i + 1) * 360 / slices;
fromCoordX = cx + (r * Math.cos(fromAngle * Math.PI / 180));
fromCoordY = cy + (r * Math.sin(fromAngle * Math.PI / 180));
is_booked: false,
hold: false,
id: i,
label: "AA",
restricated_view: false,
x: fromCoordX,
y: fromCoordY,
radius: 10
arr[0].seats = seats;
return arr;
function clickFunction(e) {
console.log(e, this, "Click")
fill: 'red'
* initial paper set builder
export const initialBuildPaperSet = (rows, listner) => {
const paper = Raphael('seating-chart');
// const chartSection = createDefaultSection(seatingConfig.rowNo, seatingConfig.columnNo, { ...seatingConfig });
// const chartTable = createTableSection(9700, 9700, seatingConfig.tableRadius, seatingConfig.tableSeats);
console.log("chart table xy ", rows);
rows.section_floors[0].sections.forEach((ss, index) => {
const sectionList = ss.sub_section || [];
const section = paper.set();
let masterRect = '';
let sectionBox = '';
let masterSection = paper.set();
if (ss.type === SECTION_TYPE) {, parentIndex) => {
if (parentIndex === 0) {
section.push(paper.text(((sectionList[sectionList.length - 1].x - row.y) / 2 / 2) + row.y, row.x, ss.label).attr(textStyle));
}, childIndex) => {
let label = genAlphabetsByNo(row.seats.length, 'asc')[parentIndex];
let seatX = seat.y; // For alpa Text
let seatY = seat.x; // For alpa Text
console.log('X:', seatX, "Y:", seatY);
if (childIndex === 0) {
section.push(paper.text(seatY - seatingConfig.seatSpace, seatX, label).attr(textStyle))
} else if (childIndex === row.seats.length - 1) {
section.push(paper.text(seatY + seatingConfig.seatSpace, seatX, label).attr(textStyle))
section.push(, seat.y, seat.radius).attr( === 1 ? {
"fill": 'red'
} : circleStyle).click(clickFunction));
if ( === 1) {
sectionBox = section.getBBox();
masterRect = paper.rect(sectionBox.x - (seatingConfig.seatSpace / 2), sectionBox.y - (seatingConfig.seatSpace / 2), sectionBox.width + seatingConfig.seatSpace, sectionBox.height + seatingConfig.seatSpace, 10).attr({
stroke: "transparent",
"stroke-width": '50px'
} else if (ss.type === TABLE_TYPE_SECTION) {, parentIndex) => {
if (parentIndex === 0) {
section.push(paper.text(((sectionList[sectionList.length - 1].x - row.x) / 2) + row.x, row.y, ss.label).attr(textStyle));
section.push([sectionList.length - 1].x - row.x) / 2) + row.x, row.y, seatingConfig.tableRadius - (seatingConfig.seatSpace / 2)).attr(tableCircleStyle).toBack());
}, childIndex) => {
let label = genNumByValue(row.seats.length, 'asc')[childIndex];
if (parentIndex === 0) {
section.push(paper.text(seat.x, seat.y, label).attr(textStyle))
} else if (parentIndex === sectionList.length - 1) {
section.push(paper.text(seat.x, seat.y, label).attr(textStyle))
section.push(, seat.y, seat.radius).attr(tableCircleStyle).toBack());
sectionBox = section.getBBox();
masterRect = paper.rect(sectionBox.x - (seatingConfig.seatSpace / 2), sectionBox.y - (seatingConfig.seatSpace / 2), sectionBox.width + seatingConfig.seatSpace, sectionBox.height + seatingConfig.seatSpace, 10).attr({
stroke: "transparent",
"stroke-width": '50px'
const rect = paper.rect(sectionBox.x - (seatingConfig.seatSpace / 2), sectionBox.y - (seatingConfig.seatSpace / 2), sectionBox.width + seatingConfig.seatSpace, sectionBox.height + seatingConfig.seatSpace, 10).attr(rectDefaultStyle);
rect.hover((e) => {
masterRect.hover((e) => {
// rect.unclick();
// section.unclick();
// masterSection && masterSection.undrag();
// rect.undrag();
masterSection = paper.set(section, rect, masterRect);
function (dx, dy, x, y, event) {
if (dragging) {
masterSection.translate(event.screenX - ox, event.screenY - oy);
console.log(masterSection.attr('cx'), masterSection.attr('ox'), masterSection.attr('oy'));
// masterSection.attr("cx", masterSection.attr("ox") + dx);
// masterSection.attr("cy", masterSection.attr("oy") + dy);
// masterSection.attr("x", masterSection.attr("ox") + dx);
// masterSection.attr("y", masterSection.attr("oy") + dy);
ox = event.screenX;
oy = event.screenY;
function (event) {
ox = event.screenX;
oy = event.screenY;
opacity: .5
dragging = true;
function (event) {
dragging = false;
opacity: 1
// rect.undrag();
rect.hover(() => {
// masterSection && masterSection.toFront();
masterSection && masterSection.toBack();
// var l_coord = masterSection.getBBox().x,
// r_coord = masterSection.getBBox().x2,
// t_coord = masterSection.getBBox().y,
// b_coord = masterSection.getBBox().y2;
// var cx = (l_coord + r_coord) / 2,
// cy = (t_coord + b_coord) / 2;
// masterSection.rotate(179, cx, cy);
// masterSection.attr({ fill: 'rgba(0, 87, 255, 0.01)' })
masterSection.unhover(function (e) {
return paper;
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