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Last active June 1, 2016 20:36
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Codeship Deploy to WPEngine
REMOTE_REPOSITORY=${REMOTE_REPOSITORY:?'You need to configure the REMOTE_REPOSITORY environment variable!'}
REMOTE_BRANCH=${REMOTE_BRANCH:?'You need to configure the REMOTE_BRANCH environment variable!'}
set -e
git fetch --unshallow || true
cd wp-content/themes/<theme>
npm install -g bower gulp
npm install
bower install
gulp --production
mv dist dist-new
sshpass -p ${SFTP_PASS} sftp -P2222 <user>@<>:wp-content/themes/<theme> <<< $'mkdir dist-new\n put -r dist-new\n rename dist dist-old\n rename dist-new dist\n rm dist-old/fonts/*\n rmdir dist-old/fonts\n rm dist-old/scripts/*\n rmdir dist-old/scripts\n rm dist-old/styles/*\n rmdir dist-old/styles\n rm dist-old/images/*\n rmdir dist-old/images\n rm dist-old/*\n rmdir dist-old'
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