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fswatch partial/ 'sassc app.scss > ../css/app.css'
<p><strong>If you're not yet using triggered email as part of your marketing strategy, it's quite an effective incremental revenue stream that you may want to consider.</strong></p>
<h3>What is Triggered Email?</h3>
<p>Triggered email is any email that's sent to a customer or visitor to your store, which is triggered by some action the customer has take or event in their lifecycle.</p>
<p><em>An abandoned cart email is a good example of a triggered email</em> - a visitor gets to your store and begins to checkout but ends up abandoning the cart for one reason or another. This is an important point in the life cycle of that customer - reaching out to them with a timely email and perhaps a discount can help to save a lost customer.</p>
<p>Other examples of triggered email are:</p>
<li>Review requests</li>
<li>Product recommendations</li>
<li>New product announcements</li>
<li>Birthday or purchase anniversary emails</li>

I'd like to throw my hat into the ring here and mention a few specific features that you may be interested in around the topic of discounts via email.

Rely upon Magento core auto-generated coupon codes - Some extensions sort of work around the core auto generated coupon code functionality and this can introduce unnecessary complexities.

Include the coupon code in the email - In addition to a link that magically associates the discount to the shopping cart, it's good to have the coupon included in the email as well as a fall back. That way if they want to place an order over the phone they have the coupon and can give it to the customer service rep.

Magically apply the coupon code - While the manual coupon code is a nice fallback, you want to automatically apply the discount as well, which is the main feature that you're asking about here.

Remind the customer they've unlocked a coupon - Even if the coupon has been applied to their cart, it may not be obvious to them that that has happened, so yo

Josh is a catalyst within the Magento community, having started MageUnity (a forum for discussing community issues), released open source addons to N98-MageRun, as well as a load testing tool for Magento 2. He's also working to release a book on Magento 2, has given a number of talks on test-driven development and deployment best practices, and is continually leading and encouraging innovation in the community.

kalenjordan /
Created March 26, 2015 15:17
Safer Magento Registration Emails

Safer Magento Registration Emails

This is a little idea for a module maybe for a hackathon or something. Magento includes passwords in plain text in registration emails by default. In some cases you can just suppress the password, but in other cases you can't - for example if you have customer service reps creating accounts over the phone that need to generate password and send them to customers.

So - how about integrating with to send email passwords, or perhaps generating temporary password that expire after a day or two, requiring them to use the forgot password if they didn't login by that time.

SELECT as 'Email'
, MAX(l.created_at) as 'Last Viewed'
, group_concat(product_name.value) as 'Products'
, IFNULL(customer_firstname.value, 'Guest') as 'Customer Name'
FROM kj_bettervisitorlog_log AS l
LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order AS o ON o.customer_email = AND o.created_at > l.created_at
LEFT JOIN customer_entity AS customer ON =
LEFT JOIN customer_entity_varchar AS customer_firstname ON customer_firstname.attribute_id = 5
AND customer_firstname.entity_id = customer.entity_id
curl --data "api_key=aeb434592f1c0b8352448a54ddbe9db7&"
<div data-remodal-id="mm-exit-modal" id="mm-exit-modal" style="display: none;">
<h1>(Custom) Before you leave...</h1>
<div class="cart-contents-wrapper">
<p class="loading">Loading...</p>
<div class="cart-contents hidden" style="display: none;">
<div class="item item-template" style="display: none;">
<div class="image-wrapper">
<img src="">
<div class="name-wrapper">

Few things resonated with me about the article. I was never one of those "solopreneur on the beach" types anyways. But I think I did glamorize a little bit the benefits of being a successful one man show. Don't get me wrong, I do think it's a great gig, but I've been seeing a need for being part of a team growing in myself personally over time.

That's not to say everyone will feel like that. Certainly there are probably some people that will be perfectly content to work solo for their entire lives. And I may be one of them - jury is still out on that.

But I have been feeling more of a need to be part of a team over the past 2 or so years that I've been going solo.

Also the idea of working on bigger problems is something I've been thinking about more. I think earlier on I was more interested in working on manageable problems that wouldn't have a lot of complications and could still be reasonably profitable. I still think that's a great way to start and again a great way to live.

But I've also been

* @param $observer Varien_Event_Observer
public function productImageFetchAfter($observer)
/** @var Varien_Object $data */
$data = $observer->getData('data');