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Last active January 4, 2016 00:28
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Save kalinchernev/8541473 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Init for bash to setup LAMP environment on Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit
# Start this script at newly installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
# The script will install all necessary software for setting up a web development environment
# Ubuntu fixes
# - Install the package to fix missing skype icon on toolbar
# LAMP environment
# - apache2
# - php5
# - mysql
# - phpmyadmin
# - set apache files to use home directory as public_html
# - configuration files for virtual hosts are in each folder
# Automation
# - setup new virtual host+alias for web project
# Include aliases
# - starting apache service
# - restarting apache service
# - installing packages through aptitute
# - removing packages through aptitude
# - updating and upgrading through aptitude
# Install packages through aptitude
# - git
# - subversion (SVN)
# - VirtualBox
# Get external apps
# - Skype
# - Google Chrome
# - DropBox
# - Sublime Text 3
# - Netbeans
# - Copy
# - XDebug
# Adding external repos
# - NodeJS
# - Drush
# @Todo
# - include a function to download, extract and start Copy app and move it to /opt folder
# - include a function to install Apps from external sources (Drush, nodejs, themes, icons)
# - Include drush installation
# - Include NodeJS installation
# - Include XDebug installation
# - Include XDebug installation
# - Automation: include a function to setup a new project
# - Automation: include a .bash_aliases file at home directory
# - Finish the file with a question to run the upgrade command
# - make an initial check if the system is indeed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS before running the script?
# The script is targeted for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
# Includes 3 line breaks in the command line
function consoleBreak {
printf "\n\n\n"
# Function to get file extension
# Will be used to determine how to install a package from the folder with downloaded external apps
function getPackageExtension () {
echo $1|awk -F . '{print $NF}'
function listExternalApps () {
printf "\n"
echo "This is the list of external apps to be installed: "
for i in "${!appsList[@]}"
echo "$i"
function listRepositoryApps () {
printf "\n"
echo "This is the list of repository apps to be installed: "
for i in "${!repoAppsList[@]}"
echo "$i"
function createExternalAppsFolder {
cd ~/Desktop/
mkdir ExternalApps
cd ExternalApps
printf "\n"
echo "A foldre ExternalApps has been created on your Desktop. Apps will be downloaded there."
printf "\n"
function downloadExternalApps () {
cd ~/Desktop/ExternalApps
echo "Starting the download of external apps ..."
for i in "${!appsList[@]}"
echo "Downloading $i ..."
printf "\n"
wget ${appsList[$i]}
function InstallRepositoryApps () {
echo "Starting the installation of apps from repositories"
sudo apt-get update
for i in "${!repoAppsList[@]}"
echo "Installing $i ..."
printf "\n"
sudo apt-get install ${repoAppsList[$i]}
# Declaring associative array with list of external apps
declare -A appsList
["NetBeans for PHP and HTML5"]=""
["Google Chrome for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit"]=""
["DrobBox for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit "]=""
["Skype for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Multiachitecture"]=""
["SublimeText3 Beta for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit"]=""
# Declaring associative array with list of repository apps
declare -A repoAppsList
["Apache2 Server"]="apache2"
["MySQL Server"]="mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql mysql-client-core-5.5"
["PHP5"]="php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt"
["PHP5 Extensions"]="php5-mysql php5-curl php5-gd php-pear php5-mcrypt php5-recode php5-sqlite"
["SVN"]="subversion libapache2-svn"
["Gnome Tweak Tool"]="gnome-tweak-tool"
echo "Will install the JDK7 package now. It's needed by NetBeans ..."
# Installing JDK7 which is needed by NetBeans
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
# Creating a folder on user's Desktop to download the external apps
# Downloading the apps
downloadExternalApps appsList
# Tell the user which apps will be installed
listExternalApps appsList
# @Todo include a function to install the packages depending on the .deb or .sh extensions
echo "External apps ready."
echo "Now, let's install apps from repos"
# Confirm the setup!
while true; do
read -p "Do you wish proceed with the massive setup from debian repos?" yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* ) break;;
[Nn]* ) exit;;
* ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
# Install fix skype icons on top toolbar
# sudo apt-get install sni-qt sni-qt:i386
if dpkg-query -Wf'${db:Status-abbrev}' sni-qt 2>/dev/null | grep -q '^i'; then
printf 'The package sni-qt is installed!\n' sni-qt
sudo apt-get install sni-qt sni-qt:i386
# Tell the user which apps will be installed beforehand
listRepositoryApps repoAppsList
# Install the apps
InstallRepositoryApps repoAppsList
# Autoremove any unnecessary packages
sudo apt-get autoremove
echo "That's it, enjoy your ready working environment!"
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