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Last active May 24, 2022 13:50
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package main
import (
// type Gamer interface {
// Check() (bool, string)
// Play()
// }
type Game struct {
Count int
Limit int
Secret int
func (game *Game) Check (guess int) (bool, string) {
game.Count += 1
if guess == game.Secret {
return true, ""
} else if guess < game.Secret {
return false, "low"
} else {
return false, "high"
func (game *Game) Play (fn func (int, int, string) int) {
var guess int
var hint string
var success bool
for {
guess = fn(game.Limit, guess, hint)
success, hint = game.Check(guess)
if success || game.Count > game.Limit {
} else {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Your guess (%d) is too %s.", guess, hint))
if game.Count > game.Limit {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Sorry! The secret number was %d.", game.Secret))
} else {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Congratulations! Correctly guessed the secret number (%d) in %d guesses.", guess, game.Count))
type Solver struct {
Range []int
func (solver Solver) Rand (limit int, guess int, hint string) int {
return 1 + rand.Intn(limit)
func (solver *Solver) Smart (limit int, guess int, hint string) int {
if guess == 0 || hint == "" {
solver.Range[0] = 1
solver.Range[1] = limit
} else {
if hint == "high" {
solver.Range[1] = guess
} else {
solver.Range[0] = guess
return 1 + solver.Range[0] + rand.Intn(solver.Range[1] - solver.Range[0])
// cmd: go run Game.go 100
func main () {
var limit, _ = strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1])
var secret int = (1 + rand.Intn(limit))
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("The secret is %d.", secret))
var solver = Solver{[]int {1, limit}}
var game = Game{0, limit, secret}
// game.Play(solver.Rand)
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