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Created October 21, 2023 22:39
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A helper function for adding content to the DOM.
* A helper function for adding content to the DOM. Using pretty standard DOM
* functionality domaddic enables the creation of modules that are capable of
* re-rendering themselves when they decide it to be necessary. Modules enable
* information hiding through scope and function calls so that everything is
* out of the global scope.
* Is this at all a good idea? Will it potentially be found to be a horrible
* memory hog/leak? Who can tell. Let's see if this bird has wings!
* @param {object} config - component configuration
* @param {AddFn} [config.add] - the initialization/output function; describes
* what the component should be
* @param {AfterAddFn} [config.afterAdd] - the function to run after the
* component has been inserted into the DOM; enables adding event handlers to
* elements of the component
* @param {() => Element} [config.mountPoint] - the position in the DOM where the
* component will be inserted; defaults to `document.body`
* @returns {WriteFn} factory function for creating instances of the component
* inspired by:
* - [HEX](
* - [strawberry](
* - [arrow](
* - [alpine](
* - [template](
* others:
* - [preact+htm](
* - [superfine](
* - [riot](
function domaddic(config) {
const { add, afterAdd, mountPoint } = config;
return (state) => {
const div = document.createElement("DIV");
(mountPoint() ?? document.body).appendChild(div);
function write(onUpdate) {
new MutationObserver((mutationList, observer) => {
onUpdate?.(state, div);
for (const mutation of mutationList) {
if (mutation.type === "childList") {
afterAdd?.(state, div, write);
}).observe(div, { childList: true, subtree: true });
div.innerHTML = add(state, write);
export { domaddic };
* @callback AddFn
* @param {object} state - the current state of the component
* @param {function} write - function re-rendering with the new state
* @returns {string} the DOM content to be inserted
* @callback AfterAddFn
* @param {object} state - the current state of the component
* @param {function} div - the containing DOM Element (`<div />`)
* @param {function} write - function re-rendering with the new state
* @returns undefined
* @callback WriteFn
* @param {function} onUpdate - function to run after update is complete
* @returns undefined
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