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Created June 4, 2021 07:30
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panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff014587384): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from since load
service:, no successful checkins since load (180 seconds ago)
service:, total successful checkins since load (180 seconds ago): 18, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service:, total successful checkins since load (180 seconds ago): 19, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service:, total successful checkins since load (180 seconds ago): 19, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0x6
OS release type: User
OS version: 18P4663
macOS version: Not set
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 20.5.0: Fri May 7 22:04:14 PDT 2021; root:xnu-7195.121.3~8/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010
Kernel UUID: 873F4AC5-B66C-3016-8EAC-39D538EEB5A3
iBoot version: iBoot-6723.120.36
secure boot?: YES
x86 EFI Boot State: 0x0
x86 System State: 0x3
x86 Power State: 0x6
x86 Shutdown Cause: 0x3
x86 Previous Power Transitions: 0x70707070706
PCIeUp link state: 0x0
Paniclog version: 13
Kernel slide: 0x000000000c14c000
Kernel text base: 0xfffffff013150000
mach_absolute_time: 0x10c9df204
Epoch Time: sec usec
Boot : 0x60b97b27 0x00091345
Sleep : 0x00000000 0x00000000
Wake : 0x00000000 0x00000000
Calendar: 0x60b97be0 0x00063f72
Total cpu_usage: 14327523
Thread task pri cpu_usage
0xffffffe19aabe000 watchdogd 97 0
0xffffffe19ab68600 watchdogd 31 0
0xffffffe19a210600 kernel_task 0 5189682
0xffffffe19a4d9800 kernel_task 0 5056542
Panicked task 0xffffffe19aa977b0: 199 pages, 3 threads: pid 36: watchdogd
Panicked thread: 0xffffffe19aabe000, backtrace: 0xffffffe8107431a0, tid: 907
lr: 0xfffffff01389b49c fp: 0xffffffe8107431f0
lr: 0xfffffff01389b2f4 fp: 0xffffffe810743260
lr: 0xfffffff0139c6df0 fp: 0xffffffe810743330
lr: 0xfffffff013ec15fc fp: 0xffffffe810743340
lr: 0xfffffff01389b028 fp: 0xffffffe8107436c0
lr: 0xfffffff01389b028 fp: 0xffffffe810743720
lr: 0xfffffff0148cb200 fp: 0xffffffe810743740
lr: 0xfffffff014587384 fp: 0xffffffe810743760
lr: 0xfffffff014587004 fp: 0xffffffe810743780
lr: 0xfffffff013e47af0 fp: 0xffffffe8107437e0
lr: 0xfffffff01458650c fp: 0xffffffe810743900
lr: 0xfffffff013e51bf0 fp: 0xffffffe810743aa0
lr: 0xfffffff0139944b8 fp: 0xffffffe810743bc0
lr: 0xfffffff0138a0cd0 fp: 0xffffffe810743c20
lr: 0xfffffff013872c24 fp: 0xffffffe810743ca0
lr: 0xfffffff01388dec8 fp: 0xffffffe810743d50
lr: 0xfffffff0139bbd28 fp: 0xffffffe810743e20
lr: 0xfffffff0139c7094 fp: 0xffffffe810743ef0
lr: 0xfffffff013ec15fc fp: 0xffffffe810743f00
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