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Created June 14, 2019 16:17
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module Groups
using AbstractAlgebra
const Group = AbstractAlgebra.Group
const GroupElement = AbstractAlgebra.GroupElem
export hasgens, hasorder, rand_pseudo,
direct_product, semidirect_product,
one!, conj, conj!, comm, comm!, div_left!, div_right!
############### Parent calls and methods ###############
# the actual constructors of groups should be provided by specific implementations
# Group(gens::Vararg{T}; kwargs) where T<:GroupElement = ...
# Group(gens::AbstractVector{T}; kwargs) where T<:GroupElement = G(gens...; kwargs...)
# The methods each Group has to define:
(G::Group)() = ... # _uninitialized_ element
(G::Group)(g::GroupElement) = (parent(g) === G ? g : ... ) # coercion; no-copy if already in the group
AbstractAlgebra.elem_type(::Type{<:Group}) = ...
Base.hash(g::Group, h::UInt) = h # but its best to be defined = ... # the identity element
hasorder(G::Group) = ... # Bool true when the order is known? is known to be finite?
AbstractAlgebra.order(::Type{T}, G::Group) where T <: Integer = ... # order of group G as computed using T (only gmp ints are guaranteed to produce the correct answer)
hasgens(G::Group) = ... # Bool?
AbstractAlgebra.gens(G::Group) = ... # the **tuple ? vector** of generators of G (as G was created)
Base.rand(G::Group) = ... # non-parametric rand
rand_pseudo(G::Group) = rand(G) # quick
function direct_product end # stub to be extended
function semidirect_product end # stub to be extended
# these methods we provide automatically:
AbstractAlgebra.order(G::Group) = order(BigInt, G)
AbstractAlgebra.gens(G::Group, i::Integer) = gens(G)[i]
AbstractAlgebra.ngens(G::Group) = hasgens(G) ? length(gens(G)) : -1 # ??
# iteration protocol (unfinished):
Base.iterate(G::Group) = one(G), state
Base.iterate(G::Group, state) = ...
Base.IteratorSize(::Type{<:Group}) = Base.SizeUnknown() # ??
Base.eltype(::Type{G}) where G<:Group = elem_type(G)
############### GroupElement methods ###############
AbstractAlgebra.parent(g::GroupElement) = ...
AbstractAlgebra.parent_type(::Type{<:GroupElement}) = ...
Base.hash(g::GroupElement, h::UInt) = h
Base.deepcopy_internal(g::GroupElement, stackdict::IdDict) = ...
# parent shall not be copied:
# parent(g) === parent(deepcopy(g))
# however we require
# hash(g) == hash(deepcopy(g))
# the cheap ? best effort equality, e.g. equality of words in FPGroup:
Base.:(==)(g::GroupElement, h::GroupElement) = ... # Base defaults to g === h
# the mathematical equality
Base.isequal(g::GroupElement, h::GroupElement) = ... # Base defaults to g == h
hasorder(g::GroupElement) = ... # see hasorder(G::Group) above
AbstractAlgebra.order(::Type{T}, g::GroupElement) = ... # see order(::Group) above
Base.:*(g::GroupElement, h::GroupElement) = (parent(g) === parent(h) ? .... : throw(DomainError((g,h), "Can not multiply elements from different groups")))
Base.inv(g::GroupElement) = ... # inversion
#### These methods we define automatically, but COULD be extended for specific types
Base.similar(g::GroupElement) = parent(g)() # this is the more idiomatic function in julia for the _uninitialized_ element; = one(parent(G))
Base.isone(g::GroupElement) = g == one(g) # note the cheap equality
AbstractAlgebra.order(g::GroupElement) = order(BigInt, g)
conj(g::GroupElement, h::GroupElement) = conj!(similar(g), g, h)
comm(g::GroupElement, h::GroupElement) = comm!(similar(g), g, h, similar(g))
# TODO: this could be probably more idiomatic
function Base.:^(g::GroupElement, n::Integer)
n == 0 && return one(g)
n < 0 && return inv(g)^-n
return Base.power_by_squaring(g, n)
Base.literal_pow(typeof(^), g::GroupElem, ::Val{-1}) = inv(g)
# in-place operations:
one!(g::GroupElem) = one(parent(g)) # extension to user types RECOMMENDED
# aliasing of g with out is allowed
AbstractAlgebra.inv!(out::GroupElem, g::GroupElem) = inv(g) # extension to user types RECOMMENDED
# aliasing of g and h with out is allowed
AbstractAlgebra.mul!(out::GroupElem, g::GroupElem, h::GroupElem) = g*h # extension to user types RECOMMENDED
# aliasing of g and h with out is allowed
function conj!(out::GroupElem, g::GroupElem, h::GroupElem) =
out = (out === g || out === h ? inv(h), inv!(out, h))
out = mul!(out, out, g)
return mul!(out, out, h)
# this seems to be optimal? extension to user types NOT RECOMMENDED
# aliasing of g and h with out is allowed;
# aliasing with tmp is NOT allowed → there is a 3 argument version (allocates 1 element)
# TODO: can we make comm! with 3 arguments without allocation??
function comm!(out::GroupElem, g::GroupElem, h::GroupElem, tmp::GroupElem=similar(out))
tmp = conj!(tmp, g, h)
out = inv!(out, g)
return mul!(out, out, tmp)
# this seems to be optimal? extension to user types NOT RECOMMENDED
# aliasing of g and h with out is allowed;
div_right!(out::GroupElem, g::GroupElem, h::GroupElem) = mul!(out, g, inv(h))
# extension to user types NOT RECOMMENDED
# aliasing of g and h with out is allowed;
function div_left!(out::GroupElem, g::GroupElem, h::GroupElem)
out = (out === g || out === h ? inv(h), inv!(out, h))
return mul!(out, out, g)
# extension to user types NOT RECOMMENDED
using Test
function test_group_interface_conformance(g::GroupElement, h::GroupElement)
@test parent(g) isa Group
@test parent(h) isa Group
G, H = parent(G), parent(H)
G === H || throw("We need two elements of the same group to test conformance.")
@testset "Parent methods" begin
@test elem_type(G) == typeof(g)
@test parent_type(typeof(g)) == typeof(G)
@test G() isa GroupElement
@test G() isa typeof(g)
@test one(G) isa typeof(g)
@test G(g) === g && G(h) === h
@test one(G) == one(g) == one(h)
@test hasorder(G) isa Bool
@test hasgens(G) isa Bool
@test ngens(G) isa Integer
@test gens(G) isa Vector{typeof(g)}
if hasorder(G)
@test order(G) isa BigInt
@test order(G) > 0
@test order(Int, G) isa Int
@testset "Equality, deepcopy && hash" begin
@test (g == h) isa Bool
@test isequal(g, h) isa Bool
@test g == g
@test isequal(h, h)
@test deepcopy(g) isa GroupElement
@test deepcopy(g) == g
@test !(deepcopy(g) === g)
k = deepcopy(g)
@test parent(k) === parent(g)
@test hash(g) isa UInt
@test hash(g) == hash(k)
@test similar(g) isa typeof(g)
@testset "Misc GroupElement methods" begin
@test one(g) isa typeof(g)
@test isone(g) isa Bool
@test isone(one(g))
@test hasorder(g) isa Bool
if hasorder(g)
@test order(g) isa BigInt
@test order(Int, g) isa Int
@test similar(g) isa typeof(g)
@testset "Group operations" begin
old_g, old_h = deepcopy(g), deepcopy(h)
# check that the default operations don't mutate their arguments
@test inv(g) isa typeof(g)
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test g*h isa typeof(g)
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test g^2 == g*g
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test g^-3 == inv(g)*inv(g)*inv(g)
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test (g*h)^-1 == inv(h)*inv(g)
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test conj(g, h) == inv(h)* g * h
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test comm(g, h) == g^-1*h^-1*g*h
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test isone(g*inv(g)) && isone(inv(g)*g)
@testset "In-place operations" begin
old_g, old_h = deepcopy(g), deepcopy(h)
out = similar(g)
@test isone(one!(g))
g = deepcopy(old_g)
@test inv!(out, g) == inv(old_g)
@test g == old_g
@test inv!(g) == inv(old_g)
g = deepcopy(old_g)
@testset "mul!" begin
@test mul!(out, g, h) == old_g * old_h
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test mul!(out, g, h) == old_g * old_h
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test mul!(g, g, h) == old_g * old_h
@test h == old_h
g = deepcopy(old_g)
@test mul!(h, g, h) == old_g * old_h
@test g == old_g
h = deepcopy(old_h)
@test mul!(g, g, g) == old_g * old_g
g = deepcopy(old_g)
@testset "conj!" begin
res = old_h^-1*old_g*old_h
@test conj!(out, g, h) == res
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test conj!(g, g, h) == res
@test h == old_h
g = deepcopy(old_g)
@test conj!(h, g, h) == res
@test g == old_g
h = deepcopy(old_h)
@test conj!(g, g, g) == old_g
g = deepcopy(old_g)
@testset "comm!" begin
res = old_g^-1 * old_h^-1 * old_g * old_h
@test comm!(out, g, h, similar(g)) == res
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test comm!(out, g, h) == res
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test comm!(g, g, h) == res
@test h == old_h
g = deepcopy(old_g)
@test comm!(h, g, h) == res
@test g == old_g
h = deepcopy(old_h)
@testset "div_[left|right]!" begin
res = g*h^-1
@test div_right!(out, g, h) == res
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test div_right!(g, g, h) == res
@test h == old_h
g = deepcopy(old_g)
@test div_right!(h, g, h) == res
@test g == old_g
h = deepcopy(old_h)
@test div_right!(g, g, g) == one(g)
g = deepcopy(old_g)
res = h^-1*g
@test div_left!(out, g, h) == res
@test g,h == old_g, old_h
@test div_left!(g, g, h) == res
@test h == old_h
g = deepcopy(old_g)
@test div_left!(h, g, h) == res
@test g == old_g
h = deepcopy(old_h)
@test div_left!(g, g, g) == one(g)
g = deepcopy(old_g)
end #of module groups
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