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Simple backtracking search over iterators in julia
struct BacktrackSearch{V<:AbstractVector, VI<:AbstractVector, VS<:AbstractVector, O, A}
BacktrackSearch(iterators; oracle_descend, node_accept)
An object to perform a backtrack search on the tree defined by `iterators`.
Iterating over `bs::BacktrackSearch` returns nodes, i.e. vectors of elements
obtained from `iterators`.
* `oracle_descend(bs::BacktrackSearch)` controls when to descend into the children of a node,
* `node_accept` controls when a node is returned.
function BacktrackSearch(iterators; oracle_descend, node_accept)
@assert !isempty(iterators)
@assert all(!isempty, iterators)
nodes, states = let itr = first(iterators)
T = eltype(itr)
@assert all(it -> eltype(it) == T, iterators)
S = typeof(last(iterate(itr)))
Vector{T}(), Vector{S}()
return BacktrackSearch(nodes, iterators, states, oracle_descend, node_accept)
current_depth(bs::BacktrackSearch) = length(bs.states)
depth(bs::BacktrackSearch) = length(bs.iterators)
function Base.pop!(bs::BacktrackSearch)
return pop!(bs.states), pop!(bs.nodes)
function Base.push!(bs::BacktrackSearch, child_state::Tuple)
child, state = child_state
push!(bs.nodes, child)
push!(bs.states, state)
return child_state
# the unsafe version would just return bs.nodes
# each element in interation must then be explicitly copied by the caller
node(bs::BacktrackSearch) = copy(bs.nodes)
oracle_descend(bs::BacktrackSearch) = bs.oracle_descend(bs)
node_accept(bs::BacktrackSearch) = bs.node_accept(bs)
isleaf(bs::BacktrackSearch) = current_depth(bs)==depth(bs)
struct EndsWithAnyOf{T}
(ewa::EndsWithAnyOf)(bs::BacktrackSearch) = last(bs.nodes) in ewa.elts
Base.eltype(::Type{<:BacktrackSearch{V}}) where V = V
Base.IteratorSize(::Type{<:BacktrackSearch}) = Base.SizeUnknown()
function Base.iterate(bs::BacktrackSearch)
# initialize the backtrack object here
resize!(bs.nodes, 0)
resize!(bs.states, 0)
return iterate(bs, false)
function Base.iterate(bs::BacktrackSearch, backtrack)
# return (yield!) sets backtrack=true, so jump to the backtracking part immediately
backtrack && @goto BACKTRACK
while !backtrack
backtrack = !oracle_descend(bs)
backtrack && @debug "node was rejected by the oracle_descend" node(bs)
if !backtrack && node_accept(bs)
@debug "accepted node is returned" node(bs)
return node(bs), true
if !backtrack
cdepth = current_depth(bs)
@debug "at depth=$cdepth: entering depth=$(cdepth + 1)"
child_state = iterate(bs.iterators[cdepth + 1])
# we're assuming that iterators are all non-empty. otherwise we'd need to
# isnothing(child_state) && @goto BACKTRACK
push!(bs, child_state)
@debug "at depth=$(current_depth(bs)): going to the first child ($(first(child_state)))"
while backtrack && !isempty(bs.nodes)
cdepth = current_depth(bs)
@debug "at depth=$cdepth: exploring next node"
child_state = iterate(bs.iterators[cdepth], bs.states[cdepth])
if isnothing(child_state)
@debug "at depth=$cdepth: explored all childred, backtracking"
push!(bs, child_state)
@debug "at depth=$cdepth: going to the next child ($(first(child_state)))"
backtrack = false
return nothing
julia> ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"]="Main"
julia> bs = BacktrackSearch(
['a':'c', 'x':'z'],
oracle_descend=bs->isempty(bs.nodes) || (last(bs.nodes) ≠ 'b' && last(bs.nodes) ≠ 'y'),
julia> collect(bs)
┌ Debug: at depth=0: entering depth=1
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:83
┌ Debug: at depth=1: going to the first child (a)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:88
┌ Debug: at depth=1: entering depth=2
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:83
┌ Debug: at depth=2: going to the first child (x)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:88
┌ Debug: accepted node is returned
│ node(bs) =
│ 2-element Vector{Char}:
│ 'a': ASCII/Unicode U+0061 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
│ 'x': ASCII/Unicode U+0078 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:78
┌ Debug: at depth=2: exploring next node
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:93
┌ Debug: at depth=2: going to the next child (y)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:100
┌ Debug: node was rejected by the oracle_descend
│ node(bs) =
│ 2-element Vector{Char}:
│ 'a': ASCII/Unicode U+0061 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
│ 'y': ASCII/Unicode U+0079 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:76
┌ Debug: at depth=2: exploring next node
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:93
┌ Debug: at depth=2: going to the next child (z)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:100
┌ Debug: accepted node is returned
│ node(bs) =
│ 2-element Vector{Char}:
│ 'a': ASCII/Unicode U+0061 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
│ 'z': ASCII/Unicode U+007A (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:78
┌ Debug: at depth=2: exploring next node
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:93
┌ Debug: at depth=2: explored all childred, backtracking
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:97
┌ Debug: at depth=1: exploring next node
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:93
┌ Debug: at depth=1: going to the next child (b)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:100
┌ Debug: node was rejected by the oracle_descend
│ node(bs) =
│ 1-element Vector{Char}:
│ 'b': ASCII/Unicode U+0062 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:76
┌ Debug: at depth=1: exploring next node
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:93
┌ Debug: at depth=1: going to the next child (c)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:100
┌ Debug: at depth=1: entering depth=2
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:83
┌ Debug: at depth=2: going to the first child (x)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:88
┌ Debug: accepted node is returned
│ node(bs) =
│ 2-element Vector{Char}:
│ 'c': ASCII/Unicode U+0063 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
│ 'x': ASCII/Unicode U+0078 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:78
┌ Debug: at depth=2: exploring next node
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:93
┌ Debug: at depth=2: going to the next child (y)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:100
┌ Debug: node was rejected by the oracle_descend
│ node(bs) =
│ 2-element Vector{Char}:
│ 'c': ASCII/Unicode U+0063 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
│ 'y': ASCII/Unicode U+0079 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:76
┌ Debug: at depth=2: exploring next node
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:93
┌ Debug: at depth=2: going to the next child (z)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:100
┌ Debug: accepted node is returned
│ node(bs) =
│ 2-element Vector{Char}:
│ 'c': ASCII/Unicode U+0063 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
│ 'z': ASCII/Unicode U+007A (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:78
┌ Debug: at depth=2: exploring next node
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:93
┌ Debug: at depth=2: explored all childred, backtracking
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:97
┌ Debug: at depth=1: exploring next node
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:93
┌ Debug: at depth=1: explored all childred, backtracking
└ @ Main /tmp/backtrack.jl:97
4-element Vector{Vector{Char}}:
['a', 'x']
['a', 'z']
['c', 'x']
['c', 'z']
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