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Created June 20, 2016 11:38
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  • Save kalmi/38ef8b8e709e64f6e67474b252187257 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kalmi/38ef8b8e709e64f6e67474b252187257 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
kalmi@Sylph /cygdrive/c/test
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
kalmi@Sylph /cygdrive/c/Projects/Go/src/
$ rm -R vendor/gx/
kalmi@Sylph /cygdrive/c/Projects/Go/src/
$ gx install
installing package: go-ipfs-0.4.2
[1 / 27] fetched dep: hamming
[2 / 27] fetched dep: go-sysinfo
[3 / 27] fetched dep: proquint
[4 / 27] fetched dep: go.uuid
[5 / 27] fetched dep: goprocess
[6 / 27] fetched dep: go-libp2p-secio
[7 / 27] fetched dep: golang-lru
[8 / 27] fetched dep: pb
[9 / 27] fetched dep: fsnotify.v1
[10 / 27] fetched dep: goleveldb
[11 / 27] fetched dep: metrics
[12 / 27] fetched dep: backoff
[13 / 27] fetched dep: atomicfile
[14 / 27] fetched dep: go-libp2p-crypto
[15 / 27] fetched dep: go-libp2p-peer
[16 / 27] fetched dep: iptb
[17 / 27] fetched dep: go-context
[18 / 27] fetched dep: go-log
[19 / 27] fetched dep: cors
[20 / 27] fetched dep: go-multihash
[21 / 27] fetched dep: randbo
[22 / 27] fetched dep: go-humanize
[23 / 27] fetched dep: go-datastore
ERROR: from shell.Get(): &os.PathError{Op:"open", Path:"vendor\\gx\\ipfs\\QmdhsRK1EK2fvAz2i2SH5DEfkL6seDuyMYEsxKa9Braim3.part\\client_golang\\prometheus\\vendor\\gx\\ipfs\\QmZy2y8t9zQH2a1b8q2ZSLKp17ATuJoCNxxyMFG5qFExpt\\go-net\\html\\testdata\\webkit\\pending-spec-changes-plain-text-unsafe.dat", Err:0x3}
retrying fetch QmdhsRK1EK2fvAz2i2SH5DEfkL6seDuyMYEsxKa9Braim3 after a second...
[24 / 27] fetched dep: go-net
[25 / 27] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
ERROR: from shell.Get(): &os.PathError{Op:"open", Path:"vendor\\gx\\ipfs\\QmdhsRK1EK2fvAz2i2SH5DEfkL6seDuyMYEsxKa9Braim3.part\\client_golang\\prometheus\\vendor\\gx\\ipfs\\QmZy2y8t9zQH2a1b8q2ZSLKp17ATuJoCNxxyMFG5qFExpt\\go-net\\html\\testdata\\webkit\\pending-spec-changes-plain-text-unsafe.dat", Err:0x3}
retrying fetch QmdhsRK1EK2fvAz2i2SH5DEfkL6seDuyMYEsxKa9Braim3 after a second...
[26 / 27] fetched dep: go-libp2p
ERROR: from shell.Get(): &os.PathError{Op:"open", Path:"vendor\\gx\\ipfs\\QmdhsRK1EK2fvAz2i2SH5DEfkL6seDuyMYEsxKa9Braim3.part\\client_golang\\prometheus\\vendor\\gx\\ipfs\\QmZy2y8t9zQH2a1b8q2ZSLKp17ATuJoCNxxyMFG5qFExpt\\go-net\\html\\testdata\\webkit\\pending-spec-changes-plain-text-unsafe.dat", Err:0x3}
ERROR: [27 / 27 ] parallel fetch: failed to fetch package: QmdhsRK1EK2fvAz2i2SH5DEfkL6seDuyMYEsxKa9Braim3: open vendor\gx\ipfs\QmdhsRK1EK2fvAz2i2SH5DEfkL6seDuyMYEsxKa9Braim3.part\client_golang\prometheus\vendor\gx\ipfs\QmZy2y8t9zQH2a1b8q2ZSLKp17ATuJoCNxxyMFG5qFExpt\go-net\html\testdata\webkit\pending-spec-changes-plain-text-unsafe.dat: The system cannot find the path specified.
ERROR: install deps:%!(EXTRA *errors.errorString=failed to fetch dependencies)
kalmi@Sylph /cygdrive/c/Projects/Go/src/
$ mkdir /cygdrive/c/test
kalmi@Sylph /cygdrive/c/Projects/Go/src/
$ cp package.json /cygdrive/c/test
kalmi@Sylph /cygdrive/c/Projects/Go/src/
$ cd /cygdrive/c/test
kalmi@Sylph /cygdrive/c/test
$ gx install
installing package: go-ipfs-0.4.2
[1 / 27] fetched dep: proquint
[2 / 27] fetched dep: metrics
[3 / 27] fetched dep: go.uuid
[4 / 27] fetched dep: atomicfile
[5 / 27] fetched dep: go-libp2p-secio
[6 / 27] fetched dep: hamming
[7 / 27] fetched dep: backoff
[8 / 27] fetched dep: goprocess
[9 / 27] fetched dep: go-context
[10 / 27] fetched dep: golang-lru
[11 / 27] fetched dep: cors
[12 / 27] fetched dep: iptb
[13 / 27] fetched dep: go-log
[14 / 27] fetched dep: go-sysinfo
[15 / 27] fetched dep: pb
[16 / 27] fetched dep: go-libp2p-crypto
[17 / 27] fetched dep: go-humanize
[18 / 27] fetched dep: go-libp2p-peer
[19 / 27] fetched dep: go-multihash
[20 / 27] fetched dep: fsnotify.v1
[21 / 27] fetched dep: go-datastore
[22 / 27] fetched dep: randbo
[23 / 27] fetched dep: goleveldb
[24 / 27] fetched dep: go-net
[25 / 27] fetched dep: client_golang
[26 / 27] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
[27 / 27] fetched dep: go-libp2p
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs
installing package: go-log-1.1.1
[1 / 3] fetched dep: go-net
[2 / 3] fetched dep: randbo
[3 / 3] fetched dep: go-logging
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-3.3.4
[1 / 34] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 34] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
[3 / 34] fetched dep: goprocess
[4 / 34] fetched dep: go-libp2p-secio
[5 / 34] fetched dep: go-multihash
[6 / 34] fetched dep: randbo
[7 / 34] fetched dep: go-net
[8 / 34] fetched dep: go-detect-race
[9 / 34] fetched dep: go-smux-spdystream
[10 / 34] fetched dep: go-notifier
[11 / 34] fetched dep: go-smux-yamux
[12 / 34] fetched dep: mafmt
[13 / 34] fetched dep: go-base58
[14 / 34] fetched dep: gorocheck
[15 / 34] fetched dep: mdns
[16 / 34] fetched dep: go-libp2p-transport
[17 / 34] fetched dep: go-log
[18 / 34] fetched dep: go-temp-err-catcher
[19 / 34] fetched dep: multiaddr-filter
[20 / 34] fetched dep: go-libp2p-peerstore
[21 / 34] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
[22 / 34] fetched dep: go-libp2p-loggables
[23 / 34] fetched dep: go-smux-multistream
[24 / 34] fetched dep: go-nat
[25 / 34] fetched dep: go-semver
[26 / 34] fetched dep: go-peerstream
[27 / 34] fetched dep: go-multiaddr-net
[28 / 34] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[29 / 34] fetched dep: go-msgio
[30 / 34] fetched dep: go-keyspace
[31 / 34] fetched dep: go-reuseport
[32 / 34] fetched dep: go-multistream
[33 / 34] fetched dep: go-stream-muxer
[34 / 34] fetched dep: go-metrics
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p
installing package: go-semver-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-semver
installation of go-semver complete!
installing package: mdns-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-net
[2 / 2] fetched dep: dns
successfully found all deps for mdns
installing package: dns-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for dns
installation of dns complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installation of mdns complete!
installing package: go-msgio-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-randbuf
successfully found all deps for go-msgio
installing package: go-randbuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-randbuf
installation of go-randbuf complete!
installation of go-msgio complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-keyspace-1.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-keyspace
installation of go-keyspace complete!
installing package: go-multistream-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-multistream
installation of go-multistream complete!
installing package: go-nat-0.0.0
[1 / 3] fetched dep: go-nat-pmp
[2 / 3] fetched dep: gateway
[3 / 3] fetched dep: goupnp
successfully found all deps for go-nat
installing package: goupnp-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for goupnp
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installation of goupnp complete!
installing package: gateway-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gateway
installation of gateway complete!
installing package: go-nat-pmp-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: gateway
successfully found all deps for go-nat-pmp
installing package: gateway-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gateway
installation of gateway complete!
installation of go-nat-pmp complete!
installation of go-nat complete!
installing package: go-detect-race-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-detect-race
installation of go-detect-race complete!
installing package: goprocess-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-net
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-cienv
successfully found all deps for goprocess
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: go-cienv-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-cienv
installation of go-cienv complete!
installation of goprocess complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-multiaddr-net-1.2.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr-net
installing package: go-multiaddr-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-multiaddr complete!
installation of go-multiaddr-net complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installing package: multiaddr-filter-1.0.2
successfully found all deps for multiaddr-filter
installation of multiaddr-filter complete!
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: go-multiaddr-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-multiaddr complete!
installing package: go-metrics-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-metrics
installation of go-metrics complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: go-stream-muxer-1.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-stream-muxer
installation of go-stream-muxer complete!
installing package: go-reuseport-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-net-resolve-addr
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-sockaddr
successfully found all deps for go-reuseport
installing package: go-sockaddr-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-sockaddr
installation of go-sockaddr complete!
installing package: go-net-resolve-addr-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-net-resolve-addr
installation of go-net-resolve-addr complete!
installation of go-reuseport complete!
installing package: go-notifier-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: goprocess
successfully found all deps for go-notifier
installing package: goprocess-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-cienv
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for goprocess
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: go-cienv-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-cienv
installation of go-cienv complete!
installation of goprocess complete!
installation of go-notifier complete!
installing package: go-temp-err-catcher-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-temp-err-catcher
installation of go-temp-err-catcher complete!
installing package: go-peerstream-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-temp-err-catcher
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-stream-muxer
successfully found all deps for go-peerstream
installing package: go-stream-muxer-1.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-stream-muxer
installation of go-stream-muxer complete!
installing package: go-temp-err-catcher-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-temp-err-catcher
installation of go-temp-err-catcher complete!
installation of go-peerstream complete!
installing package: mafmt-1.1.1
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
successfully found all deps for mafmt
installing package: go-multiaddr-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-multiaddr complete!
installation of mafmt complete!
installing package: gorocheck-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gorocheck
installation of gorocheck complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-loggables-1.0.5
[1 / 3] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
[2 / 3] fetched dep: go-libp2p-peer
[3 / 3] fetched dep: go-log
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-loggables
installing package: go-libp2p-peer-2.0.0
[1 / 5] fetched dep: go-base58
[2 / 5] fetched dep: go-multihash
[3 / 5] fetched dep: go-libp2p-crypto
[4 / 5] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[5 / 5] fetched dep: go-log
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-peer
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[2 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-crypto-1.0.2
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go-msgio
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-log
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[4 / 4] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-crypto
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-msgio-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-randbuf
successfully found all deps for go-msgio
installing package: go-randbuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-randbuf
installation of go-randbuf complete!
installation of go-msgio complete!
installation of go-libp2p-crypto complete!
installation of go-libp2p-peer complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-multiaddr-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-multiaddr complete!
installation of go-libp2p-loggables complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-secio-1.0.6
[1 / 7] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
[2 / 7] fetched dep: go-net
[3 / 7] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[4 / 7] fetched dep: go-libp2p-peer
[5 / 7] fetched dep: go-msgio
[6 / 7] fetched dep: go-log
[7 / 7] fetched dep: go-libp2p-crypto
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-secio
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: go-msgio-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-randbuf
successfully found all deps for go-msgio
installing package: go-randbuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-randbuf
installation of go-randbuf complete!
installation of go-msgio complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-crypto-1.0.2
[1 / 4] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-msgio
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-log
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-crypto
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-msgio-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-randbuf
successfully found all deps for go-msgio
installing package: go-randbuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-randbuf
installation of go-randbuf complete!
installation of go-msgio complete!
installation of go-libp2p-crypto complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-peer-2.0.0
[1 / 5] fetched dep: go-libp2p-crypto
[2 / 5] fetched dep: go-base58
[3 / 5] fetched dep: go-multihash
[4 / 5] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[5 / 5] fetched dep: go-log
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-peer
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-crypto-1.0.2
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go-msgio
[2 / 4] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-log
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-crypto
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-msgio-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-randbuf
successfully found all deps for go-msgio
installing package: go-randbuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-randbuf
installation of go-randbuf complete!
installation of go-msgio complete!
installation of go-libp2p-crypto complete!
installation of go-libp2p-peer complete!
installation of go-libp2p-secio complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-transport-1.3.0
[1 / 6] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
[2 / 6] fetched dep: go-reuseport
[3 / 6] fetched dep: go-multiaddr-net
[4 / 6] fetched dep: mafmt
[5 / 6] fetched dep: go-libp2p-loggables
[6 / 6] fetched dep: utp
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-transport
installing package: go-multiaddr-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-multiaddr complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-loggables-1.0.5
[1 / 3] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
[2 / 3] fetched dep: go-libp2p-peer
[3 / 3] fetched dep: go-log
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-loggables
installing package: go-libp2p-peer-2.0.0
[1 / 5] fetched dep: go-libp2p-crypto
[2 / 5] fetched dep: go-base58
[3 / 5] fetched dep: go-multihash
[4 / 5] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[5 / 5] fetched dep: go-log
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-peer
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-crypto-1.0.2
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go-msgio
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-log
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[4 / 4] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-crypto
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[2 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-msgio-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-randbuf
successfully found all deps for go-msgio
installing package: go-randbuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-randbuf
installation of go-randbuf complete!
installation of go-msgio complete!
installation of go-libp2p-crypto complete!
installation of go-libp2p-peer complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[3 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-multiaddr-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-multiaddr complete!
installation of go-libp2p-loggables complete!
installing package: go-reuseport-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-net-resolve-addr
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-sockaddr
successfully found all deps for go-reuseport
installing package: go-sockaddr-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-sockaddr
installation of go-sockaddr complete!
installing package: go-net-resolve-addr-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-net-resolve-addr
installation of go-net-resolve-addr complete!
installation of go-reuseport complete!
installing package: go-multiaddr-net-1.2.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr-net
installing package: go-multiaddr-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-multiaddr complete!
installation of go-multiaddr-net complete!
installing package: mafmt-1.1.1
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
successfully found all deps for mafmt
installing package: go-multiaddr-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-multiaddr complete!
installation of mafmt complete!
installing package: utp-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: sync
[2 / 2] fetched dep: missinggo
successfully found all deps for utp
installing package: missinggo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for missinggo
installation of missinggo complete!
installing package: sync-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: missinggo
successfully found all deps for sync
installing package: missinggo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for missinggo
installation of missinggo complete!
installation of sync complete!
installation of utp complete!
installation of go-libp2p-transport complete!
installing package: go-smux-yamux-1.1.1
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-stream-muxer
[2 / 2] fetched dep: yamux
successfully found all deps for go-smux-yamux
installing package: yamux-1.0.1
successfully found all deps for yamux
installation of yamux complete!
installing package: go-stream-muxer-1.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-stream-muxer
installation of go-stream-muxer complete!
installation of go-smux-yamux complete!
installing package: go-smux-multistream-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-stream-muxer
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-multistream
successfully found all deps for go-smux-multistream
installing package: go-multistream-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-multistream
installation of go-multistream complete!
installing package: go-stream-muxer-1.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-stream-muxer
installation of go-stream-muxer complete!
installation of go-smux-multistream complete!
installing package: go-smux-spdystream-1.0.1
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-stream-muxer
[2 / 2] fetched dep: spdystream
successfully found all deps for go-smux-spdystream
installing package: spdystream-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for spdystream
installation of spdystream complete!
installing package: go-stream-muxer-1.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-stream-muxer
installation of go-stream-muxer complete!
installation of go-smux-spdystream complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-peerstore-1.1.0
[1 / 9] fetched dep: go-libp2p-peer
[2 / 9] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[3 / 9] fetched dep: go-log
[4 / 9] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
[5 / 9] fetched dep: go-net
[6 / 9] fetched dep: go-keyspace
[7 / 9] fetched dep: go-libp2p-crypto
[8 / 9] fetched dep: go-multiaddr-net
[9 / 9] fetched dep: mafmt
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-peerstore
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-multiaddr-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-multiaddr complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: go-keyspace-1.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-keyspace
installation of go-keyspace complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-crypto-1.0.2
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go-msgio
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-log
[4 / 4] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-crypto
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-msgio-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-randbuf
successfully found all deps for go-msgio
installing package: go-randbuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-randbuf
installation of go-randbuf complete!
installation of go-msgio complete!
installation of go-libp2p-crypto complete!
installing package: go-multiaddr-net-1.2.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr-net
installing package: go-multiaddr-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-multiaddr complete!
installation of go-multiaddr-net complete!
installing package: mafmt-1.1.1
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
successfully found all deps for mafmt
installing package: go-multiaddr-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-multiaddr complete!
installation of mafmt complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-peer-2.0.0
[1 / 5] fetched dep: go-libp2p-crypto
[2 / 5] fetched dep: go-base58
[3 / 5] fetched dep: go-multihash
[4 / 5] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[5 / 5] fetched dep: go-log
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-peer
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-crypto-1.0.2
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go-msgio
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-log
[4 / 4] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-crypto
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[4 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-msgio-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-randbuf
successfully found all deps for go-msgio
installing package: go-randbuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-randbuf
installation of go-randbuf complete!
installation of go-msgio complete!
installation of go-libp2p-crypto complete!
installation of go-libp2p-peer complete!
installation of go-libp2p-peerstore complete!
installation of go-libp2p complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-secio-1.0.6
[1 / 7] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[2 / 7] fetched dep: go-libp2p-crypto
[3 / 7] fetched dep: go-libp2p-peer
[4 / 7] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
[5 / 7] fetched dep: go-net
[6 / 7] fetched dep: go-msgio
[7 / 7] fetched dep: go-log
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-secio
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: go-msgio-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-randbuf
successfully found all deps for go-msgio
installing package: go-randbuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-randbuf
installation of go-randbuf complete!
installation of go-msgio complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-crypto-1.0.2
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go-msgio
[2 / 4] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-log
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-crypto
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-msgio-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-randbuf
successfully found all deps for go-msgio
installing package: go-randbuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-randbuf
installation of go-randbuf complete!
installation of go-msgio complete!
installation of go-libp2p-crypto complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-peer-2.0.0
[1 / 5] fetched dep: go-libp2p-crypto
[2 / 5] fetched dep: go-base58
[3 / 5] fetched dep: go-multihash
[4 / 5] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[5 / 5] fetched dep: go-log
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-peer
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-crypto-1.0.2
[1 / 4] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-msgio
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-log
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-crypto
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[2 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-msgio-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-randbuf
successfully found all deps for go-msgio
installing package: go-randbuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-randbuf
installation of go-randbuf complete!
installation of go-msgio complete!
installation of go-libp2p-crypto complete!
installation of go-libp2p-peer complete!
installation of go-libp2p-secio complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-crypto-1.0.2
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-log
[3 / 4] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-msgio
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-crypto
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
[4 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-msgio-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-randbuf
successfully found all deps for go-msgio
installing package: go-randbuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-randbuf
installation of go-randbuf complete!
installation of go-msgio complete!
installation of go-libp2p-crypto complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-peer-2.0.0
[1 / 5] fetched dep: go-libp2p-crypto
[2 / 5] fetched dep: go-base58
[3 / 5] fetched dep: go-multihash
[4 / 5] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
[5 / 5] fetched dep: go-log
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-peer
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-libp2p-crypto-1.0.2
[1 / 4] fetched dep: go-msgio
[2 / 4] fetched dep: gogo-protobuf
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-log
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-ipfs-util
successfully found all deps for go-libp2p-crypto
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: go-log-0.0.0
[1 / 4] fetched dep: randbo
[2 / 4] fetched dep: go.uuid
[3 / 4] fetched dep: go-logging
[4 / 4] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: go.uuid-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: go-ipfs-util-1.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-multihash
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-ipfs-util
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-ipfs-util complete!
installing package: go-msgio-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-randbuf
successfully found all deps for go-msgio
installing package: go-randbuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-randbuf
installation of go-randbuf complete!
installation of go-msgio complete!
installation of go-libp2p-crypto complete!
installation of go-libp2p-peer complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: goprocess-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-cienv
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for goprocess
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: go-cienv-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-cienv
installation of go-cienv complete!
installation of goprocess complete!
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installing package: gogo-protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for gogo-protobuf
installation of gogo-protobuf complete!
installing package: client_golang-0.0.0
[1 / 6] fetched dep: go-net
[2 / 6] fetched dep: perks
[3 / 6] fetched dep: procfs
[4 / 6] fetched dep: client_model
[5 / 6] fetched dep: common
[6 / 6] fetched dep: protobuf
successfully found all deps for client_golang
installing package: protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for protobuf
installation of protobuf complete!
installing package: client_model-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: protobuf
successfully found all deps for client_model
installing package: protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for protobuf
installation of protobuf complete!
installation of client_model complete!
installing package: procfs-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for procfs
installation of procfs complete!
installing package: common-0.0.0
[1 / 5] fetched dep: protobuf
[2 / 5] fetched dep: go-net
[3 / 5] fetched dep: client_model
[4 / 5] fetched dep: golang_protobuf_extensions
[5 / 5] fetched dep: httprouter
successfully found all deps for common
installing package: httprouter-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for httprouter
installation of httprouter complete!
installing package: protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for protobuf
installation of protobuf complete!
installing package: golang_protobuf_extensions-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: protobuf
successfully found all deps for golang_protobuf_extensions
installing package: protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for protobuf
installation of protobuf complete!
installation of golang_protobuf_extensions complete!
installing package: client_model-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: protobuf
successfully found all deps for client_model
installing package: protobuf-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for protobuf
installation of protobuf complete!
installation of client_model complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installation of common complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: perks-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for perks
installation of perks complete!
installation of client_golang complete!
installing package: iptb-1.0.0
[1 / 5] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
[2 / 5] fetched dep: go-multiaddr-net
[3 / 5] fetched dep: go-ctrlnet
[4 / 5] fetched dep: stump
[5 / 5] fetched dep: cli
successfully found all deps for iptb
installing package: go-multiaddr-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-multiaddr complete!
installing package: go-multiaddr-net-1.2.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr-net
installing package: go-multiaddr-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-multihash
successfully found all deps for go-multiaddr
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installation of go-multiaddr complete!
installation of go-multiaddr-net complete!
installing package: cli-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: yaml.v2
successfully found all deps for cli
installing package: yaml.v2-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for yaml.v2
installation of yaml.v2 complete!
installation of cli complete!
installing package: stump-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for stump
installation of stump complete!
installing package: go-ctrlnet-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-ctrlnet
installation of go-ctrlnet complete!
installation of iptb complete!
installing package: go-multihash-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-base58
successfully found all deps for go-multihash
installing package: go-base58-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-base58
installation of go-base58 complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-multihash complete!
installing package: go.uuid-1.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: hamming-0.0.10
successfully found all deps for hamming
installation of hamming complete!
installing package: backoff-1.0.0
successfully found all deps for backoff
installation of backoff complete!
installing package: proquint-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for proquint
installation of proquint complete!
installing package: pb-1.0.3
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-colorable
successfully found all deps for pb
installing package: go-colorable-0.0.4
successfully found all deps for go-colorable
installation of go-colorable complete!
installation of pb complete!
installing package: go-context-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for go-context
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installation of go-context complete!
installing package: cors-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-net
[2 / 2] fetched dep: xhandler
successfully found all deps for cors
installing package: xhandler-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for xhandler
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installation of xhandler complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installation of cors complete!
installing package: go-humanize-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-humanize
installation of go-humanize complete!
installing package: atomicfile-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for atomicfile
installation of atomicfile complete!
installing package: goleveldb-0.0.1
[1 / 1] fetched dep: snappy
successfully found all deps for goleveldb
installing package: snappy-0.0.1
successfully found all deps for snappy
installation of snappy complete!
installation of goleveldb complete!
installing package: go-sysinfo-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: go-humanize
successfully found all deps for go-sysinfo
installing package: go-humanize-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-humanize
installation of go-humanize complete!
installation of go-sysinfo complete!
installing package: fsnotify.v1-1.3.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: sys
successfully found all deps for fsnotify.v1
installing package: sys-0.0.1
successfully found all deps for sys
installation of sys complete!
installation of fsnotify.v1 complete!
installing package: go-datastore-0.0.1
[1 / 8] fetched dep: golang-lru
[2 / 8] fetched dep: goleveldb
[3 / 8] fetched dep: metrics
[4 / 8] fetched dep: go.uuid
[5 / 8] fetched dep: goprocess
[6 / 8] fetched dep: go-log
[7 / 8] fetched dep: go-os-rename
[8 / 8] fetched dep: radix
successfully found all deps for go-datastore
installing package: go.uuid-1.0.0
successfully found all deps for go.uuid
installation of go.uuid complete!
installing package: goleveldb-0.0.1
[1 / 1] fetched dep: snappy
successfully found all deps for goleveldb
installing package: snappy-0.0.1
successfully found all deps for snappy
installation of snappy complete!
installation of goleveldb complete!
installing package: goprocess-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-cienv
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for goprocess
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: go-cienv-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-cienv
installation of go-cienv complete!
installation of goprocess complete!
installing package: go-log-1.1.2
[1 / 3] fetched dep: go-logging
[2 / 3] fetched dep: randbo
[3 / 3] fetched dep: go-net
successfully found all deps for go-log
installing package: randbo-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for randbo
installation of randbo complete!
installing package: go-net-0.0.0
[1 / 2] fetched dep: go-crypto
[2 / 2] fetched dep: go-text
successfully found all deps for go-net
installing package: go-text-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-text
installation of go-text complete!
installing package: go-crypto-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-crypto
installation of go-crypto complete!
installation of go-net complete!
installing package: go-logging-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-logging
installation of go-logging complete!
installation of go-log complete!
installing package: metrics-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: hdrhistogram
successfully found all deps for metrics
installing package: hdrhistogram-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for hdrhistogram
installation of hdrhistogram complete!
installation of metrics complete!
installing package: radix-0.5.6
successfully found all deps for radix
installation of radix complete!
installing package: go-os-rename-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for go-os-rename
installation of go-os-rename complete!
installing package: golang-lru-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for golang-lru
installation of golang-lru complete!
installation of go-datastore complete!
installing package: metrics-0.0.0
[1 / 1] fetched dep: hdrhistogram
successfully found all deps for metrics
installing package: hdrhistogram-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for hdrhistogram
installation of hdrhistogram complete!
installation of metrics complete!
installing package: golang-lru-0.0.0
successfully found all deps for golang-lru
installation of golang-lru complete!
installation of go-ipfs complete!
kalmi@Sylph /cygdrive/c/test
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