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Last active June 9, 2021 09:35
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The most detailed guide for installing Pi-hole as a DHCP and DNS (DoH Quad9 upstream) server on a Raspberry Pi.

Pi-hole guide:


  • Boot Raspberry pi with Raspbian (using a USB flash drive)
  • Installing Pi-hole and configuring it to also act as a DHCP server
  • Setting up Quad9 on DoH, as the only upstream DNS server

Step 1: Boot Raspberry pi with Raspbian (using a USB flash drive)

  • Download raspbian from the official link.
    • Recommended: Raspberry Pi OS Lite
  • Extract the .zip folder to find a .img file.
    • Note: Even though Raspberry Pi (3B, 3B+, 4B) have a 64-bit CPU architecture, but Raspbian OS (desktop + recommended, desktop, and lite) are 32-bit based.
  • Use Rufus to create a bootable USB flash drive (aka pen-drive / thumb drive) from the just extracted image file.
  • Once done, create a file named "ssh" (without quotes and no extension) in the root folder of the bootable USB flash drive. This enables ssh capability on the Pi.
  • Connect the bootable USB flash drive to a USB A port on the Pi, the ethernet cable to your Switch/Router's RJ45 jack.
    • Note: Prefer USB 3.0 A port, if available.
  • Power on the Pi and wait for a minute or so.
  • Collect the Pi's IP from the routing table of your Switch/Router, or use an IP Scanner tool for the same.
  • ssh into the pi via: ssh pi@IP_ADDRESS_OF_THE_PI
    • Note: The default password is raspberry; It's highly recommended to change it.
  • Once ssh'ed, run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y to update all packages.
  • Set up a static IP for the Pi via sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf. In here add,
static ip_address=
static routers="YOUR_ROUTER_GATEWAY"
  • Save and exit nano
    • Note: You can follow this method if you do not have access to your router's settings.
  • Finally, reboot the Pi via sudo reboot
  • Your pi should now be accessable via ssh pi@

Step 2: Installing Pi-hole and configuring it to also act as a DHCP server

  • Use Pi-hole's one step automated install by running curl -sSL | bash on your Pi.
  • Follow on screen settings, and when asked for upstream DNS, choose Quad9 Filtered DNSSEC.
    • Note: This will be changed to use Quad9 on DoH.
  • Post installing Pi-hole, note down the password, as this will be used to login to the admin webpage.
  • Head over to and type in the above presented password.
  • Once loggedin, navigate to the DHCP webpage via
  • Enable Pi-hole DHCP server and optionally IPv6 support.
    • Note: Disable DHCP from your main router/switch!
  • At enable Listen on all interfaces
  • Back in the ssh terminal type in getconf LONG_BIT
    • The output 32 signifies that the OS is 32-bit.

Step 3: Setting up Quad9 on DoH, as the only upstream DNS server

  • For DNS over HTTPS, we'll be using cloudflared. Install via:
tar -xvzf cloudflared-stable-linux-arm.tgz
sudo cp ./cloudflared /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cloudflared
cloudflared -v
  • Next, we'll configure cloudflared to use Quad9 DNS
sudo mkdir /etc/cloudflared/
sudo nano /etc/cloudflared/config.yml
  • In here, add
proxy-dns: true
proxy-dns-port: 5053
  • Save changes and exit nano.
  • To save the configuration run:
sudo cloudflared service install --legacy
sudo systemctl start cloudflared
sudo reboot
  • After the reboot, head over to and uncheck both the boxes corresponding to Quad9 (filtered, DNSSEC)
  • Enable Custom 1 (IPv4) and add in the box.
  • Finally save the changes and reboot Pi again!


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