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Created July 26, 2018 23:01
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#ifndef SPLAY_TREE_H
#define SPLAY_TREE_H
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
#include "Array.h"
#include "bst.h"
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT>
class SplayTree : public BST<KeyT,ValueT> {
enum Orientation {
/// Find a node in the BST containing the given key
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* find(KeyT aKey)
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* node = BST<KeyT,ValueT>::find(aKey);
if (node != nullptr) {
cout << "doing a splay " << endl;
// Splay the node that is found or the node where the search ended
return node;
/// Find a node in the BST containing the given key.
/// If exact match not found, return nullptr but also set the approxMatchNode
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* findApprox(KeyT aKey,
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>*& approxMatchNode_lb,
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>*& approxMatchNode_ub)
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* node = BST<KeyT,ValueT>::findApprox(aKey,
if (node != nullptr) {
// Splay the node that is found or the node where the search ended
} else {
if (approxMatchNode_lb)
if (approxMatchNode_ub)
return node;
/// Find min
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* getMin()
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* minBSTNode = BST<KeyT,ValueT>::getMin();
if (minBSTNode != nullptr) {
// Splay the min node
return minBSTNode;
/// Find max
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* getMax()
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* maxBSTNode = BST<KeyT,ValueT>::getMax();
if (maxBSTNode != nullptr) {
// Splay the max node
return maxBSTNode;
/// Remvoe
void remove(KeyT aKey)
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* parentNode = BST<KeyT,ValueT>::remove(aKey);
if (parentNode != nullptr) {
// Splay the parent node of the removed node
// 1. if aNode < root (zig), get left child or vice versa
// 2. set the parent of old root as aNode
// 3. if aNode < root (zig) set Left child as previous
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* setRotationValues(bool zig, BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aNode, BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aParent) {
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aChild = zig ? aNode->left() : aNode->right();
zig ? aNode->setRight(aParent) : aNode->setLeft(aParent);
zig ? aParent->setLeft(aChild) : aParent->setRight(aChild);
return aChild;
void updateRoot(BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aNode, BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aParent, BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aChild) {
if (aChild != nullptr) aChild->setParent(aParent);
if (this->root() == aParent) {
this->setRoot(aNode); // Set the new root
// Zig rotation -- left to right. Use-case: aNode is a left child of root
void zig(BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aNode, BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aParent) {
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* rightChild = setRotationValues(true, aNode, aParent);
updateRoot(aNode, aParent, rightChild);
// Zag rotation -- right to left. Use-case: aNode is a right child of root
void zag(BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aNode, BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aParent) {
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* leftChild = setRotationValues(false, aNode, aParent);
updateRoot(aNode, aParent, leftChild);
void doZigOrZag(BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aNode, BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aParent) {
isZig(aNode) ? zig(aNode, aParent) : zag(aNode, aParent);
Orientation getOrientation(BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* gParent, BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* ggParent) {
if (ggParent != nullptr) { // if grandparent is not root
return (ggParent->left() == gParent ? LEFT : RIGHT);
return NONE;
bool isZig(BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aNode) { return aNode->parent()->left() == aNode; }
pair<int,int> checkDouble(BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aNode) {
pair<int,int> directions;
directions.first = isZig(aNode); // check child node orientation
directions.second = isZig(aNode->parent()); // check parent node orientation
return directions;
// Double rotation -- zigzig/zagzag/zagzig/zigzag. Use-case: aNode is a grandchild
void doubleZigOrZag(BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aNode, BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aParent, BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aGrandParent) {
pair<int,int> directions = checkDouble(aNode); // note the current state
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* ggParent = aGrandParent->parent(); // get great grandparent
Orientation orient = getOrientation(aGrandParent, ggParent);
directions.first == 1 ? zig(aNode, aParent) : zag(aNode, aParent); // Rotate around parent
directions.second == 1 ? zig(aNode, aParent) : zag(aNode, aParent); // Rotate around grandparent
if (orient != NONE) {
orient == LEFT ? ggParent->setLeft(aNode) : ggParent->setRight(aNode);
aNode->setParent(ggParent); // aNode is now root. Set ggParent as parent.
} else {
// Splay operation
void splay(BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aNode) {
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* parent = aNode->parent();
if (!parent) return; // already root
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* grandParent = parent->parent();
while (parent != nullptr && grandParent != nullptr) {
doubleZigOrZag(aNode, parent, grandParent);
parent = aNode->parent(); // Evaluate new parent and grandparent after rotations
if (parent == nullptr) break;
grandParent = parent->parent();
if (grandParent == nullptr) break;
// Zig operation is done only as a last pass
// after Zigzig and/or Zigzag operations
if (grandParent == nullptr) doZigOrZag(aNode, parent); // Parent is the root -- Zig operation
// TODO: Generate a value for each string and make a comparison that way.
// Otherwise make a custom comparator operator function
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* insert(int aKey) {
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* node = this->insert(aKey);
if (node != nullptr) {
// Splay the node that is found or the node where the search ended
return node;
void splay2(BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* aNode)
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* parent = aNode->parent(); // 1. get parent
if (!parent) return;
BSTNode<KeyT,ValueT>* grandParent = parent->parent(); // 2. get grandparent.
while (parent != nullptr && grandParent != nullptr) { // 3. while both exist,
doubleZigOrZag(aNode, parent, grandParent); // 3a. we know at least double is necessary
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