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Last active September 11, 2019 14:02
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GKE switcher
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu
sedi () {
sed --version &>/dev/null && sed -i -- "$@" || sed -i "" "$@"
if ! command -v fzf &>/dev/null; then
echo 'Please install `fzf`'
return 1
gcloud config configurations list \
| fzf --header="### Choose google cloud project" --header-lines=1 -1 --layout=reverse \
| awk '{print $1}'
gcloud config configurations activate "${project}"
gcloud container clusters list \
| fzf --header="### Choose GKE cluster" --header-lines=1 -1 --layout=reverse \
| awk '{print $1, $2}'
IFS=" " read -r -a cluster <<< "${cluster_info}"
command="gcloud container clusters get-credentials"
[[ ${cluster[1]} =~ -[a-z]$ ]] && location="--zone=" || location+="--region="
gcloud container clusters get-credentials "$location" "${cluster[0]}"
eval $(gcloud container clusters describe "$location" "${cluster[0]}" --format="config[export](privateClusterConfig)")
sedi "s,https://$privateClusterConfig_privateEndpoint$,https://$privateClusterConfig_publicEndpoint,g" ~/.kube/config
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