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Created April 8, 2014 19:48
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GLIFT Simulation
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <queue>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define pii pair<int,int>
pii AND(pii x, pii y) {
pii Output;
Output.first = (x.first & y.first);
Output.second = ((x.second & y.second) | (x.first & (1-x.second) & y.second) | (y.first & x.second & (1-y.second)));
return Output;
pii OR(pii x, pii y) {
pii Output;
Output.first = (x.first | y.first);
Output.second = ((x.second & y.second) | (x.second & (1-y.second) & (1-y.first)));
return Output;
pii NOT(pii x) {
pii Output;
Output.first = 1-x.first;
Output.second = x.second;
return Output;
pii XOR(pii x, pii y) {
pii Output;
Output.first = (x.first ^ y.first);
Output.second = (x.second & y.second);
return Output;
typedef struct {
int in1Type, in2Type; // input can come from input wires or gates
int in1Index, in2Index; // index of input wires or gates
pii outValue; // output value of a gate
typedef struct {
int in1, in2; // input 1's id, input 2's id
int out; // output id
int type; // 0 for AND, 1 for OR, 2 for NOT, 3 for XOR
int level;
int count;
gateValue *gV;
gate* newGate(int in1, int in2, int out, int type) {
gate *newG = (gate*) malloc(sizeof(gate));
newG->in1 = in1;
newG->in2 = in2;
newG->out = out;
newG->type = type;
gateValue *gV = (gateValue*) malloc(sizeof(gateValue));
gV->outValue = make_pair(-1,1);
newG->gV = gV;
return newG;
void simulate(vector< pii > &InputVector, vector< vector<int> > &Level, vector<gate*> &Gates) {
for (int i = 0; i < Level.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < Level[i].size(); j++) {
pii x,y;
if (Gates[Level[i][j]]->gV->in1Type == 1)
x = InputVector[Gates[Level[i][j]]->gV->in1Index];
x = Gates[Gates[Level[i][j]]->gV->in1Index]->gV->outValue;
if (Gates[Level[i][j]]->type != 2) {
if (Gates[Level[i][j]]->gV->in2Type == 1)
y = InputVector[Gates[Level[i][j]]->gV->in2Index];
y = Gates[Gates[Level[i][j]]->gV->in2Index]->gV->outValue;
// actual computing of values of respective gates
if (Gates[Level[i][j]]->type == 0)
Gates[Level[i][j]]->gV->outValue = AND(x,y);
if (Gates[Level[i][j]]->type == 1)
Gates[Level[i][j]]->gV->outValue = OR(x,y);
if (Gates[Level[i][j]]->type == 2)
Gates[Level[i][j]]->gV->outValue = NOT(x);
if (Gates[Level[i][j]]->type == 3)
Gates[Level[i][j]]->gV->outValue = XOR(x,y);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
cout << "Usage: ./a.out <cktFile.txt>" << endl;
ifstream cktFile;[1]);
int inN, outN, gN; // number of inputs, outputs, and gates respectively
cktFile >> inN >> outN >> gN;
vector<int> Input(inN), Output(outN); // array(vector) of inputs and outputs
vector<gate*> Gates(gN); // array of pointers to gates
vector< vector<int> > AdjList(gN); // adjacency list of gates
char ch;
//input INPUTS
for (int i = 0; i < inN; i++)
cktFile >> Input[i];
//input OUTPUTs
for (int i = 0; i < outN; i++)
cktFile >> Output[i];
// input Gates
int in1, in2, out;
char c[4];
int type;
for (int i = 0; i < gN; i++) {
cktFile >> out;
cktFile >> ch;
cktFile >> c[0] >> c[1] >> c[2];
c[3] = '\0';
if (strcmp(c,"AND") == 0) {
cktFile >> ch;
cktFile >> in1;
cktFile >> ch;
cktFile >> in2;
cktFile >> ch;
Gates[i] = newGate(in1, in2, out, 0);
else if (c[0] == 'O') {
cktFile >> in1;
cktFile >> ch;
cktFile >> in2;
cktFile >> ch;
Gates[i] = newGate(in1, in2, out, 1);
else if (strcmp(c,"NOT") == 0) {
cktFile >> ch;
cktFile >> in1;
cktFile >> ch;
Gates[i] = newGate(in1, -1, out, 2);
else {
cktFile >> ch;
cktFile >> in1;
cktFile >> ch;
cktFile >> in2;
cktFile >> ch;
Gates[i] = newGate(in1, in2, out, 3);
//output gates
vector<int> OutputGates(outN);
for (int i = 0; i < outN; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < gN; j++) {
if (Gates[j]->out == Output[i]) {
OutputGates[i] = j;
// creating adjacency list of gates..
for (int i = 0; i < gN; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < gN; j++)
if (Gates[i]->out == Gates[j]->in1 || Gates[i]->out == Gates[j]->in2)
vector<int> rootGates;
//vector< pii > rootGatesinput;
int input1, input2;
for (int i = 0; i < gN; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < inN; j++) {
if (Gates[i]->type == 2 && Gates[i]->in1 == Input[j]) {
Gates[i]->count = 1;
Gates[i]->gV->in1Type = 1;
Gates[i]->gV->in1Index = j;
Gates[i]->level = 1;
if (Input[j] == Gates[i]->in1) {
Gates[i]->gV->in1Type = 1;
Gates[i]->gV->in1Index = j;
input1 = j;
Gates[i]->count += 1;
if (Input[j] == Gates[i]->in2) {
Gates[i]->gV->in2Type = 1;
Gates[i]->gV->in2Index = j;
input2 = j;
Gates[i]->count += 1;
if (Gates[i]->count == 2) {
Gates[i]->level = 1;
queue<int> currentGates;
for (int i = 0; i < rootGates.size(); i++)
int g;
// Breadth First Search, where rootGates are the roots
while (currentGates.size() != 0) {
g = currentGates.front();
for (int i = 0; i < AdjList[g].size(); i++) {
if (Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->type == 2) {
Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->gV->in1Type = 2;
Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->gV->in1Index = g;
Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->level = Gates[g]->level + 1;
else {
if (Gates[g]->out == Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->in1 && Gates[g]->out == Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->in2) {
Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->count += 2;
Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->gV->in1Type = 2;
Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->gV->in2Type = 2;
Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->gV->in1Index = Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->gV->in2Index = g;
else {
Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->count += 1;
if (Gates[g]->out == Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->in1) {
Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->gV->in1Type = 2;
Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->gV->in1Index = g;
else {
Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->gV->in2Type = 2;
Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->gV->in2Index = g;
if (Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->count == 2) {
Gates[AdjList[g][i]]->level = Gates[g]->level + 1;
int maxLevel = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Gates.size(); i++)
if (Gates[i]->level > maxLevel)
maxLevel = Gates[i]->level;
vector< vector<int> > Level(maxLevel);
for (int i = 0; i < Gates.size(); i++)
vector< pii > IV(Input.size());
for (int i = 0; i < IV.size(); i++)
IV[i] = make_pair(rand()%2,0);
for (int i = 0; i < IV.size(); i++)
cout << IV[i].first << " ";
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < OutputGates.size(); i++)
cout << "(" << Gates[OutputGates[i]]->gV->outValue.first << "," << Gates[OutputGates[i]]->gV->outValue.second << ")" << " ";
cout << endl;
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