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Created November 14, 2022 18:14
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#include <SparkFun_HIH4030.h> // Include header files for I2C connectivity support
#include <Wire.h>
int tempAddress = 0x48; // I2C: TMP102 Slave Address with ADD0 grounded
float temp = 0; // Temperature value either Static or Sensor Reading
int tempSensor = 0; // If you are using Temperature Sensor (0 = No / 1 = YES)
#define HIH4030_OUT A0 // Static Variables where DO (Output Pin) is connected with Arduino Analog Pin A1
#define HIH4030_SUPPLY 5 // Static Variables where VCC is connected with Arduino 5V Pin
HIH4030 sensorSpecs(HIH4030_OUT, HIH4030_SUPPLY); // Library Variables
void setup(void) {
void printData(HIH4030 sensor, float temperature) {
Serial.print("Temperature = "); // Print Temperature
Serial.print(" C (");
Serial.print((temperature * 9 / 5) + 32);
Serial.println(" F)");
Serial.print("Sensor Voltage = "); // Print Sensor Voltage
Serial.println(" V");
Serial.print("Relative Humidity = "); // Print Relative Humidity
Serial.println(" %");
Serial.print("True Relative Humidity = "); // Print True Relative Humidity
Serial.println(" %");
void loop(void) { // It is for Repetitive Execution of the code
if (tempSensor == 1)
temp = getTemperature(); // Display the value of Temperature
} else if (tempSensor == 0)
temp = 25; // Set the default value
} else
while (tempSensor != 1 || tempSensor != 0) // When the temperature Sensor is neither 1 or 0
Serial.println("ERROR: tempSensor Value Out of Range"); // Print Error
printData(sensorSpecs, temp); // Print Sensor Readings
Serial.println(""); // Return Space between readings
delay(100); // Delays the Serial Output
float getTemperature() { // Method to get temperature value
Wire.requestFrom(tempAddress, 2); // It is used by master to request bytes from a slave device.The bytes may then be retrieved with the available() and read() functions.
byte MSB =; // To read the Most Significant Byte
byte LSB =; // To read the Least Significant Byte
int TemperatureSum = ((MSB << 8) | LSB) >> 4; // Calculate the Temperature
float celsius = TemperatureSum * 0.0625; // Convert the Temperature into Celsius
return celsius; // Display the value of Celsius
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