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Last active January 21, 2016 02:37
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#import basic stuff
from random import randint
import binascii
def fib(): #defining the fibonacci generating function
a, b = 0, 1
while True:
yield a
a, b = b, a + b
def encrypt(text, fiblist): #defining the encryption function with the text to encrypt and array of fibonacci numbers to that point
binary = bin(int(binascii.hexlify(text), 16))[2:] #convert text to binary
b = int(binary) #convert that to integer
print 'To Binary: '+binary #print it to a user so we know it's done right
n = int(fiblist[len(fiblist)-2])*int(fiblist[len(fiblist)-1]) #generate encryption key by multiplying consecutive fibonacci sequenced numbers
encrypted = n*b #encryption is complete when binary is multiplied by encryption key
print '\nEncrypted: '+str(encrypted) #Print to validate with user
decrypt(encrypted,n) #call the decryption function
def decrypt(text, n):
decrypted = int(text)/n #divide by the key to get the original binary
print '\nBack to binary: '+str(decrypted) #print to validate with original binary so we know it's right
end = [] #define an arbitrary array that will later be joined back
for a in range(0, len(str(decrypted))): #basically get the original binary back
print binascii.unhexlify('%x' % int('0b'+''.join(end), 2)) #print the decrypted text from the binary
#actual code
n = randint(5, 10) #define the nth term to which the series will go
fiblist = [] #define the array for the fibonacci series
for index, fibonacci_number in enumerate(fib()): #basically populate the fibonacci array with the previously defined function up to the nth term
print('{i:3}: {f:3}'.format(i=index, f=fibonacci_number))
if index == n:
text = raw_input("Text to encrypt: ") #get the text to encrypt from the user
encrypt(text, fiblist) #encrypt it
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