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Created May 3, 2011 16:53
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Save kamaulynder/953709 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Language strings for the Service delivery plugin
$lang = array(
// Boundaries
'boundary' => 'Administrative Boundary',
'boundaries' => 'Administrative Boundaries',
'boundary_name' => 'Boundary Name',
'boundary_type' => 'Boundary Type',
'boundary_types' => 'Boundary Types',
'boundary_type_name' => 'Boundary Type Name',
'parent_boundary' => 'Parent Boundary',
// Static Entities
'entity' => 'Entity',
'entities' => 'Static Entities',
'entity_name' => 'Entity Name',
'entity_type' => 'Entity Type',
'entity_types' => 'Static Entity Types',
'entity_type_name' => 'Entity Type Name',
'add_edit_entity' => 'Add/Edit Entities',
'add_static_entity_metadata' => 'Add Static Entity Type Metadata',
'entity_location' => 'Entity Location',
'additional_info' => 'Additional Information',
'dashboard_users' => 'Dashboard Users',
'agency_name' => 'Agency Name',
'huduma' => 'Huduma',
'agency' => 'Agency',
'agencies' => 'Agencies',
'parent_agency' => 'Parent/Governing Agency',
'tickets' => 'Tickets',
'agency_staff_name' => 'Staff Name',
// Actions
'save_agency' => 'Save Agency',
'new_agency' => 'New Agency',
'edit_agency' => 'Edit Agency',
'delete_agency' => 'Delete Agency',
'add_edit_agency' => 'Add/Edit Agencies',
'add_edit_staff' => 'Add/Edit Staff',
'save_entity' => 'Save Entity',
'delete_entity' => 'Delete Entity',
'save_user' => 'Save User',
'delete_user' => 'Delete User',
'view_agencies' => 'View Agencies',
'dashboard_role' => 'Dashboard Role',
'dashboard_roles' => 'Dashboard Roles',
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
// Miscellaneous
'parent_boundary_type' => 'Parent Boundary Type',
'hierarchy' => 'Hierarchy',
'agency_saved' => 'Agency Saved',
'agency_deleted' => 'Agency Deleted',
'agency_staff_saved' => 'Agency Staff Saved',
'agency_staff_deleted' => 'Agency Staff Deleted',
'item_label' => 'Item Label',
'value' => 'Value',
'as_of_year' => 'Last Update Date',
'add_info' => 'Add Info',
'view_additional_info' => 'View Additional Information',
'is_active' => 'Active?',
'belongs_to_service_agency' => 'Belongs to service agency?',
'dashboard_user_saved' => 'Dashboard user added/edited',
'select_role' => 'Select Role',
'add_role' => 'Add Role',
'add_edit_dashboard_role' => 'Add/Edit Dashboard Role',
'role_privileges' => 'Role Privileges',
'associated_service_agency' => 'Associated Service Agency',
'select_agency' => 'Select Agency',
'select_entity' => 'Select Entity',
'select_entity_type' => 'Select Entity Type',
'select_category' => 'Select Category',
'dashboard_role_saved' => 'Dashboard role successfully saved',
'metadata_item_saved' => 'Static Entity Type Metadata Item successfully saved',
'username_or_email' => 'Username or email',
'username_placeholder' => 'Username...',
'password_placeholder' => 'Password...',
'sign_in' => 'Sign In',
'remember_me' => 'Remember me',
'welcome' => 'Welcome',
'submit_comment' => 'Submit Comment',
'comment_saved' => 'Comment Saved',
'dashboard_home' => 'Dashboard Home',
'entity_profile' => 'Entity Profile',
'change_password' => 'Change Password',
'profile_updated' => 'Profile Updated',
'moderate_comments' => 'Moderate Comments',
'undelete' => 'Undelete',
'not_spam' => 'Not Spam',
'top_level_boundary' => 'Top Level Boundary',
'county' => 'County',
'constituency' => 'Constituency',
// Miscellaneous
'parent_boundary_type' => 'Parent Boundary Type',
'hierarchy' => 'Hierarchy',
'agency_saved' => 'Agency Saved',
'agency_deleted' => 'Agency Deleted',
'agency_staff_saved' => 'Agency Staff Saved',
'agency_staff_deleted' => 'Agency Staff Deleted',
'item_label' => 'Item Label',
'value' => 'Value',
'as_of_year' => 'Last Update Date',
'add_info' => 'Add Info',
'view_additional_info' => 'View Additional Information',
'is_active' => 'Active?',
'belongs_to_service_agency'=> 'Belongs to service agency?',
'dashboard_user_saved' => 'Dashboard user added/edited',
'select_role' => 'Select Role',
'add_role' => 'Add Role',
'add_edit_dashboard_role' => 'Add/Edit Dashboard Role',
'role_privileges' => 'Role Privileges',
'associated_service_agency'=> 'Associated Service Agency',
'select_agency' => 'Select Agency',
'select_entity' => 'Select Entity',
'select_entity_type' => 'Select Entity Type',
'select_category' => 'Select Category',
'dashboard_role_saved' => 'Dashboard role successfully saved',
'metadata_item_saved' => 'Static Entity Type Metadata Item successfully saved',
'username_or_email' => 'Username or email',
'username_placeholder' => 'Username...',
'password_placeholder' => 'Password...',
'sign_in' => 'Sign In',
'remember_me' => 'Remember me',
'welcome' => 'Welcome',
'submit_comment' => 'Submit Comment',
'comment_saved' => 'Comment Saved',
'dashboard_home' => 'Dashboard Home',
'entity_profile' => 'Entity Profile',
'change_password' => 'Change Password',
'profile_updated' => 'Profile Updated',
'moderate_comments' => 'Moderate Comments',
'undelete' => 'Undelete',
'not_spam' => 'Not Spam',
'reports_select_county' => 'Select a County',
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
// Error Messages
'error' => array(
'invalid_entity_id' => 'The specified static entity/service point is invalid',
'invalid_metadata' => 'Invalid or missing metadata values'
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