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Created October 8, 2021 13:28
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Solutions and notes to
-- basic --
select * from cd.facilities;
select name, membercost from cd.facilities;
select * from cd.facilities where membercost > 0;
select facid, name, membercost, monthlymaintenance from cd.facilities where membercost < monthlymaintenance * 1/50.0;
select facid, name, membercost, monthlymaintenance from cd.facilities where membercost < monthlymaintenance * 1/50.0 and membercost > 0;
select * from cd.facilities where name like '%Tennis%'
select * from cd.facilities where facid in (1, 5);
select name, case when monthlymaintenance > 100 then 'expensive' else 'cheap' end from cd.facilities;
select memid, surname, firstname, joindate from cd.members where joindate <'2012-09-01';
select distinct surname from cd.members order by surname limit 10;
select surname from cd.members union select name from cd.facilities;
select joindate from cd.members order by joindate desc limit 1;
select firstname, surname, joindate from cd.members order by joindate desc limit 1;
-- === joins and subqueries === --
select starttime from cd.bookings
join cd.members
on cd.members.memid = cd.bookings.memid
where cd.members.firstname = 'David' and cd.members.surname='Farrell';
select b.starttime,
from bookings b
join facilities f on b.facid = f.facid
where date_trunc('day', b.starttime) = '2012-09-21'
and ilike 'Tennis court%'
order by b.starttime;
-- Produce a list of all members who have recommended another member
-- not accepted
select distinct firstname, surname
from cd.members
where memid in (
select recommendedby
from cd.members
where recommendedby is not null);
-- with inner join
select distinct l.firstname, l.surname
from cd.members l join cd.members r
on l.memid = r.recommendedby
order by l.surname;
--Produce a list of all members, along with their recommender
--my answer
select distinct
l.firstname as memfname,
l.surname as memsname,
r.firstname as recfname,
r.surname as recsname
from cd.members l
left join cd.members r
on r.memid = l.recommendedby
order by memsname, memfname;
-- should be
l.firstname as memfname,
l.surname as memsname,
r.firstname as recfname,
r.surname as recsname
from cd.members l
left outer join cd.members r
on r.memid = l.recommendedby
order by memsname, memfname;
-- comment: my solution may not produce output for members with same firstname and surname (but different memid) - here Darren Smith is affected..
--Produce a list of all members who have used a tennis court
select distinct
m.firstname || ' '|| m.surname as member, as facility
from cd.members m
join cd.bookings b on m.memid= b.memid
join cd.facilities f on f.facid = b.facid
where ilike 'tennis court%'
order by member,facility;
--Produce a list of costly bookings
m.firstname || ' '|| m.surname as member, as facility,
b.slots * (case when b.memid = 0 then f.guestcost else f.membercost end) as cost
from cd.members m
join cd.bookings b on m.memid= b.memid
join cd.facilities f on f.facid = b.facid
date_trunc('day', b.starttime) = '2012-09-14'
and (b.slots * (case when b.memid = 0 then f.guestcost else f.membercost end)) > 30
order by cost desc;
--Produce a list of all members, along with their recommender, using no joins.
-- oh no! too long have I beed thinking
-- my query didn't have distinct clause and was therefore invalid
select distinct
m.firstname || ' ' || m.surname as member,
( select firstname || ' ' || surname
from cd.members
where memid = m.recommendedby) as recommender
from cd.members m
order by member;
-- costly bokings with subquery
from (
date_trunc('day', b.starttime) as d,
m.firstname || ' '|| m.surname as member, as facility,
b.slots * (case when b.memid = 0 then f.guestcost else f.membercost end) as cost
from cd.members m
join cd.bookings b on m.memid= b.memid
join cd.facilities f on f.facid = b.facid
) as ff
ff.d = '2012-09-14' and ff.cost > 30
order by cost desc;
-- === Modifying data ===
-- Insert: facid: 9, Name: 'Spa', membercost: 20, guestcost: 30, initialoutlay: 100000, monthlymaintenance: 800.
insert into cd.facility(facid, name, membercost, guestcist, initialoutlay, monthlymaintenance)
values (9, 'Spa', 20, 30, 100000,800);
-- multiple values
insert into cd.facilities(facid, name, membercost, guestcost, initialoutlay, monthlymaintenance)
values (9, 'Spa', 20, 30, 100000,800), (10, 'Squash Court 2', 3.5, 17.5, 5000, 80);
--Insert calculated data into a table
-- I failed!
-- this is my trial:
insert into cd.facilities(facid, name, membercost, guestcost, initialoutlay, monthlymaintenance)
values (select max(f.facid) + 1 as facid from cd.facilities f, 'Spa', 20, 30, 100000,800);
--this is how it should be done:
insert into cd.facilities (facid, name, membercost, guestcost, initialoutlay, monthlymaintenance)
select (select max(facid) from cd.facilities)+1, 'Spa', 20, 30, 100000, 800;
-- Update some existing data
update cd.facilities set initialoutlay=10000 where name='Tennis Court 2';
-- multi update
update cd.facilities set guestcost=30,membercost=6 where name ilike 'Tennis Court%';
-- Update a row based on the contents of another row
update cd.facilities set
guestcost= 1.1*(select guestcost from cd.facilities where name='Tennis Court 1'),
membercost=1.1*(select membercost from cd.facilities where name='Tennis Court 1')
where name='Tennis Court 2';
-- delete all bookings
delete from cd.bookings;
--Delete a member from the cd.members table
delete from cd.members where memid=37;
-- delete all members that haven't booked enything
-- didn't work
delete from cd.members where memid in (select m.memid from cd.members m join cd.bookings b on b.memid=m.memid group by m.memid having count(*) = 0)
-- correct
delete from cd.members where memid not in (select memid from cd.bookings);
-- == Aggregation ==
--Count the number of facilities
select count(*) from cd.facilities;
--Count the number of expensive facilities
select count(*) from cd.facilities where guestcost>10;
--Count the number of recommendations each member makes.
select recommendedby, count(*) from cd.members where recommendedby is not null group by recommendedby order by recommendedby;
--List the total slots booked per facility
select facid, sum(slots) from cd.bookings group by facid order by facid;
--List the total slots booked per facility in a given month (sept 2012)
select facid, sum(slots) from cd.bookings where starttime < '2012-10-01' and starttime >= '2012-09-01' group by facid order by sum;
-- List the total slots booked per facility per month
select facid, date_part('month', starttime) as month, sum(slots) as "Total Slots"
from cd.bookings
where date_part('year', starttime) = 2012
group by facid, month
order by facid, month;
-- Find the count of members who have made at least one booking
select count(*) from (select count(*) from cd.bookings group by memid) as count;
--List facilities with more than 1000 slots booked
select facid, sum(slots) as s
from cd.bookings
group by facid
having sum(slots) > 1000
order by facid;
-- Find the total revenue of each facility
-- this is my accepted original solution (three selects, omg)
select name, rev from (
select as name , sum(r.rev)as rev from (
select as name,
b.slots * (case when b.memid = 0 then f.guestcost else f.membercost end) as rev
from cd.bookings b
join cd.facilities f
on b.facid = f.facid
) as r
group by as x
order by x.rev;
-- this is suggested one:
select, sum(slots * case
when memid = 0 then facs.guestcost
else facs.membercost
end) as revenue
from cd.bookings bks
inner join cd.facilities facs
on bks.facid = facs.facid
group by
order by revenue;
-- Find facilities with a total revenue less than 1000
select name, revenue from (
select as name,
sum(b.slots * (case when b.memid=0 then f.guestcost else f.membercost end)) as revenue
from cd.bookings b join cd.facilities f on b.facid = f.facid
group by f.facid
order by revenue
) as x where x.revenue < 1000;
--Output the facility id that has the highest number of slots booked
select facid, max(sums.s) as max_slots
from (select facid, sum(b.slots) as s from cd.bookings b group by facid) as sums
group by facid
order by max_slots
desc limit 1;
-- it appears the above solution is invalid - for facilities with same number of slots. So the correct one is
-- (using CTE - common table expressions):
with sum as (select facid, sum(slots) as totalslots
from cd.bookings
group by facid
select facid, totalslots
from sum
where totalslots = (select max(totalslots) from sum);
-- List the total slots booked per facility per month, part 2
select facid, extract(month from starttime) as month, sum(slots) as slots
from cd.bookings
where extract(year from starttime) = 2012
group by rollup(facid, month)
order by facid, month;
-- List the total hours booked per named facility
select f.facid,, round(sum(b.slots)/2.0,2) as "Total Hours" from cd.facilities f join cd.bookings b on f.facid=b.facid group by f.facid order by facid;
--List each member's first booking after September 1st 2012
select m.surname as surname, m.firstname as firstname, m.memid as memid, min(b.starttime) as starttime
from cd.members m join cd.bookings b on m.memid=b.memid
where b.starttime > '2012-09-01'
group by m.memid
order by m.memid;
--Produce a list of member names, with each row containing the total member count
---- of course I created "obvious" solution:
select (select count(*) from cd.members) as count, m.firstname as firstname, m.surname as surname
from cd.members m
order by m.joindate;
---- no way could I expect this one:
select count(*) over(), firstname, surname
from cd.members
order by joindate
--Produce a numbered list of members
select row_number() over(), firstname, surname from cd.members;
--Output the facility id that has the highest number of slots booked, again
with sms as (
select facid, sum(slots) as sum, max(sum(slots)) over () as m
from cd.bookings group by facid)
select facid, sum from sms where sum = m;
---- well, rank() function should be used, but :(...
--Rank members by (rounded) hours used
round((sum(b.slots) / 2) / 10.0, 0) * 10 as hours,
rank() over (order by round((sum(b.slots) / 2 ) /10.0, 0) * 10 desc) rank
from cd.members m
join cd.bookings b on b.memid = m.memid
group by m.memid
order by rank, m.surname, m.firstname;
--Find the top three revenue generating facilities
-- Mindblowing.
select name, rank() over (order by rev desc) r from
(select name, sum((case when b.memid = 0 then f.guestcost else f.membercost end)*b.slots) as rev
from cd.bookings b join cd.facilities f on f.facid = b.facid
group by f.facid
) as sums
order by r, name
limit 3;
-- however, ties would give incorrect answer due to limit.
-- So I thought, ok, let's use WHEN with rank:
select name, rank() over (order by rev desc) r from
(select name, sum((case when b.memid = 0 then f.guestcost else f.membercost end)*b.slots) as rev
from cd.bookings b join cd.facilities f on f.facid = b.facid
group by f.facid
) as sums
where r <= 3
order by rank, name;
-- but this does not work due to "ERROR: column "r" does not exist
--LINE 6: where r <= 3
-- ^
--SQL state: 42703
--Character: 248
-- And a correct solution is to move rank() call so subquery
select name, rank from
(select name, rank() over (order by sum( (case when b.memid = 0 then f.guestcost else f.membercost end)*b.slots) desc) rank
from cd.bookings b join cd.facilities f on f.facid = b.facid
group by f.facid
) as sums
where rank <= 3
order by rank, name;
--Classify facilities by value
-- oh, this one looks scary but was easy and accepted on second try (first one failed due to classification typo)
select name, case when rank=1 then 'high' when rank=2 then 'average' when rank =3 then 'low' end revenue from
(select name, ntile(3) over (order by sum( (case when b.memid = 0 then f.guestcost else f.membercost end)*b.slots) desc) rank
from cd.bookings b join cd.facilities f on f.facid = b.facid
group by f.facid
) as sums
order by sums.rank, name;
--Calculate the payback time for each facility
-- this one was interesting - because I assumed that I have data for each day, but in reality I should have generated dates by hand...
with all_revs as (
select date(starttime) d,
sum(case when b.memid = 0
then slots * f.guestcost
else slots * f.membercost
end) rev
from cd.facilities f join cd.bookings b ON b.facid = f.facid
where date(starttime) >= ('2012-08-01'::DATE - '16 days'::INTERVAL) and date(starttime) < '2012-09-01'
group by d
order by d),
all_avgs as (
select d, rev, avg(rev) over (rows 16 preceding exclude current row) aa
from all_revs)
select d, aa from all_avgs
where extract(year from d) = 2012 and extract(month from d) = 8;
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