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Created March 16, 2023 21:40
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//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.15;
import "@district-labs/uniswap-oracle/contracts/interfaces/IDistrictUniswapV3Oracle.sol";
import { BytesLib } from "@delegatable/delegatable-sol/contracts/libraries/BytesLib.sol";
import { CaveatEnforcer, Transaction } from "@delegatable/delegatable-sol/contracts/CaveatEnforcer.sol";
contract DistrictUniswapV3TwapAboveEnforcer is CaveatEnforcer {
IDistrictUniswapV3Oracle public immutable oracle;
constructor(IDistrictUniswapV3Oracle _oracle) {
oracle = _oracle;
function getPoolArithmeticMeanTick(
address _tokenA,
address _tokenB,
uint24 _fee,
uint32 _secondsAgo
) public view returns (int24 arithmeticMeanTick) {
arithmeticMeanTick = oracle.getPoolArithmeticMeanTick(_tokenA, _tokenB, _fee, _secondsAgo);
function enforceCaveat(
bytes calldata terms,
Transaction calldata transaction,
bytes32 delegationHash
) public override returns (bool) {
// 1. unpack the terms
uint32 secondsAgo = BytesLib.toUint32(terms, 0);
uint8 tickSign = BytesLib.toUint8(terms, 4);
uint24 unsignedTickThreshold = _toUint24(terms, 5); // next 8
int24 tickThreshold;
if (tickSign == 0) {
// we ok with negatives due to MIN/MAX_TICK set by uni
tickThreshold = -int24(unsignedTickThreshold);
} else if (tickSign == 1) {
tickThreshold = int24(unsignedTickThreshold);
} else {
revert("DistrictUniswapV3TwapAboveEnforcer:tickSign MUST be 0 (negative), or 1 (positive)");
address tokenA = BytesLib.toAddress(terms, 8);
address tokenB = BytesLib.toAddress(terms, 28);
uint24 fee = _toUint24(terms, 48);
// 2. get the price from uni
int24 uniswapTwapTick = getPoolArithmeticMeanTick(tokenA, tokenB, fee, secondsAgo);
if (tickThreshold > uniswapTwapTick) {
return true;
} else {
revert("DistrictUniswapV3TwapAboveEnforcer:tickThreshold <= uniswapTwapTick");
function _toUint24(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (uint24) {
require(_bytes.length >= _start + 3, "_toUint24_outOfBounds");
uint24 tempUint;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x3), _start))
return tempUint;
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