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1 (+1) Floern, 235628 helpful flags (+109737)
2 (-1) Andy, 130611 helpful flags (+8)
3 (+3) Wai Ha Lee, 116243 helpful flags (+78929)
4 (-1) Pang, 108261 helpful flags (+8620)
5 (+941) Dharman, 74356 helpful flags (+73393)
6 (+4) Shree, 67079 helpful flags (+32375)
7 (+2903) Vote Dukakis, 58494 helpful flags (+58494)
8 (-3) gnat, 54356 helpful flags (+12484)
9 (-1) Eric Aya, 47870 helpful flags (+11669)
10 (-6) [Jamal](https:/

1 (+1) Floern, 235628 helpful flags (+109737)
2 (-1) Andy, 130611 helpful flags (+8)
3 (+3) Wai Ha Lee, 116243 helpful flags (+78929)
4 (-1) Pang, 108261 helpful flags (+8620)
5 (+941) Dharman, 74356 helpful flags (+73393)
6 (+4) Shree, 67079 helpful flags (+32375)
7 (-7) Vote Dukakis, 58494 helpful flags (+58494)
8 (-3) gnat, 54356 helpful flags (+12484)
9 (-1) Eric Aya, 47870 helpful flags (+11669)
10 (-6) Jamal, 47735 helpful flags (+0)

[Floern](/users/559745/floern), 235628 helpful flags
[Andy](/users/189134/andy), 130611 helpful flags
[Wai Ha Lee](/users/1364007/wai-ha-lee), 116243 helpful flags
[Pang](/users/1402846/pang), 108261 helpful flags
[Dharman](/users/1839439/dharman), 74356 helpful flags
[Shree](/users/965146/shree), 67079 helpful flags
[Vote Dukakis](/users/9679969/vote-dukakis), 58494 helpful flags
[gnat](/users/839601/gnat), 54356 helpful flags
[Eric Aya](/users/2227743/eric-aya), 47870 helpful flags
[Jamal](/users/1950231/jamal), 47735 helpful flags
kamil-tekiela /
Last active June 23, 2021 22:35
RFc ideas for PHP
  • Deprecate return by reference
  • Deprecate passing more arguments than specified by signature without variadics. Also, deprecate func_get_args, func_get_arg() and func_num_args()
  • Deprecate variable variables
  • Deprecate the global keyword
  • Implement generics
  • Deprecate call_user_func_array & call_user_func
  • Implement tuples
  • Type aliasing (for union and intersection types)
  • Make json_decode use JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR by default and later remove that flag
  • Deprecate NULL in comparison e.g. NULL < -1

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am kamil-tekiela on github.
  • I am dharman ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDkCMiH2idpJLtA7R0r2CCgOoxxPyRUA2bis7GOKHjAnQo

To claim this, I am signing this object: