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Created March 23, 2014 05:30
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#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# System imports
import string
import sh
import re
import sys
from simplejson import dumps
from consoletools import get_global_ip, get_dbus_machine_id, get_boot_id
### Removed all database references.
def get_disk_info(device):
Return a dict of data full of data
# Collect Data in a new dict
sdinfo = get_disk_sdinfo(device)
throughput = get_disk_throughput(device)
smart = get_disk_smart(device)
data = {'sdinfo': sdinfo, 'throughput': throughput, 'smart': smart}
return data
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
def get_disk_sdinfo(device):
vendor = ""
model = ""
for line in sh.sdparm("-i", device, _err_to_out=True, _ok_code=[0, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 33, 97, 98, 99]):
needle = ' {}: (\S+)\s+(\S+.*)$'.format(device)
s =, line)
if s:
vendor =
model =
return "{} {}".format(vendor, model)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
def get_disk_throughput(device):
throughput = 0
unit = ""
for line in sh.dd("if={}".format(device), "of=/dev/zero", "bs=1M", "count=1000", _err_to_out=True):
s =' copied,.*, (\S+) (\S+)$', line)
if s:
throughput =
unit =
return "{} {}".format(throughput, unit)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
def get_disk_smart(device):
values = read_values(device, True)
the_disk = SmartObject(device, values)
the_disk.quiet = True
the_disk.verbose = False
the_disk.debug = False
return the_disk.return_data()
def read_values_from_file(device, quiet=False):
if not quiet:
print('smarttools: Reading S.M.A.R.T values for ' + device)
# Just accept any return code as a success from smartctl.
ok_codes = range(255) # [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,64,192]
smart_output =, _err_to_out=True, _ok_code=ok_codes)
exit_status = smart_output.exit_code
if exit_status is not None:
# smartctl exit code is a bitmask, check man page.
num_exit_status = int(exit_status / 256)
if num_exit_status == 0:
if not quiet:
print('smarttools: smartctl collected values on drive ' + device + '. Command exited with code ' +
str(num_exit_status) + ' (' + str(exit_status / 256) + ')')
elif num_exit_status <= 2:
if not quiet:
print('smarttools: smartctl cannot access values on drive ' + device + '. Command exited with code ' +
str(num_exit_status) + ' (' + str(exit_status / 256) + ')')
if not quiet:
print('smarttools: smartctl exited with code ' + str(num_exit_status) + '. ' + device + ' may fail soon.')
if not quiet:
print('smarttools: Done Reading S.M.A.R.T values for ' + device)
return smart_output
def read_values(device, quiet=False):
if not quiet:
print('smarttools: Reading S.M.A.R.T values for ' + device)
# Just accept any return code as a success from smartctl.
ok_codes = range(255) # [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,64,192]
smart_output = sh.smartctl('-a', '-A', '-i', device, _err_to_out=True, _ok_code=ok_codes)
exit_status = smart_output.exit_code
if exit_status is not None:
# smartctl exit code is a bitmask, check man page.
num_exit_status = int(exit_status / 256)
if num_exit_status == 0:
if not quiet:
print('smarttools: smartctl collected values on drive ' + device + '. Command exited with code ' +
str(num_exit_status) + ' (' + str(exit_status / 256) + ')')
elif num_exit_status <= 2:
if not quiet:
print('smarttools: smartctl cannot access values on drive ' + device + '. Command exited with code ' +
str(num_exit_status) + ' (' + str(exit_status / 256) + ')')
if not quiet:
print('smarttools: smartctl exited with code ' + str(num_exit_status) + '. ' + device + ' may fail soon.')
if not quiet:
print('smarttools: Done Reading S.M.A.R.T values for ' + device)
return smart_output
def line_slicer(line, removal=None):
Give me what's behind door number two, Jim.
# Carve a list out of the string.
interim_list = string.split(string.split(line, ':')[1])
if removal: # If there's something we want removed, now is the time for it.
try: # to remove an element from the list
except: # If we can't remove it, just don't do anything.
return string.join(interim_list)
class SmartObject:
def __init__(self, device, smart_input):
"""Populates member variables with default empty values"""
self.debug = False
self.verbose = False
self.quiet = False
self.device_node = device
self.smart_input = smart_input
self.disk_record = {} # Wraps all data
self.disk_information = {'model': "Unknown Model",
'model_family': "Unknown Model Family",
'serial_no': "Unknown Serial Number",
'capacity': "Unknown Capacity",
'phy_protocol': "SATA"
} # Goes inside disk_record
self.smart_status = {} # Goes inside disk_record
self.smart_attributes = {} # Goes inside disk_record
self.smart_blocks = {} # Goes inside disk_record
self.smart_block = [] # Goes inside smart_blocks, emptied whenever we flush a complete block into smart_blocks
self.next_block_mode = 0 # Zero is the 'search for new block' behavior
self.block_mode = 0 # Zero is the 'search for new block' behavior
self.block_counter = 0 # How many blank lines (block changes) we've seen
self.block_switch_counter = 0 # How many block changes we've parsed
self.warnings_issued = 0 # Keep track of a few warning signs for diagnosis
self.many_lines = False # Does this block have many empty lines?
def issue_warning(self, value, threshold, penalty=1):
if int(value) > int(threshold):
self.warnings_issued += int(penalty)
if self.verbose:
print('smarttools: issue_warning: Score Penalty {} issued ( {} > {} )'.format(penalty, value, threshold))
def switch_block(self, old_mode, new_mode):
if self.verbose:
print('smarttools: switch_block: Switching Current Block from {} to: {}'.format(old_mode, new_mode))
try: # to get the block's previous contents so we can append to it.
original_block = self.smart_blocks[old_mode]
if self.debug:
print('smarttools: switch_block Retrieved Original Block: {}'.format(old_mode))
except: # if we can't, then just return an empty string.
original_block = ""
if self.debug:
print('smarttools: switch_block DID NOT Retrieve Original Block: {}'.format(old_mode))
this_block = "".join(self.smart_block)
new_block = original_block + this_block
self.smart_blocks[old_mode] = new_block
if self.debug:
print('smarttools: switch_block saved smart_block: {}'.format(old_mode))
self.smart_block = [] # Empty the list for the next block
if self.debug:
print('smarttools: switch_block emptied smart_block.')
def set_mode(self, mode, many_lines=False):
if self.debug:
print('smarttools: set_mode: Switching Block_Mode from {} to: {}'.format(self.block_mode, mode))
self.switch_block(self.block_mode, mode) # Swap out current block
self.block_mode = mode # Switch to New Block_Mode
self.many_lines = many_lines # A record_type may have additional newlines.
self.block_switch_counter += 1
if self.debug:
print('smarttools: set_mode: Switched Block_Mode to: {}'.format(self.block_mode))
def parse_info_values(self, l):
if self.debug:
print('smarttools: parseiv line: ' + l.rstrip('\n'))
if l[:13] == 'Device Model:' or l[:7] == 'Device:' or l[:8] == 'Product:':
self.disk_information["model"] = line_slicer(l, 'Version')
if not self.quiet:
print('smarttools: iv:captured a model description: {}'.format(self.disk_information["model"]))
elif l[:14] == 'Serial Number:' or l[:14] == 'Serial number:' or l[:6] == 'Serial':
self.disk_information["serial_no"] = line_slicer(l)
if not self.quiet:
print('smarttools: iv:captured a serial number: {}'.format(self.disk_information["serial_no"]))
elif l[:13] == 'Model Family:':
self.disk_information["model_family"] = line_slicer(l)
if not self.quiet:
print('smarttools: iv:captured a model family: {}'.format(self.disk_information["model_family"]))
elif l[:14] == 'User Capacity:':
self.disk_information["capacity"] = line_slicer(l)
if not self.quiet:
print('smarttools: iv:captured a capacity: {}'.format(self.disk_information["capacity"]))
elif l[:16] == 'ATA Security is:':
self.disk_information["ata_security"] = line_slicer(l)
if not self.quiet:
print('smarttools: iv:captured an ATA Security status: {}'.format(self.disk_information["ata_security"]))
elif l[:19] == 'Transport protocol:':
self.disk_information["phy_protocol"] = line_slicer(l)
if not self.quiet:
print('smarttools: iv:captured a protocol: {}'.format(self.disk_information["phy_protocol"]))
def parse_health_values(self, l):
if self.debug:
print('smarttools: parsehv line: ' + l.rstrip('\n'))
if l[:20] == 'SMART Health Status:':
disk_status = line_slicer(l)
if disk_status == "OK": # then convert this "OK" value to the same "PASSED" used by SATA devices.
self.smart_status["health_status"] = "PASSED"
else: # leave it alone, it's very descriptive when it's not "OK".
self.issue_warning(10, 5, 500) # Issue a score of 500 to a not "PASSED" disk.
self.smart_status["health_status"] = disk_status
if not self.quiet:
print('smarttools: hv:captured a SAS health status: {}'.format(self.smart_status["health_status"]))
elif self.block_mode == 16 and l[:30] == 'Elements in grown defect list:':
grown_defects = line_slicer(l)
self.issue_warning(grown_defects, 1, grown_defects) # Issue a warning if this value exceeds the threshold.
self.smart_status["grown_defects"] = grown_defects
self.smart_status["bad_sectors"] = grown_defects
self.disk_information["bad_sectors"] = grown_defects
if not self.quiet:
print('smarttools: hv:captured a SAS grown defect count: {}'.format(self.smart_status["grown_defects"]))
elif self.block_mode == 77 and l[:23] == 'Non-medium error count:':
nme_count = line_slicer(l)
self.issue_warning(nme_count, 25, nme_count) # Issue a warning if this value exceeds the threshold.
self.smart_status["non_medium_errors"] = line_slicer(l)
if not self.quiet:
print('smarttools: hv:captured a SAS non-medium error count: {}'.format(self.smart_status["non_medium_errors"]))
elif self.block_mode == 16 and l[:49] == 'SMART overall-health self-assessment test result:':
health_status = line_slicer(l)
if health_status != "PASSED":
self.issue_warning(10, 5, 500) # Issue a score of 500 to a not "PASSED" disk.
self.smart_status["health_status"] = health_status
if not self.quiet:
print('smarttools: hv:captured a SATA health status: {}'.format(self.smart_status["health_status"]))
def parse_smart_attributes(self, l):
smart_attribute = string.split(l)
if smart_attribute[0] == "||||||_": # The Map Key for Flags
self.set_mode(19) # Stuff the legend key into block 19
return # We don't need to parse this any further.
if self.debug:
print('smarttools: Smart Attribute: {}'.format(smart_attribute))
self.smart_attributes[string.replace(smart_attribute[1], '-', '_')] = {
"smart_id": smart_attribute[0],
"attr_name": smart_attribute[1],
"flag": smart_attribute[2],
"value": smart_attribute[3],
"worst": smart_attribute[4],
"threshold": smart_attribute[5],
"fail": smart_attribute[6],
"raw_value": smart_attribute[7]
if self.verbose:
print('smarttools: captured a smart attribute: {}'.format(smart_attribute))
def parse_lines(self):
if self.verbose:
print('smarttools: parse_values: parsing structure:')
##### Begin parsing the smart_output #####
for l in self.smart_input:
if self.verbose:
print('smarttools: Mode: {:02d}, parsing line: {}'.format(self.block_mode, l.rstrip('\n')))
##### Block Detection
if l[:-1] == '': # Found a blank line, treat as end of a block.
if not self.many_lines: # We know which block types are typically many_lines in advance
self.set_mode(0) # Otherwise stop attribute parsing on the next blank line after the block.
if self.debug:
print('smarttools: Mode: {:02d}, SEARCHING FOR NEW BLOCK: BLANK LINE'.format(self.block_mode))
if self.debug:
print('smarttools: Mode: {:02d}, SEARCHING IN MANY BLOCK: BLANK LINE'.format(self.block_mode))
if self.next_block_mode != 0: # we're expecting a specific block next
self.set_mode(self.next_block_mode) # Switch to the next block mode.
self.next_block_mode = 0 # And reset the next_block_mode back to 0
self.block_counter += 1 # And increment the block counter by one.
##### Block Type Switching
# Nothing here, automatic.
### BLOCKS 10 - 29 (DISK INFO)
if l[:9] == 'smartctl ':
self.set_mode(0) # SATA: Switch to General Information mode
self.disk_information["smartctl_version"] = l.rstrip('\n')
if not self.quiet:
print('smarttools: pv:captured a smartctl_version: {}'.format(self.disk_information["smartctl_version"]))
if l[:36] == '=== START OF INFORMATION SECTION ===':
self.set_mode(11) # SATA: Switch to Information Section mode
elif l[:7] == 'Vendor:':
self.set_mode(11) # SAS: Switch to Information Section mode
self.disk_information["vendor"] = line_slicer(l)
if not self.quiet:
print('smarttools: pv:captured a vendor name: {}'.format(self.disk_information["vendor"]))
if self.block_mode == 11: # Information Section mode
if l[:40] == '=== START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION ==='\
or l[:48] == 'SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number:'\
or l[:21] == 'General SMART Values:':
self.set_mode(16) # SATA: Switch to Read Smart Data Section mode
if self.block_mode == 16: # Read Smart Data Section mode
if l[:20] == 'SMART Health Status:'\
or l[:26] == 'Current Drive Temperature:':
self.set_mode(16) # SAS: Switch to Read Smart Data Section mode
self.parse_health_values(l) # Pass this value through.
try: # SATA: SMART attribute parsing
if self.block_mode == 18: # Begin parsing smart attributes
elif l[:18] == "ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME": # Trigger block reading behavior
self.set_mode(18) # SATA: Switch to Read Smart Attribute mode
if self.debug:
print('smarttools: Found the SMART Attributes Block')
print('smarttools: Failed to parse SATA SMART attribute.')
### BLOCKS 30 - 60 (SATA)
# Other blocks we don't currently handle but recognise and store
if l[:37] == 'General Purpose Log Directory Version':
self.set_mode(31) # SATA: Switch to SATA General Purpose Log Dir Mode
if l[:47] == 'SMART Extended Comprehensive Error Log Version:': # This has (MANY) additional newlines.
self.set_mode(32, True) # SATA: MANY_LINES: Switch to SATA Ext Comprehensive Error Log Mode
if l[:37] == 'SMART Extended Self-test Log Version:':
self.set_mode(35) # SATA: Switch to SATA Ext Self Test Log Mode
if l[:44] == 'SMART Selective self-test log data structure':
self.set_mode(37) # SATA: Switch to SATA Self Test Log Mode
self.next_block_mode = 38 # Go back to block mode 38 afterwards.
if l[:37] == 'SATA Phy Event Counters (GP Log 0x11)':
self.set_mode(41) # SATA: Switch to SATA Physical Event Counter Mode
if l[:19] == 'SCT Status Version:':
self.set_mode(48) # SATA: Switch to SATA Temperature Mode, expect 29 to follow and return
if l[:45] == 'Index Estimated Time Temperature Celsius':
self.set_mode(49) # SATA: Switch to SATA Temperature History Mode
self.next_block_mode = 48 # Go back to block mode 48 afterwards.
### BLOCKS 70 - 90 (SAS)
if l[:43] == 'Protocol Specific port log page for SAS SSP':
self.set_mode(71) # SAS: Switch to SAS SSP mode
if l[:18] == 'Error counter log:':
self.set_mode(76) # SAS: Switch to Error counter log mode
self.next_block_mode = 77
if l[:27] == 'Background scan results log':
self.set_mode(78) # SAS: Switch to Background Scan Results mode
self.next_block_mode = 79
if self.block_mode == 77: # Read Smart Data Section mode
self.parse_health_values(l) # Pass this value through.
### BLOCKS 100 - 200 (RESERVED)
# Now that we know what mode we're in...
if l[:-1] != '': # Found a non-blank line, treat as member of currently selected block.
#print('smarttools: Mode: {:02d}, Appending line to block {}.'.format(self.block_mode, self.block_mode))
self.smart_block.append(l) # Append the line to the current block
if self.debug:
print("smarttools: Number of parsed blocks in record was: {}".format(self.block_switch_counter))
print("smarttools: Number of total blocks in record was: {}".format(self.block_counter))
def return_data(self):
##### Begin packing up the disk_record #####
# Finalize the smart_attributes key for smart_status first
if self.smart_attributes == {}:
if self.verbose:
print("smarttools: Can't find any SMART attributes to capture!")
self.smart_status["smart_attributes"] = {
'error': True,
'error_text': "Unable to capture SMART attributes of this device"
self.smart_attributes["error"] = False
self.smart_attributes["error_text"] = "Success"
self.smart_status["smart_attributes"] = self.smart_attributes
# This little bastard is why return_data is it's own function.
self.smart_status["smart_blocks"] = self.smart_blocks
# Score the drive based on what we've uncovered.
self.smart_status["score"] = self.warnings_issued
# Finalize the smart_status key
self.disk_record["smart_status"] = self.smart_status
# Finalize the disk_information key
self.disk_information["host_ip"] = get_global_ip()
self.disk_information["machine_id"] = get_dbus_machine_id()
self.disk_information["boot_id"] = get_boot_id()
self.disk_information["device_node"] = self.device_node
self.disk_information["last_known_as"] = self.device_node
# Finalize the disk_record itself
self.disk_record["disk_information"] = self.disk_information
return self.disk_record
#### Todo:
mydoc = """
Okay, so the idea here is to split the work up into a couple different parsers.
First we need to section up the text document and figure out where each section is.
Then we need to write a parser for each section.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main program
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If we're invoked as a program; instead of imported as a class...
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Pull in the console tools
from consoletools import prompt, select_yes_no
# Pull in the option parser
from optparse import OptionParser
# Create the option parser object
parser = OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog [options]')
# Define command line options we'll respond to.
parser.add_option('-f', '--file', action='store', dest='file',
help='Manually select a file to test parser against.')
parser.add_option('-d', '--device', action='store', dest='device',
help='Manually select a device to test parser against.')
parser.add_option('-o', '--output', action='store_true', dest='force',
help='Force the parse to occur without prompting.')
parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', dest='quiet',
help='Keeps silent of any prints but the final -o output.')
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose',
help='Print outs contain extra verbosity.')
parser.add_option('-D', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug',
help='Print outs contain extra debugging information.')
# If -h or --help are passed, the above will be displayed.
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if options.device: # If option parse was told about a device, we should use it.
target = options.device
# Read in the values from a live disk for debugging.
values = read_values(target, options.quiet)
if not options.quiet:
print('smarttools: Finished querying device:\n%s' % target)
elif options.file: # If option parse was told about a file, we should use it.
target = options.file
# Read in the values from the sample file.
values = read_values_from_file(target, options.quiet)
if not options.quiet:
print('smarttools: Finished reading file:\n%s' % target)
sys.exit('smarttools: Invalid target specified.')
# We now have all of the device-specific information we need to operate.
if not options.quiet:
print('smarttools: Selected:\n%s' % target)
# Sanity check, we're gonna operate on your device in a second.
if not options.quiet:
print('') # Print a blank line
if options.force or prompt('Parse smartctl data for %s\nContinue? [Y/N]: ' % target, select_yes_no) == 'y':
# Do Stuff Here
the_disk = SmartObject(target, values)
# This option quiets the output down to just the final print.
if options.quiet:
the_disk.quiet = True
# These two toggles spew copious amounts of debugging information when enabled.
if options.verbose:
the_disk.verbose = True
if options.debug:
the_disk.debug = True
# And Here
# And Here
record = the_disk.return_data()
if not options.quiet:
print('') # Print a blank line
if options.force or prompt('Print smartctl results for %s\nContinue? [Y/N]: ' % target, select_yes_no) == 'y':
if not options.quiet:
print('smarttools: Your results:')
print(dumps(record, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
# We've finished operating on the device.
if not options.quiet:
print('\nsmarttools: Operation complete on target %s' % target)
sys.exit("\nsmarttools: Aborted")
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