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Last active August 25, 2018 09:31
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universal wireless manager for micropython
import gc, network, uos, os, machine, json, time, sys, micropython, display
# Start display using the Odroid-GO pins.
#tft.init(tft.ILI9341, width=240, height=320, miso=19, clk=18, mosi=23, dc=21, cs=5, backl_pin=14, backl_on=1, rot=tft.LANDSCAPE_FLIP)
# Mount SD using Odroid-GO pins...
uos.sdconfig(uos.SDMODE_SPI, clk=18, mosi=23, miso=19, cs=22)
# So that we can get the configuration to bring up the network.
from uwm import uwm
# Finally, bring some useful commandline macros in.
from upysh import *
"timesync": {
"hostname": ""
"configuration": {
"fallback": 2
"services": {
"mdns": true,
"workstation": true,
"ftp": true,
"telnet": true,
"web": false,
"password": "micropy"
"access_point": {
"essid": "k-mpy-dev",
"channel": 11,
"hidden": false,
"password": "micropy"
"known_networks": [
["AccessPointA", "PASSw0RD"],
["AccessPointB", "w0RDPASS"]
import json
import utime
import os
import machine
reboot = machine.reset
from micropython import const
import network
START_AP_ALWAYS = const(0)
START_AP_NEVER = const(2)
class uwm:
current_ssid = None
current_ifconfig = None
start_ap = START_AP_NEVER
def mdns(cls):
return network.mDNS()
def getssid(cls):
return cls.current_ssid
def getifconfig(cls):
return cls.wlan().ifconfig()
def wlan(cls):
return network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
def accesspoint(cls):
return network.WLAN(network.AP_IF)
def wants_accesspoint(cls) -> bool:
if cls.start_ap == START_AP_ALWAYS:
return True
elif cls.start_ap == START_AP_FALLBACK:
return not cls.wlan().isconnected()
return False
def setup_network(cls, config_file='/sd/mpy/networks.json') -> bool:
with open(config_file, "r") as f:
config = json.loads(
preferred_networks = config['known_networks']
ap_config = config["access_point"]
services = config["services"]
start_ap = config["configuration"]["fallback"]
except OSError:
print('ODROID-GO had error loading config file, no known networks selected.')
preferred_networks = []
available_networks = {}
print("ODROID-GO searching for networks...")
for network in cls.wlan().scan():
available_networks[network[0].decode("utf-8")] = network[1:]
for preference in [p for p in preferred_networks if p[0] in available_networks]:
print("ODROID-GO connecting to network {0}...".format(preference[0]))
if cls.connect_to(network_ssid=preference[0], password=preference[1]):
if services["mdns"]:
print("ODROID-GO enabling your mdns...")
_ = cls.mdns().start("ODROID-GO", "MicroPython-ESP32 with mDNS")
_ = cls.mdns().addService('_workstation', '_tcp', 9, "MicroPython", {"board": "ESP32", "service": "discard any characters (Port 9)", "closed": "True", "thodin": "True"})
if cls.wants_accesspoint():
print("ODROID-GO enabling your access point...")
return cls.wlan().isconnected()
def connect_to(cls, *, network_ssid: str, password: str) -> bool:
cls.wlan().connect(network_ssid, password)
for check in range(0, 10):
if cls.wlan().isconnected():
cls.current_ssid = network_ssid
cls.current_ifconfig = cls.wlan().ifconfig()
return True
return False
# Define the WiFi events callback function
def wifi_print_cb(cls, info):
print("[WiFi] event: {} ({})".format(info[0], info[1]))
if (info[2]):
print(" info: {}".format(info[2]))
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