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Created July 20, 2023 12:10
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import cats.effect.std.Supervisor
import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp}
import fs2.Stream
import fs2.concurrent.Topic
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
object Topics extends IOApp.Simple {
/** Feeds the provided topic with a timestamp every 500ms */
def tsService(topic: Topic[IO, Long]): IO[Nothing] = {
IO.realTime.flatMap { ts =>
val ts1Millis = ts.toMillis
topic.publish1(ts1Millis).map(_.fold(_ => throw new Exception("Topic closed"), _ => ts1Millis))
}.flatMap { ts1Millis => =>
if (math.abs(ts2.toMillis - ts1Millis) > 1) println(s"Delay: ${math.abs(ts2.toMillis - ts1Millis)}ms")
val n = 10_000
val consumerQueueSize = 1024
def responseStreamFromTopic(topic: Topic[IO, Long]): Stream[IO, Long] = topic.subscribe(consumerQueueSize)
def run: IO[Unit] = {
Supervisor[IO].use { sup =>
for {
tsTopic <- Topic[IO, Long]
_ <- tsService(tsTopic).supervise(sup)
_ <- List.fill(n)(0).parTraverse_(_ => responseStreamFromTopic(tsTopic).compile.drain)
} yield ()
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