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Created August 14, 2023 11:07
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Benchmark IO.async vs manual Deferred
import cats.effect.std.Dispatcher
import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp}
import cats.syntax.all._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
object DeferredAsyncPerf extends IOApp.Simple {
trait Model {
def addListener(onResponse: Either[Throwable, Int] => Unit): Unit
def addListenerInfallible(onResponse: Int => Unit): Unit
def removeListener(onResponse: Either[Throwable, Int] => Unit): Unit
val model = new Model {
private val counter = new AtomicInteger(0)
def addListener(onResponse: Either[Throwable, Int] => Unit): Unit = onResponse(Right(1))
def addListenerInfallible(onResponse: Int => Unit): Unit = onResponse(1)
def removeListener(onResponse: Either[Throwable, Int] => Unit): Unit = ()
val asyncViaAsync: IO[Int] = IO.async { cb =>
IO {
def asyncViaDeferred(dispatcher: Dispatcher[IO]): IO[Int] =
IO.deferred[Either[Throwable, Int]].flatMap { promise =>
val cb: Either[Throwable, Int] => Unit = result => dispatcher.unsafeRunAndForget(promise.complete(result))
def asyncViaDeferredInfallible(dispatcher: Dispatcher[IO]): IO[Int] = {
IO.deferred[Int].flatMap { promise =>
model.addListenerInfallible(n => dispatcher.unsafeRunAndForget(promise.complete(n)))
def run: IO[Unit] = {
val n = 500_000
def benchmark(dispatcher: Dispatcher[IO]): IO[Unit] = {
val viaAsync = asyncViaAsync.replicateA_(n)
val viaDeferred = asyncViaDeferred(dispatcher).replicateA_(n)
val viaDeferredInfallible = asyncViaDeferredInfallible(dispatcher).replicateA_(n)
viaAsync >> IO.print("Benchmark viaAsync: ") >> viaAsync.flatTap(IO.println).void >>
viaDeferred >> IO.print("Benchmark viaDeferred: ") >> viaDeferred.flatTap(IO.println).void >>
viaDeferredInfallible >> IO.print("Benchmark viaDeferredInfallible: ") >> viaDeferredInfallible.flatTap(IO.println).void
(1 to 3).toList.traverse_ { n =>
IO.println(s"Run #$n") >>
IO.println("Sequential dispatcher") >>
Dispatcher.sequential[IO].use(benchmark) >>
IO.println("\nParallel dispatcher") >>
Dispatcher.parallel[IO].use(benchmark) >>
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Sequential dispatcher
Benchmark viaAsync: 57
Benchmark viaDeferred: 3039
Benchmark viaDeferredInfallible: 4008

Parallel dispatcher
Benchmark viaAsync: 55
Benchmark viaDeferred: 7891
Benchmark viaDeferredInfallible: 8090

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