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Last active May 31, 2017 02:59
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import OrderedDict
def frequency_analysis(text):
occurences = {}
counter = 0
for i in range(len(text)):
chara = text[i]
is_alphabet = True if ord('a') <= ord(chara) and ord(chara) <= ord('z') else False
if is_alphabet and chara not in occurences:
counter += 1
occurences[chara] = 1
elif is_alphabet:
counter += 1
occurences[chara] += 1
# アルファベット順にソート
occurences = OrderedDict(sorted(occurences.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
for c, count in occurences.items():
print(c + ':' +str(count / counter * 100))
if __name__ == '__main__':
f = open('freq_sample') #分析するファイルを読み込む
text =
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