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Last active June 27, 2017 08:36
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Cryptographic Algorithm
import functools
def gcd(x, y):
Euclidean Algorithm
return gcd(x, y)
while y:
x, y = y, x % y
return x
def egcd(x, y):
Extended Euclidean Algorithm
return a, b, gcd(x, y) such that ax + by = gcd(x, y)
if y == 0:
return 1, 0, x
q = x // y
r = x % y
b, a, g = egcd(y, r)
return a, b - x // y * a, g
def mod_inv(a, n):
return b such that ab = 1 mod n
inv, _, _ = egcd(a, n)
return inv % n
def chinese_remainder(eq1, eq2):
Chinese remainder theorem
calculate x such that
x = a1 mod n1
x = a2 mod n2
@param eq1 = (a1, n1)
@param eq2 = (a2, n2)
@return x, mod(= n1*n2)
a1, n1 = eq1
a2, n2 = eq2
p, q, g = egcd(n1, n2)
x = a1 + (a2 - a1)*p*n1
mod = n1*n2
return x % mod, mod
def baby_step_giant_step(g, y, p, q):
baby-step giant-step algorithm
calculate x such that g^x(=y) mod p
@param g generator
@param y = g^x
@param p modulus(prime)
@param q order of g
@return x discrete logarithm
table = {}
m = int(q ** 0.5 + 1)
# baby step
b = 1
for j in range(m):
table[b] = j
b = b * g % p
gm = mod_inv(pow(g, m, p), p)
r = y
# giant step
for i in range(m):
if r in table:
x = i*m + table[r]
print("Found:", x)
return x
r = r * gm % p
def pohlig_hellman(p, g, y, phi_p):
pohlig hellman algorithm
eqs = []
for q in phi_p:
b = baby_step_giant_step(pow(g, (p-1)//q, p), pow(y, (p-1)//q, p), p, q)
eqs.append((b, q))
x, mod = functools.reduce(chinese_remainder, eqs)
return x
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