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Last active June 6, 2017 13:23
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Outline of cosmic encounter rules description

Cosmic Encounter


  • Many Alien species, each player chooses from two
  • Each have a special power on big card, plus related flare card, which significantly alter game
  • Have just discovered warp portals left by ancients, but have little control
  • Aim is to establish 5 foreign colonies first
  • Joint victory is fine
  • Each player has a starting hand of 8, can only get new cards when all normal cards used - good and bad


  • colony is one or more ships on one planet
  • start with 5 home colonies in your home system (4 ships on each planet)
  • as you succeed in invasions these ships will move to other peoples systems and become foreign colonies
  • destroyed ships go to the warp, and slowly get repaired (one ship back at start of turn, defensive rewards, some abilities/cards)
  • 3+ home colonies required for alien power to function
  • empty home planets must be invaded to re-establish colony
  • empty home planets are still defended, but with 0 ships


  • Turn has one or two encounters, divided into 7 phases
  • Current player is the offense
  • Abilities only work in certain phases - cards show those phases in orange
  • Start of turn
    • redraw? must have encounter or use any start of turn cards, then discard and draw 8
    • not part of encounter, some abilities trigger
  • Rest are Encounter - may be repeated if first is successful + still have encounter card

Build Up Phases

  • Regroup (get a ship)
    • One ship back from warp to any colony, or directly to gate if no colonies
  • Destiny (determine gate destination)
    • Draw card
    • must have encounter in that system
    • if own colour: redraw, attack foreign colony, re-establish home colony (auto success)
    • wild - any other player
    • artifact - do what it says on card (counts as colour of decided person if it matters)
  • Launch (choose planet and ships)
    • system owner becomes defense
    • choice of target planet - point gate
    • other player colonies are bystanders and are not involved
    • Place 1 to 4 ships from any colonies on gate
    • can empty colony but this is usually a bad idea
    • can be from multiple colonies
  • Alliance (invite friends to attack or defend)
    • Offense extends invites
    • Defense extends invites
    • Each other player clockwise from offense
      • accepts one invite (or declines all)
      • Place 1-4 ships from colonies on gate/near planet
      • becomes offensive ally or defensive ally
    • Offense reward: foriegn colony!!!
    • Defense reward: more cards/ships (reward deck?)
  • Planning (choose an encounter card)
    • If defense has no encounter card reveal hand, play/discard all, draw 8 new cards - repeat until 1 or more encounter card
    • Choose card face down

Cosmic Cards

  • Encounter cards - once out redraw at start of turn
    • Attack (numbers - majority)
    • Negotiate - auto lose unless both players use - if so make deal
    • 1 Morph - copies other card
  • Other basic cards
    • Reinforcements - modify after cards revealed
    • Special - rules on card, show examples, explain Zap!
  • Flare
    • 2 per player - both alien races that player had to choose from
    • Not discarded when used (but are when out of encounter cards)
    • 1 per encounter
    • Use wild unless matches your race AND your power is active (not zapped or low colonies)
  • Cosmic Quake - if can't draw cards - everyone gets new hands of 8

Outcome Phases

  • Reveal (show cards, determine result)
    • Both players reveal chosen cards
    • Attack vs Attack: add ships higher total wins - defender wins ties
      • Offense, Defense, and Allies may play reinforcements to either side in any order until all pass
    • Attack vs Negotiate: Attack player wins, but loser gets compensation
    • Negotiate vs Negotiate: Deal
      • Allies return ships - get nothing
      • Offense and Defense have one minute to make a deal, or lose ships
    • Morph vs Morph - both lose
  • Resolution (hand out rewards and penalties)
    • Offense win: offense + allies form colonies, defense + allies ships to warp, offense may have second encounter
    • Defense win: offense + allies' ships to warp, defense allies return to any colony - 1 rreward (card or ship from warp) for each ship defended with, no second encounter
    • Deal Made: carry out terms, offense may have second encounter
    • Deal Failed: both players lose 3 ships of their choice to the warp, no second encounter
    • Compensation: loser takes 1 card at random from winner's hand for each ship lost to warp (not allies)


  • Allow establishing a colony where you have ships - ships sourced from gate/colonies
  • Transfer cards in hand
  • something must happen - card change hands and/or new colony
  • does not have to be equal
  • ships left on gate return to colonies
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