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Created November 18, 2010 09:43
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BLACK => "\033[30m",
RED => "\033[31m",
GREEN => "\033[32m",
YELLOW => "\033[33m",
BLUE => "\033[34m",
PURPLE => "\033[35m",
CYAN => "\033[36m",
WHITE => "\033[37m",
# background color
BLACKB => "\033[40m",
REDB => "\033[41m",
GREENB => "\033[42m",
YELLOWB => "\033[43m",
BLUEB => "\033[44m",
PURPLEB => "\033[45m",
CYANB => "\033[46m",
WHITEB => "\033[47m",
# bold
B => "\033[1m",
BOFF => "\033[22m",
# italics
I => "\033[3m",
IOFF => "\033[23m",
# underline
U => "\033[4m",
UOFF => "\033[24m",
# invert
R => "\033[7m",
ROFF => "\033[27m",
# reset
RESET => "\033[0m",
Copy link

RED    => "\033[31m",
GREEN  => "\033[32m",
YELLOW => "\033[33m",
BLUE   => "\033[34m",
PURPLE => "\033[35m",
CYAN   => "\033[36m",
WHITE  => "\033[37m",

# background color
BLACKB  => "\033[40m",
REDB    => "\033[41m",
GREENB  => "\033[42m",
YELLOWB => "\033[43m",
BLUEB   => "\033[44m",
PURPLEB => "\033[45m",
CYANB   => "\033[46m",
WHITEB  => "\033[47m",

# bold
B    => "\033[1m",
BOFF => "\033[22m",

# italics
I => "\033[3m",
IOFF => "\033[23m",

# underline
U => "\033[4m",
UOFF => "\033[24m",

# invert
R => "\033[7m",
ROFF => "\033[27m",

# reset
RESET  => "\033[0m",

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