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Created November 26, 2014 09:42
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Bash profile
export EDITOR=vim
alias git-modified-by-me="git log --oneline --author=\"\" | awk '{ print $1; }' | xargs git show --pretty="format:" --name-only | sort | uniq"
alias pprint-json='python -mjson.tool'
alias adb_interesting="adb logcat | perl -ne 'print unless m{(E/Profiler|I/rmt_storage|D/wpa_supplicant|D/skia|./ALSADevice|D/alsa_ucm|D/DHCP|D/qdhwcomposer|./AudioHardwareALSA|D/AudioResourceManager|I/AutoMounter|./Sensors|E/mm-camera|./adsprpc|E/alsa_ucm|./MediaPlayerFactory|I/VolumeManager|./Vold|./CameraService|./mediaserver|./wcnss_service|./mm-camera-intf|WifiWorker component|./QCOM PowerHAL|./AudioFlinger|./AudioUsbALSA|./ALSAStreamOps|./AudioPolicyService|./EventHub|./InputReader|./nsVolume|./libEGL|./Adreno-EGL|./qdhwcomposer|./qdutils|./TrackUtils|./OMXMaster|./AudioUsbALSA)}'"
function find-grep {
find . -iname "$1" -exec grep -H "$2" '{}' \;
function Graph {
git log --graph --oneline --decorate=short --all --simplify-by-decoration --author=`git config`
# Mac
alias listening-ports='sudo lsof -i -P | grep -i listen'
alias gotosleep='pmset sleepnow'
if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then
. ~/.git-completion.bash
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