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Created February 21, 2014 19:41
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import scala.util.Random
object Stick {
def printMaze(m:Map[(Int,Int), String])(implicit size:(Int,Int)) = {
val w = size._1
val h = size._2
for(j <- 0 until h)
for(i <- 0 until w){
m.get((i,j)) match {
case Some(s) => print(s)
case None => print(" ")
def aroundWallMap(implicit size:(Int,Int), wall:String) = {
val w = size._1
val h = size._2
(for(i <- 0 until w) yield ((i,0) -> wall)) ++ (for(i <- 0 until w) yield ((i,h - 1) -> wall)) ++ (for(i <- 0 until h) yield ((0,i) -> wall)) ++ (for(i <- 0 until h) yield ((w - 1, i) -> wall)).toMap
def constantWallMap(implicit size:(Int,Int), wall:String) = {
val w = size._1
val h = size._2
(for(i <- 0 to ((w - 3) / 2) ; j <- 0 to ((h - 3) / 2)) yield ((i * 2 + 2,j * 2 + 2) -> wall)).toMap
def wallStick(m:Map[(Int,Int), String])(implicit wall:String) = {
var dst:Map[(Int,Int),String] = Map()
m foreach(p => {
var t = (new Random).shuffle(List((p._1._1, p._1._2 - 1), (p._1._1, p._1._2 + 1), (p._1._1 - 1, p._1._2), (p._1._1 + 1, p._1._2)))
t = t.tail
dst += t.head -> wall
def main(args:Array[String]) = {
implicit val w = 40 + 3//2n
implicit val h = 20 + 3
implicit val size = (w,h)
implicit val wall = "#"
val a = constantWallMap
val maze = a ++ wallStick(a) ++ aroundWallMap ++ Map((1,1) -> "S",(w - 2,h - 2) -> "G")
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