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Created November 14, 2013 20:01
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LinkedIn OAuth2 flow with POST to /accessToken
def index
def authorize_oauth2
# Redirect to /authorization endpoint
redirect_to client.auth_code.authorize_url(:state => 'thisisatest', :redirect_uri => REDIRECT_URI)
def accept
# Strip out auth code from session param
code = params[:code]
def authorize_user(code)
# Build out URI
uri = URI('')
linkedin_uri = URI.parse('')
https =, linkedin_uri.port)
https.use_ssl = true
https.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
# make POST call to /accessToken endpoint
postData = https.request_post(linkedin_uri.path,'grant_type=authorization_code&code='+ code +'&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2F0.0.0.0%3A3000%2Faccept&client_id=75y05cochdr69u&client_secret=rZ1bUz8om3yaXFw2')
# Put data into hash and display in console - let's see the response header
puts postData.to_hash
body = JSON.parse(postData.body)
# Extract access token
token = body["access_token"]
response = https.request_get(''+ token)
puts response.body
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