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Last active February 20, 2017 09:58
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def draw_board(boardValues):
# draw board func
print('|' + boardValues[0] + '|' + boardValues[1] + '|' + boardValues[2] + '|')
print(' ---') + ('-----')
print('|' + boardValues[3] + '|' + boardValues[4] + '|' + boardValues[5] + '|')
print(' --------')
print('|' + boardValues[6] + '|' + boardValues[7] + '|' + boardValues[8] + '|')
# choose Move Player 2 --> always even turn
def chooseMove(boardValues, playerSymbol):
Move = False
while(not Move):
print draw_board(boardValues)
if playerSymbol == 'X':
otherPlayer = 'O'
otherPlayer = 'X'
choice = int(raw_input("Hi Player. Please pick a number from 1 to 9")) -1
if (boardValues[choice] != playerSymbol) and (boardValues[choice] != otherPlayer):
boardValues[choice] = playerSymbol
Move = True
return WinDraw(boardValues)
# def chooseMove1(boardValues):
# # not a valid move automatically
# Move = False
# while(not Move):
# print draw_board(boardValues)
# choice = int(raw_input("Hi Player 1! Please pick a number from 1 to 9")) -1
# # Enters Turn
# Error check -> between 1 and 9 -> while between 1 and 9
# if (boardValues[choice] != 'X' and boardValues[choice] != 'O'):
# boardValues[choice] = 'X'
# Move = True
# return WinDraw(boardValues)
# def chooseMove2(boardValues):
# # not a valid move automatically
# Move = False
# while(not Move):
# print draw_board(boardValues)
# choice = int(raw_input("Hi Player 2! Please pick a number from 1 to 9")) -1
# # Enters Turn
# # Error check -> between 1 and 9
# if (boardValues[choice] != 'O' and boardValues[choice] != 'X'):
# boardValues[choice] = 'O'
# Move = True
# return WinDraw(boardValues)
# Check Horizontal for a win with values either
#[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [ 7, 8, 9] of same type
def checkHorizontal(boardValues):
if(boardValues[0] == boardValues[1] == boardValues[2]):
Win = True
elif (boardValues[3] == boardValues[4] == boardValues[5]):
Win = True
elif (boardValues[6] == boardValues[7] == boardValues[8]):
Win = True
return Win
#Check Vertical for a win with values either
#[0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8]
def checkVertical(boardValues):
if(boardValues[0] == boardValues[3] == boardValues[6]):
Win = True
elif (boardValues[1] == boardValues[4] == boardValues[7]):
Win = True
elif (boardValues[2] == boardValues[5] == boardValues[8]):
Win = True
return Win
#Check Diagonal for a win with values either
#[0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6]
def checkDiagonal(boardValues):
if(boardValues[0] == boardValues[4] == boardValues[8]):
Win = True
elif (boardValues[2] == boardValues[4] == boardValues[6]):
Win = True
return Win
# check for win or draw
def WinDraw(boardValues):
Win = False
if (checkHorizontal(boardValues) == True):
Win = True
elif (checkVertical(boardValues) == True):
Win = True
elif (checkDiagonal(boardValues) == True):
Win = True
return Win
# draw board
boardList = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"] # -> board
anyWin = False # -> no winners to start
playerTurn = 0 #-> starts at even
print "Player 1, please pick a name."
player1 = raw_input().capitalize()
print "Player 2, please pick a name."
player2 = raw_input().capitalize()
while (not anyWin and playerTurn < 9):
if (playerTurn % 2 == 0):
anyWin = chooseMove(boardList, "X")
anyWin = chooseMove(boardList, "O")
playerTurn = playerTurn + 1
playerTurn = playerTurn - 1
if (not anyWin):
print "Draw!"
elif (playerTurn % 2 == 0): # Even play is player 1
print "Player 1 wins!"
print "Player 2 wins!"
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