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Last active June 14, 2023 22:34
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Knockout.js Binding Performance Reporter
* Performance reporting for Knockout binding handlers
* Usage: Include after all bindings are declared, view console for results.
(function () {
var report = [];
var lastReport = 0;
var debounceWait = 500;
var viewReport = _.debounce(function () {
if (report.length) {
report = _.sortBy(report, "totalDuration").reverse();
_.each(report, function(r) {
r.entries = _.sortBy(r.entries, "duration").reverse();
var worst = _.max(report, function (r) {
return r.totalDuration;
var total = _.reduce(report, function (memo, r) {
return memo + r.totalDuration;
}, 0);
var levels = [
{ min: 0, max: 50, style: "background-color: green; color: white;" },
{ min: 51, max: 150, style: "background-color: orange; color: white;" },
{ min: 151, max: 99999, style: "background-color: red; color: white;" }
var getLevel = function (v) {
return _.find(levels, function (def) {
return v >= def.min && v <= def.max;
console.log("%cKnockout Binding Report", "background-color: yellow; font-size: 2em;");
console.log("Report Date:", new Date().toISOString(), "(+" + (new Date().getTime() - debounceWait - lastReport) + "ms)");
console.log("%cTotal: " + total + "ms", getLevel(total));
console.log("%cTop: " + worst.handler + " (" + worst.totalDuration + "ms)", getLevel(worst.totalDuration));
report = [];
lastReport = new Date().getTime();
}, debounceWait);
var getWrapper = function (bindingName) {
return function(fn, element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
var st = new Date().getTime();
var result = fn(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext);
var duration = new Date().getTime() - st;
var handlerReport = _.findWhere(report, { handler: bindingName });
if (!handlerReport) {
handlerReport = {
handler: bindingName,
totalDuration: 0,
entries: []
handlerReport.totalDuration += duration;
element: element,
binding: (element.attributes && element.attributes["data-bind"]) || element.nodeValue || "",
duration: duration
return result;
_.each(ko.bindingHandlers, function (binding, name) {
if (binding.init) binding.init = _.wrap(binding.init, getWrapper(name + ".init"));
if (binding.update) binding.update = _.wrap(binding.update, getWrapper(name + ".update"));
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