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Created November 26, 2010 10:12
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  • Save kamui/716511 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kamui/716511 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. added a list called errorImages array, and use the onerror callback to add those images to the errorImages array. Both onerror and onload check the length of the images array against the queue + errorImages and calls
imagesQueue.js FULL SOURCE
A simple, cross-browser, *parallel* images loader object.
Check for more details.
onComplete: function(){} // Fires when all finished loading
,onLoaded: function(){} // Fires when an image finishes loading
,onErrored: function(){} // Fires when an image fails to load
,current: null // Last loaded image (Image Object)
,qLength : 0 // the queue length before process_queue
,errorImages: [] // Images that could not be loaded (array of Image Object)
,images: [] // Loaded images (array of Image Object)
,inProcess : false // a flag to indicate if in process_queue
,queue:[] // Waiting to be processed (array of strings (urls for Image SRC))
,queue_images: function(){ // gets multiple arguments each can be either an image src or an array of image src (you can mix).
var arg=arguments;
for (var i=0;i<arg.length;i++){
if (arg[i].constructor === Array){
this.queue= this.queue.concat(arg[i]); // add to queue, do not empty it!
}else if(typeof arg[i]==='string'){
,process_queue: function() { // start loading images from the queue
this.inProcess = true;
this.qLength += this.queue.length;
while(this.queue.length >0){
this.load_image(this.queue.shift()); //pull the next image off the top and load it
this.inProcess = false;
,load_image: function(imageSrc){ // load a single by a url and continue to process the queue
var th = this;
var im = new Image;
im .onerror = function(){
th.current = im ; // set the current
th.errorImages.push(im ); // add the image to the stack
(th.onErrored)(); //fire the onerrored
if(th.queue.length > 0 && !th.inProcess){
th.process_queue(); // make sure other items are loaded!
if(th.qLength == th.images.length + th.errorImages.length){ // all images loaded?
(th.onComplete)(); // call callback
im .onload = function(){ // After user agent has the image
th.current = im ; // set the current
th.images.push(im ); // add the image to the stack
(th.onLoaded)(); //fire the onloaded
if(th.queue.length > 0 && !th.inProcess){
th.process_queue(); // make sure other items are loaded!
if(th.qLength == th.images.length + th.errorImages.length){ // all images loaded?
(th.onComplete)(); // call callback
}//else{// if queue is not empty
// }
im .src = imageSrc; // Tell the User Agent to GET the image
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