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Created August 25, 2020 16:48
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Bypass the annoying paywall on and
// ==UserScript==
// @name Stop the Medium The Pay Wall
// @namespace StopThePayWall
// @version 1
// @include *medium*
// @include *datascience*
// ==/UserScript==
async function abc () {
var resp = (await fetch(location, { "credentials": "omit", "headers": { "Accept": "text/html,text/xhtml,text/xml,*/*", "Connection": "keep-alive", }, "method": "GET", "mode": "cors" }));
var text = await resp.text();
return await text;
async function changeBody() {
var a = await abc();
document.body.innerHTML = a;
window.onload = changeBody()
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@ZhymabekRoman Thanks for this service buddy, can you make it in such a way that we can use libredirect to redirect directly to medium page through your freedium instance and can u make code open source so that maybe someone can help you in this

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@shwetkanwal24, can you explain more details? I can't understand wdym. Also code is opensource:

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kamysheblid commented Aug 31, 2023

This is what I use now and it works very well for me:

I havent used this, but this is for chrome:

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Unfortunately sometimes not works.

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Unfortunately, sites that allow you to bypass paid articles like no longer work, Medium has changed the logic of how they generate access. I have written some open source workaround for the new Medium restriction:

Dude, you nailed it. Thanks a lot!!

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