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Created November 2, 2021 20:28
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{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Bin (BinarySegment (..), bin) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Bits
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
import Data.Char qualified as Char
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Proxy
import Language.Haskell.Meta.Parse
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
class BinarySegment a where
defaultSize :: Proxy a -> Int
decodeBinary :: Proxy a -> ByteString -> Maybe a
encodeBinary :: Proxy a -> Maybe Int -> a -> ByteString
instance BinarySegment Char where
defaultSize _ = 1
decodeBinary _ bs
| not (ByteString.null bs),
let ws = ByteString.unpack bs,
all (== 0) (init ws) =
Just (Char.chr (fromIntegral (last ws)))
decodeBinary _ _ = Nothing
encodeBinary _ Nothing a = ByteString.singleton (fromIntegral (Char.ord a))
encodeBinary _ (Just n) a | n < 1 = ByteString.empty
encodeBinary p (Just n) a = ByteString.replicate (n - 1) 0 <> encodeBinary p Nothing a
instance BinarySegment ByteString where
defaultSize _ = 1
decodeBinary _ = Just
encodeBinary _ Nothing bs = bs
encodeBinary _ (Just n) bs = ByteString.take n bs
instance BinarySegment Int where
defaultSize _ = 1
decodeBinary _ bs =
let ws = ByteString.unpack bs
in Just (foldl' (\a b -> a `shiftL` 8 .|. fromIntegral b) 0 ws)
encodeBinary p n x = go (case n of Nothing -> 1; Just n -> n) x []
go 0 x r = ByteString.pack r
go n x r = go (n - 1) (x `shiftR` 8) (fromIntegral (x .&. 255) : r)
data Segment
= Int Int
| Char Char
| String String
| Variable Name
deriving stock (Show)
data Size = Limited Exp | Rest deriving stock (Show)
pattern ConsE <- ConE ((== '(:)) -> True)
pattern UnitE <- ConE ((== mkName "()") -> True)
parsePattern :: String -> [(Segment, Size, Maybe Type)]
parsePattern source =
case parseExp ("[" <> source <> "]") of
Left err -> error err
Right (ListE segments) -> either error id (traverse (uncurry translate) (markWithLast segments))
_ -> error "invalid format"
translate :: Exp -> Bool -> Either String (Segment, Size, Maybe Type)
translate e isLast = do
(e, mty) <- extractType e
(e, msize) <- extractSize isLast e
seg <- extractSegment e
let mty' = mty <|> defaultSegType seg
let size = case (msize, mty') of
(Just size, _) -> size
(Nothing, Just ty) -> Limited (mkDefaultSize ty)
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Limited (LitE (IntegerL 1))
pure (seg, size, mty')
extractType :: Exp -> Either String (Exp, Maybe Type)
extractType (SigE e ty) = Right (e, Just ty)
extractType e = Right (e, Nothing)
extractSize :: Bool -> Exp -> Either String (Exp, Maybe Size)
extractSize True (UInfixE e ConsE UnitE) = Right (e, Just Rest)
extractSize False (UInfixE e ConsE UnitE) = Left "Unlimited size can be used only for last segment"
extractSize _ (UInfixE e ConsE size) = Right (e, Just (Limited size))
extractSize _ e = Right (e, Nothing)
extractSegment :: Exp -> Either String Segment
extractSegment (LitE (IntegerL i)) = Right (Int (fromInteger i))
extractSegment (LitE (CharL c)) = Right (Char c)
extractSegment (LitE (StringL s)) = Right (String s)
extractSegment (VarE var) = Right (Variable var)
extractSegment e = Left ("Invalid binary pattern segment: " <> show e)
defaultSegType :: Segment -> Maybe Type
defaultSegType (Int _) = Just (ConT ''Int)
defaultSegType (Char _) = Just (ConT ''Char)
defaultSegType (String _) = Just (ConT ''ByteString)
defaultSegType (Variable _) = Nothing
mkDefaultSize :: Type -> Exp
mkDefaultSize ty = AppE (VarE 'defaultSize) (SigE (ConE 'Proxy) (AppT (ConT ''Proxy) ty))
markWithLast :: [a] -> [(a, Bool)]
markWithLast = foldr (\x -> \case [] -> [(x, True)]; xs -> (x, False) : xs) []
fetch :: BinarySegment a => Proxy a -> Int -> ByteString -> Maybe (a, ByteString)
fetch _ size bs = do
let (part, rest) = ByteString.splitAt size bs
guard (ByteString.length part == size)
value <- decodeBinary Proxy part
pure (value, rest)
mkProxy :: Maybe Type -> ExpQ
mkProxy Nothing = [e|Proxy|]
mkProxy (Just ty) = [e|Proxy :: Proxy $(pure ty)|]
binPat :: String -> PatQ
binPat = build . parsePattern
build :: [(Segment, Size, Maybe Type)] -> PatQ
build [] = [p|(ByteString.null -> True)|]
build [(seg, Rest, mty)] =
[p|(decodeBinary $(mkProxy mty) -> Just $(segToPat seg))|]
build ((seg, Limited size, mty) : segs) =
[p|(fetch $(mkProxy mty) $(pure size) -> Just ($(segToPat seg), $(build segs)))|]
segToPat :: Segment -> PatQ
segToPat (Int i) = litP (IntegerL (fromIntegral i))
segToPat (Char c) = litP (CharL c)
segToPat (String s) = [p|((== fromString $(litE (StringL s))) -> True)|]
segToPat (Variable v) = varP v
binExp :: String -> ExpQ
binExp = build . parsePattern
build [] = [e|ByteString.empty|]
build ((seg, size, mty) : segs) =
[e|encodeBinary $(mkProxy mty) $size' $(segToExp seg) <> $(build segs)|]
size' = case size of Limited s -> [e|Just $(pure s)|]; Rest -> [e|Nothing|]
segToExp :: Segment -> ExpQ
segToExp (Int i) = litE (IntegerL (fromIntegral i))
segToExp (Char c) = litE (CharL c)
segToExp (String s) = [e|fromString $(litE (StringL s))|]
segToExp (Variable v) = varE v
bin :: QuasiQuoter
bin =
{ quotePat = binPat,
quoteExp = binExp,
quoteType = error "unimplemented: bin type",
quoteDec = error "unimplemented: bin declaration"
main = do
let q = "'Q', _len:4, query:() :: PGString"
traverse print (parsePattern q)
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
import Bin (BinarySegment (..), bin)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
import Data.String (fromString)
data Message
= Query PGString
deriving stock (Show)
newtype PGString = PGString ByteString
deriving stock (Show)
pglen :: PGString -> Int
pglen (PGString bs) = ByteString.length bs
instance BinarySegment PGString where
defaultSize _ = 1
decodeBinary _ bs = case ByteString.unsnoc bs of
Just (bs, 0) -> Just (PGString bs)
_ -> Nothing
encodeBinary _ _ (PGString bs) = bs <> ByteString.singleton 0
encodeMessage :: Message -> ByteString
encodeMessage (Query query) =
let size = pglen query + 5
in [bin| 'Q', size:4, query:() |]
decodeMessage :: ByteString -> Maybe Message
decodeMessage [bin| 'Q', _len:4 :: Int, query:() |] = Just (Query query)
decodeMessage _ = Nothing
main = do
let query = PGString (fromString "hello")
let msg = encodeMessage (Query query)
print (ByteString.unpack msg)
print (decodeMessage msg)
-- [81,0,0,0,10,104,101,108,108,111,0]
-- Just (Query (PGString "hello"))
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