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Created April 27, 2021 10:34
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From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
(* Expr lang *)
Inductive expr : Type :=
| Const of nat
| Plus of expr & expr
| Minus of expr & expr
| Mult of expr & expr.
Fixpoint eval (e : expr) : nat :=
match e with
| Const x => x
| Plus a b => eval a + eval b
| Minus a b => eval a - eval b
| Mult a b => eval a * eval b
(* Stack lang *)
Inductive instr := Push of nat | Add | Sub | Mul.
Fixpoint compile (e : expr) : seq instr :=
match e with
| Const x => [::Push x]
| Plus a b => compile a ++ compile b ++ [::Add]
| Minus a b => compile a ++ compile b ++ [::Sub]
| Mult a b => compile a ++ compile b ++ [::Mul]
(* Stack lang runner *)
Definition run_step (s : seq nat) (i : instr) : seq nat :=
match i with
| Push x => x::s
| Add => if s is b::a::s then a+b::s else s
| Sub => if s is b::a::s then a-b::s else s
| Mul => if s is b::a::s then a*b::s else s
Definition run (p : seq instr) (s : seq nat) : seq nat :=
foldl run_step s p.
(* Stack lang decompiller *)
Definition dec_step (s : seq expr) (i : instr) : seq expr :=
match i with
| Push x => Const x :: s
| Add => if s is b::a::s then Plus a b :: s else s
| Sub => if s is b::a::s then Minus a b :: s else s
| Mul => if s is b::a::s then Mult a b :: s else s
Definition dec (p : seq instr) (s : seq expr) : seq expr :=
foldl dec_step s p.
Definition decompile (p : seq instr) : option expr :=
if dec p [::] is [::result] then Some result else None.
(* Stack lang proof *)
Lemma run_cat : forall xs ys s, run (xs ++ ys) s = run ys (run xs s).
by elim=> // x xs ih ys s; rewrite /= ih. Qed.
Theorem run_compile e : run (compile e) [::] = [::eval e].
by elim: e [::] => // a iha b ihb s; rewrite !run_cat iha ihb. Qed.
(* Decompiller proof *)
Lemma dec_cat : forall xs ys s, dec (xs ++ ys) s = dec ys (dec xs s).
by elim=> // x xs ih ys s; rewrite /= ih. Qed.
Theorem dec_compile e : dec (compile e) [::] = [::e].
by elim: e [::] => // a iha b ihb s; rewrite !dec_cat iha ihb. Qed.
Lemma decompile_compile e : decompile (compile e) = Some e.
by rewrite /decompile dec_compile. Qed.
Lemma compile_inj : injective compile.
apply: pcan_inj decompile_compile. Qed.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
(* Basic definition *)
Inductive expr : Type :=
| Const of nat
| Plus of expr & expr
| Minus of expr & expr
| Mult of expr & expr.
Fixpoint eval (e : expr) : nat :=
match e with
| Const x => x
| Plus a b => eval a + eval b
| Minus a b => eval a - eval b
| Mult a b => eval a * eval b
Inductive instr := Push of nat | Add | Sub | Mul.
Fixpoint compile (e : expr) : seq instr :=
match e with
| Const x => [::Push x]
| Plus a b => compile a ++ compile b ++ [::Add]
| Minus a b => compile a ++ compile b ++ [::Sub]
| Mult a b => compile a ++ compile b ++ [::Mul]
(* Generic prog elim *)
Record prog_elim_alg T := mk_alg
{ on_push : nat -> T
; on_add : T -> T -> T
; on_sub : T -> T -> T
; on_mul : T -> T -> T
Definition prog_elim_step {T} alg s i : seq T :=
match i with
| Push x => on_push T alg x :: s
| Add => if s is b::a::s then on_add T alg a b :: s else s
| Sub => if s is b::a::s then on_sub T alg a b :: s else s
| Mul => if s is b::a::s then on_mul T alg a b :: s else s
Definition prog_elim {T} alg p s : seq T :=
foldl (prog_elim_step alg) s p.
(* Generic proofs *)
Lemma prog_elim_cat {T} {alg : prog_elim_alg T} : forall xs ys s,
prog_elim alg (xs ++ ys) s = prog_elim alg ys (prog_elim alg xs s).
by elim=> // x xs ih ys s; rewrite /= ih. Qed.
Record good_eval {T} (f : expr -> T) alg : Prop := mk_good_eval
{ good_on_push : forall x, f (Const x) = on_push T alg x
; good_on_plus : forall a b, f (Plus a b) = on_add T alg (f a) (f b)
; good_on_minus : forall a b, f (Minus a b) = on_sub T alg (f a) (f b)
; good_on_mult : forall a b, f (Mult a b) = on_mul T alg (f a) (f b)
Lemma prog_elim_compile {T f alg} {good : @good_eval T f alg} : forall e s,
prog_elim alg (compile e) s = f e :: s.
case: good => [gp ga gs gm].
elim=> [x|||]; first by rewrite gp.
all: by move=> a iha b ihb s; rewrite !prog_elim_cat iha ihb (ga, gs, gm).
(* Example prog elims *)
Definition run := prog_elim (mk_alg _ id addn subn mult).
Definition dec := prog_elim (mk_alg _ Const Plus Minus Mult).
Definition decompile (p : seq instr) : option expr :=
if dec p [::] is [::result] then Some result else None.
Theorem run_correct e : run (compile e) [::] = [::eval e].
by apply: prog_elim_compile. Qed.
Theorem dec_correct e : dec (compile e) [::] = [::e].
by apply: prog_elim_compile. Qed.
Lemma decompile_compile e : decompile (compile e) = Some e.
by rewrite /decompile dec_correct. Qed.
Lemma compile_inj : injective compile.
apply: pcan_inj decompile_compile. Qed.
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