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Created November 3, 2010 03:21
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" Assumption: This script is executed by gVim.
function! s:css_property_from(vim_attribute)
if a:vim_attribute ==# 'bold' || a:vim_attribute ==# 'standout'
return 'font-weight: bolder;'
elseif a:vim_attribute ==# 'underline'
return 'text-decoration: underline;'
elseif a:vim_attribute ==# 'undercurl'
return 'border-bottom: thin dashed;'
elseif a:vim_attribute ==# 'italic'
return 'font-style: italic;'
return printf('/* FIXME: Support %s */', a:vim_attribute)
function! s:css_properties_from(vim_attributes)
let as = split(a:vim_attributes, ',')
return join(map(as, 's:css_property_from(v:val)'), ' ')
function! s:convert_vim_syntax_highlighting_into_css()
" Dump the current configuration of syntax highlighting into the new buffer.
redir => s
silent highlight
redir END
put =s
" Remove garbage.
% substitute/\s\+/ /g
global/\<cleared\>/delete _
global/\<links\> \<to\>/delete _
global/^\l/delete _
% substitute/ \<c\?term\S\+//g
% substitute/ \<xxx\>//
global/^ *$/delete _
" CSS'ize.
% substitute/\<guifg=\(\S\+\)/color: \L\1;/
% substitute/\<guibg=\(\S\+\)/background-color: \L\1;/
% substitute/\<guisp=\(\S\+\)/border-color: \L\1;/
% substitute/\<gui=\(\S\+\)/\=s:css_properties_from(submatch(1))/
% substitute/^\(\S\+\) \(.*\)$/.\1 {\2}/
" Tidy up.
setfiletype css
silent call s:convert_vim_syntax_highlighting_into_css()
.ColorColumn {background-color: darkred;}
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.SpecialKey {color: #66ff66; background-color: #000000;}
.SpellBad {border-bottom: thin dashed; border-color: red;}
.SpellCap {border-bottom: thin dashed; border-color: blue;}
.SpellLocal {border-bottom: thin dashed; border-color: cyan;}
.SpellRare {border-bottom: thin dashed; border-color: magenta;}
.Statement {font-weight: bolder; color: khaki;}
.StatusLine {font-weight: bolder; color: #000000; background-color: #666666;}
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.Title {color: #000000; background-color: #cc6633;}
.Todo {color: orangered; background-color: yellow2;}
.Type {font-weight: bolder; color: darkkhaki;}
.Underlined {text-decoration: underline; color: #80a0ff;}
.VertSplit {color: #000000; background-color: #666666;}
.Visual {font-weight: bolder; background-color: #665544;}
.VisualNOS {font-weight: bolder; background-color: #556644;}
.WarningMsg {color: #ffffff; background-color: #cc6600;}
.WildMenu {color: #000000; background-color: #ffff00;}
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kana commented Nov 3, 2010

@gmarik Thank you!

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